Bulletin Notices for July 29, 2018

Hands of Grace…is in need of cereal, soup, and juice bottles (no grape).   

AED Trained?  Please contact Cheryl Lowman at cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you have been trained to use a defibrillator device as we have here at church to the right as you exit the narthex. We are putting together a list of those who have this training and we would love to include you. Thank you very much!

Wednesday Night Worship and Prayer Ministry…resumes this coming Wednesday, August 1st.  Prayer at 6:30 pm in the Upper Conference Room – Worship at 7:00 pm.

Occupations Bulletin Board…Have you ever needed to inquire about a household repair problem or decision and wondered if someone in our church family could give you advice or provide the needed service?  Have you ever wondered if someone at St. Paul’s is a carpenter, babysitter, notary, lawyer, welder, cleaning person, caterer, etc…?  The Board of Stewardship has establish an Occupations Bulletin Board displaying business cards, flyers, or typed information regarding our members who are self-employed or business owners.  Please leave your cards, flyers, or printed information in Janice’s office and we will arrange the new bulletin board once collected. This is one more way to connect with our church family to receive advice or hire someone for needed services they provide. Thank you, Board of Stewardship.   

Ladies Aid Society…will meet Sunday, August 12th, 11:00am, at my house for a potluck brunch.  We will be making plans for New Hartford Day (Sept. 16th) and the Christmas Fair (Dec. 1st).   All women of the church are welcomed!!  If you are able to come, please respond to me at slutheranchurch@snet.net or call      the church office at 860-379-3172.  Thank you, Janice Becker   

Christmas in July?…no, but it is time for a reminder that the annual LAS Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 1st.  Please think of what you can do or make to support the fair.  Donations of ornaments, knitted/sewn goods, craft items, art work, baked goods, candy, etc. would be appreciated.  Thank you, Ladies Aid Society.

Women’s Monthly Bible Study… will take place on Tuesday July 31st at 1:00 pm.  All women are welcome, even if you can only come once in a while or even just once.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Cheryl Lowman at cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com   Thanks!   

Monday Night Bible Study…will not meet in August.   

Friendship Ablaze! You’re all invited to be a part of this 4 week inspirational series called Friendship Ablaze! Sunday mornings will include a series of worship services and instructional sermons that empower God’s people to invite their friends to meet their best friend, Jesus! We are also having a series of Bible studies that share practical ways for you to continue to grow in your efforts to connect people to Jesus in your daily lives and friendships. Friendship Sunday will be the last week of the series at our worship and picnic at Brodie Park on August 5th.  On that day, everyone is encouraged to invite a friend, especially those without a church home or a relationship with Jesus, to join you for the special worship service and picnic. I invite, encourage, and challenge you all to be a part of Friendship Ablaze! 

  • July 15th: “Friendship Ablaze!”
  • July 22nd: “Friendship Fever – Catch It!”
  • July 29th: “Friendship in Action – Doing the Ask!”
  • August 5th: “Friendship Sunday”

What should I bring to worship and the picnic?…Here you go…

  • Your family, friends, and neighbors who don’t have a church home or know the Lord.
  • Potluck dish to share. There is no refrigeration available, so please bring cold items in a cold bag for the time before lunch.
  • Lawn/bag chairs for the picnic – folding chairs will be provided for worship.
  • Your favorite lawn games/outdoor activities for the picnic or cards and board games for hanging out together.
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