Bulletin Notices for January 6, 2019

Hands of Grace…is in need of juice, any flavor.  Thank you.

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes…are on their way. I found out that the ones I registered on “track your box” went to Kenya and Malawi! Where did your box go?  Please let us know!  It will be fun to see how far St. Paul’s boxes have traveled.  Please continue to pray for the child who will open your box, and that they will be touched with the message of Jesus’ love. Such joy to share the Gospel of Jesus in the world! To God be praise! Denise Yoreo, Mission Board Chairman

2019 Offering Envelopes…are in the upper fellowship room. If you need offering envelopes or have questions, contact Allison Mongeau at bookessentials@sbcglobal.net

Annual Voter’s Meeting…will be on Sunday, January 20th at 12:00 pm. Please plan on attending this meeting where we will hear year end reports, approve the 2019 church budget, vote on changes to the By-Laws in our Constitution, and elect church leaders.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH  (Young Ladies and Mentors Group) will be meeting Saturday, January 26th from 2 – 3:30 pm.  We will be studying and discussing “Contentment”.  Come join us for our study, snacks, fellowship and fun!  Please contact Miss Judy (Byrne) to let her know if you are planning to attend.

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