Bulletin Notices for August 25, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is unable to get some of their basic food needs from Connecticut Food Bank at this time.  Any donation is appreciated but they are in the greatest need of cereal (healthier kinds) and soup. Thank you!  

OCTOBER …is Operation Christmas Child Shoebox month! Our goal is 100 boxes! More information coming soon!

CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST …no, but it is time for a reminder that the annual Ladies’ Aid Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 7th. Please think of what you can do or make to support the fair.  Donations of ornaments, knitted/sewn goods, craft items, art work, baked goods, candy, etc. would be appreciated.

Sunday Schedule – beginning September 15th

In an effort to best serve the needs of the St. Paul’s family, the following Sunday morning schedule will be implemented for the fall. If you would like further details, please see the email sent from the Board of Elders this week, or pick up a copy of the email in the narthex.

8:00 am – Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:15-9:45 am – Coffee fellowship time for both early and late services

9:45 am – Blended Worship with Holy Communion

(both traditional and contemporary elements in the music and liturgy)

9:45 am – Bible study and Sunday school

(kids will be in worship from 9:45-10:00 then in class)

Rally Day / Sunday School Kick-Off – Sunday, September 8th!

All are invited to this exciting morning at St. Paul’s as we kick off the fall schedule of worship and education. The day will include the installation of our Education leaders and the first Sunday of Bible study and activities for kids, youth, and adults. Worship at 9:00 am with Education Activities, Fellowship, and Food to follow!

PLEASE check your church mailbox and on your way down to coffee hour and take a moment to read our St. Paul’s Occupations Board in the downstairs hallway. 

New England District LWML Fall Retreat

This Retreat is a time of fun and fellowship with guest speakers! It is not a decision making business meeting as was necessary in the Spring Rally. The Retreat will take place on Friday, November 1st to Saturday, November 2nd, at the Double Tree Hartford, 16 Ella Grasso Turnpike, in Windsor Locks, CT.  Please contact Cheryl Lowman at cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are looking for a roommate/carpool situation to attend both days.  Also, if you would like to attend on Saturday only; we are hoping to arrange for carpools from the church parking lot.  This Retreat will bring refreshment for our souls, boost our spiritual growth in Christ and allow us to be part of the LWML mission focus that has and is touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of those in need.  More details will follow in September.

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