Young Ladies Mentor Group will meet…
- Saturday, Nov. 17th from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. All are welcome – bring a friend!
- Saturday, Dec. 15th from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm for cookie making. The cookies will be distributed during caroling to our in-home Saints the following day.
For more information contact Judy Byrne at
Festival Choir…All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. First rehearsal is Wednesday, November 14th, @ 6:30pm, followed by rehearsal on Sunday, November 18th, following the 10:45am Service.
Hands Of Grace…grab a bag in the narthex to provide food for Thanksgiving meals!
Mark your calendar to participate in these Ladies’ Aid Christmas Fair Events…
- Wreath making, Sunday, November 25th, details to follow.
- Annual Christmas Fair, Saturday, December 1st. Think of what you can do to support the Fair, details to follow.
Fall Family Festival…TODAY from 3:00-5:00 here at St. Paul’s! Invite your friends and neighbors! All are welcome for Fall activities, Arts and Crafts, Face Painting, Games, and more! Please see Amy Eversole or Pastor Manor with any questions.
Seeking willing individuals…who would like to serve the Lord with gladness in the following areas:
- Stewardship Board – please see John Burdick
- In-home Saints Care Ministry – please see Cheryl Lowman
- Hospitality Meals Ministry – please see Leslie Denton (You could serve once or twice a year if that fits your schedule). Meals are arranged for St. Paul’s church family members when needed after surgeries or in other difficult times.
- If there is another area not mentioned above, where you would like to serve, please see John Burdick or Cheryl Lowman.
November 11st is Veterans Day… A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Here at St. Paul’s, we would like to honor our church family members, and their family members, who are or were Veterans of our US Armed Forces. To do that, we’d love to have a photo of those Veterans available to display that day. Please submit your electronic or hard-copy photo to the church office or to Pastor Manor by TODAY. Hard-copy photos will be returned to you.
Psalm 96:1
Operation Christmas Child is a way to be involved in evangelism and discipleship of children around the world! Every gift is an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus. Our goal is to pack 100 boxes!
- Get a shoebox and packing label located in the Narthex or supply your own shoebox. An average size plastic shoebox may be used. This is an added gift! Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes may be bought at Hobby Lobby.
- Pick up a packing label or print one online at
- You may also register you shoebox at the above website to follow your box and discover its destination.
- Include a $9 donation per box for transport of the box.
- We will shop for you. Monetary donations may be made to the church. Mark the offering MISSIONS/Operation Christmas Child. **Monetary donations must be made by November 4**
- Box collection day is November 11th.
If you have any questions, please speak to a Mission Board Member: Denise Yoreo, Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin, Dave Hudon, Pastor Mongeau.