Notices for March 30, 2025

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of new or gently used queen size sheets, bath towels, coffee, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste. Thank you!

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 12th, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.   Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

ON SUNDAY April 6th there will be a Special Voters’ meeting to review and adopt a revised operating budget for 2025. This meeting will follow the service.

FESTIVAL CHOIR…..  Please consider joining us to sing for Easter Sunday Service: April 20th, 9AM.  Practices will be directly after Sunday service for 10-15 minutes.  All ages and voice parts welcome.  It is not necessary to read music, just be able to carry a tune.  Please see Ruth Yeadon for more information. 


We will have a casual fellowship dinner at 6:00pm prior to our midweek service.

Come as you are. Bring a dish to share if you would like. 

Everyone is invited! Feel free to bring a friend!

April 2nd at 7:00pm – “Hands that Resurrect”

April 9th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Protect”

April 17th – Maundy Thursday with Communion – 7:00pm.

April 18th – Good Friday – Service at noon and 7:00pm.

April 20th – Easter Sunday Service at 9:00am.

EASTER POTLUCK BRUNCH immediatelyfollowing the service. Coffee and tea provided.  If you would like, bring a dish to share.  All are welcome. 

WINDOWS OF JOY, Christian, womens’ singles group, will meet Saturday, April 5th, at1:00pm, here at St. Paul’s.  Come join us for refreshments, conversation, devotions from God’s Word, prayer, and encouragement. 

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox. 

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