Notices for February 26, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant (men and women), toothpaste and coffee.  Thank you.

DO YOU LIKE SOUP?  The Ladies Aid will be selling delicious, homemade 16 oz. containers of soup for $8.00.  Starting on March 5th, we will be taking preorders for soup to be picked up after services on Sunday, March 19thQuantities of soup are limited so please place your order early before soup is sold out.  If you have any questions, Marge Veronesi or Emily Poudin are happy to help.

A BIRD TALK on The Secret Life of Crows will be given by Fred Lowman on SATURDAY, MARCH 11th at 2 p.m. in the Lower Fellowship Room! Desserts provided.  This would be a great outreach opportunity to invite friends and neighbors! 

Windows of Joy Single Women’s Group will meet Saturday, March 4th at 2pm. Following a devotion, we will play Board games!  Bring your favorite board game along with you if you’d like!  Please call or text Linda Pekrul at (860) 505-9005 if you are planning to attend. 

ALTAR GUILD is in need of volunteers to set up for Holy Communion.  Training is provided!  Please contact Cynthia Boyle for more information. 

LENTEN MID-WEEK DINNERS begin WEDNESDAY MARCH 1ST at 6 PM.  The dinners will begin the week after Ash Wednesday which is on February 22nd.   Bring something to share if you can; if you can’t it is so OK, please come anyways!  Please come and enjoy Christian fellowship and a light meal together during this very special season of Lent. 

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet today from 2:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. We will be studying the Samaritan Woman – Finding the Water of Life. Please let Judy know if you will be coming or not. Thank you.

FESTIVAL CHOIR has begun practicing for holy Week and the Easter.  Practice will be held from 9:20 – 9:40am.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

IN NEED OF PRAYER?  St. Paul’s has an active prayer ministry where several of our members have committed to pray for the individual needs of our brothers and sisters in-Christ. If you would like prayer, please send your prayer request to Judy Byrne at where your prayer requests will be kept confidential.

THANK YOU everyone for the cards, text messages, emails and phone calls as I recovery from hip surgery.  Your caring thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.  Allison

From Pastor Mandile…

LCMS STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY Matthew 4:7 – “Jesus said to him, ‘Again it is written…’” Jesus defeats Satan in our place, not by using His power as God, but by His perfect obedience in His perfect humanity. Jesus defeats Satan not by miracles, but by quoting the Scriptures and living according to them. This should cause us great joy for two reasons. First, we see Jesus win the victory for us. Second, here Jesus shows us how to stand in that victory: on the Word of God alone.

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