Notices for July 3, 2022

>>>PASTOR MANDILE’S OFFICE HOURS:  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: 9:00am -12pm.  If you cannot come in during these hours, feel free to call or email me at any time to schedule a time to meet. As I find out what times work best for you all, I’ll adjust these hours. I look forward to hearing from you! –

Pastor Mandile


HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo and white rice.  Thank you.


Have you started packing your Gospel Opportunity Shoebox? 

It’s a good time of the year to find summer clearance items.  Don’t procrastinate and wait until October!  If you are following our suggestions, you should have a WOW item and a clothing item in your box.  Now, let’s focus on hygiene items. For example, toothbrushes, combs and brushes, nail clippers, washcloths…. Boxes are available in the narthex along with a brochure and packing suggestions.  


JUST A REMINDER that we have an active and confidential prayer ministry here at church. There are several faithful and fervent prayer warriors who are ready to pray for you. No prayer request is too big or too little. Remember – Our God is a mountain-moving God!  Our email is

THANK YOU! We are so grateful for the thoughtful housewarming gifts and support we have received from all of you upon our arrival in New Hartford. We are especially thankful for the last-minute help unloading our moving truck last Friday evening. Thank you for receiving us into the St. Paul’s family with such warm, Christian love.

-Pastor Mandile and Michala. 

REMINDER:  Third Thursday Thing will meet July 21st at 6:00pm at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church welcomed.   

Notices for June 26, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo and toothpaste.  Thank you.

MISSIONS:  Have you picked up a “Gospel Opportunities Shoebox?”   Have you packed a Wow gift? 

Now it’s time to pack a clothing item. Clearance sales have begun!  Suggestions:  Dresses, skirts, shorts, shirts, long pants, sneakers, sandals, flip flops, hat.  Let God lead you toward the child recipient that He knows will receive your box!  Pick up a box, located in the narthex, along with the gift suggestion guide.  Questions?  See Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Travis Poudin, Deb Eddy, Pastor Mongeau 

JUST A REMINDER that we have an active and confidential prayer ministry here at church. There are several faithful and fervent prayer warriors who are ready to pray for you. No prayer request is too big or too little. Remember – Our God is a mountain-moving God!  Our email is

THANK YOU! We are so grateful for the thoughtful housewarming gifts and support we have received from all of you upon our arrival in New Hartford. We are especially thankful for the last-minute help unloading our moving truck last Friday evening. Thank you for receiving us into the St. Paul’s family with such warm, Christian love.

-Pastor Mandile and Michala. 

Notices for June 19, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo and toothpaste.  Thank you.

MISSIONS:   Have you picked up a “Gospel Opportunities Shoebox “?  Have you packed a Wow gift? 

Now it’s time to pack a clothing item. Clearance sales have begun!  Suggestions:  Dresses, skirts, shorts, shirts, long pants, sneakers, sandals, flip flops, hat.  Let God lead you toward the child recipient that He knows will receive your box!  Pick up a box, located in the narthex, along with the gift suggestion guide.  Questions?  See Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Travis Poudin, Deb Eddy, Pastor Mongeau 

MARK YOU CALENDAR!  Ordination and installation of Anthony Mandile IV will be held at St. Paul’s on Saturday, June 25th, at 1:00pm.  Please keep Anthony and his wife, Michala, in your prayers. Everyone is invited to attend the Reception immediately following the Ceremony.   A wonderful abundance of special finger foods and desserts will be served.  May our Lord be glorified as we extend a Warm Welcome to our new Pastor Mandile and Michala! 

Reminder: SONS OF THUNDER will be collecting clean empty plastic bottles and cans next Sunday between services. 

PASTOR’S WELCOME BASKET:  we are doing a welcoming gift basket for the new pastor and his wife. This will consist of a combination of gift cards and basic household supplies.  Please feel free to donate gift cards from any of the retailers listed below for any value:



Stop & Shop

Market 32

Dunkin Donuts

In addition, the basic household supplies would include items such as the following:

paper plates, plastic cutlery, paper cups, paper towels, etc.… This is to assist the new pastor in his transition into the parsonage. For more details, or additional information, please contact Amy Eversole at Please leave donations in the conference room behind Pastor’s office by Monday.   

In his service, 

Joe Eversole

SNACK AND DECORATION DONATIONS for VBS are needed! Please leave all donations in the church kitchen by Monday and put your name on your decoration donations so that they may be returned to you: 

Plain M&Ms                                                    Faux or real plants, vines, and leaves.

Mini pretzels                                                   Stuffed or inflatable, jungle animals.             

Plain cheddar gold fish crackers                     Green tarps.

Animal crackers                                              Electric waterfall or Serenity Indoor

Golden Grahams cereal                                      fountain centerpiece.

Fruit loops cereal

Fruit snacks

Mini marshmallows

Milk chocolate chips

Rainbow sprinkles

Hershey syrup chocolate and caramel

2-3 cans of whip cream

JUST A REMINDER that we have an active and confidential prayer ministry here at church. There are several faithful and fervent prayer warriors who are ready to pray for you. No prayer request is too big or too little. Remember – Our God is a mountain-moving God!  Our email is

Notices for June 12, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo and toothpaste.  Thank you.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or

SAVE THE DATE:  WINDOWS OF JOY!  – Saturday – June 18th, 2:00pm, at Linda Pekrul’s home for our first gathering!  This is a monthly Women’s Singles Group with a focus on joy and fellowship! Please email Cheryl Lowman at or contact Linda Pekrul for her address and to let her know if you are coming.  Snacks and Beverages provided!  Consider coming to make new friends and strengthen already made friendships and grow, grow, grow in the love and light of Christ together!  

PHOTOS!  Council is asking that you submit a photo (selfies/family), with family members labeled, to St. Paul’s so that our new pastor can learn everyone’s name.  Please leave photos in the labeled basket on the secretary’s desk.  Thank you.

Some Ladies Aid Women are joyfully putting together a “Welcome Basket” for our new Pastor and his new wife, Michala.  If you would like to help, please contact Cheryl Lowman at

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet June 16th, 6:00pm, at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church welcomed. 

MISSIONS:   Have you picked up a “Gospel Opportunities Shoebox “ ?  Have you packed a Wow gift? 

Now it’s time to pack a clothing item. Clearance sales have begun!  Suggestions:  Dresses, skirts, shorts, shirts, long pants, sneakers, sandals, flip flops, hat.  Let God lead you toward the child recipient that He knows will receive your box!  Pick up a box, located in the narthex, along with the gift suggestion guide.  Questions?  See Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Travis Poudin, Deb Eddy, Pastor Mongeau 

PASTOR’S WELCOME BASKET:  we are doing a welcoming gift basket for the new pastor and his wife. This will consist of a combination of gift cards and basic household supplies.  Please feel free to donate gift cards from any of the retailers listed below for any value:



Stop & Shop

Market 32

Dunkin Donuts

In addition, the basic household supplies would include items such as the following:

paper plates, plastic cutlery, paper cups, paper towels, etc.… This is to assist the new pastor in his transition into the parsonage. For more details, or additional information, please contact Amy Eversole at Please leave donations in the conference room behind Pastor’s office. 

In his service, 

Joe Eversole

SNACK AND DECORATION DONATIONS for VBS are needed! Please leave all donations in the church kitchen by Sunday, June 19th, and put your name on your decoration donations so that they may be returned to you: 

Plain M&Ms                                                    Faux or real plants, vines, and leaves.

Mini pretzels                                                   Stuffed or inflatable, jungle animals.             

Plain cheddar gold fish crackers                     Green tarps.

Animal crackers                                              Electric waterfall or Serenity Indoor

Golden Grahams cereal                                      fountain centerpiece.

Fruit loops cereal

Fruit snacks

Mini marshmallows

Milk chocolate chips

Rainbow sprinkles

Hershey syrup chocolate and caramel

2-3 cans of whip cream

JUST A REMINDER that we have an active and confidential prayer ministry here at church. There are several faithful and fervent prayer warriors who are ready to pray for you. No prayer request is too big or too little. Remember – Our God is a Mountain-moving God!  Our email is

MARK YOU CALENDAR!  Ordination and installation of Anthony Mandile IV will be held at St. Paul’s on Saturday, June 25th, at 1:00pm.  Please keep Anthony and his wife, Michala, in your prayers. Everyone is invited to attend the Reception immediately following the Ceremony.   A wonderful abundance of special finger foods and desserts will be served.  May our Lord be glorified as we extend a Warm Welcome to our new Pastor Mandile and Michala! 

FESTIVAL CHOIR is preparing a choral piece, “Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep,” to be sung at our new pastor’s installation service on June 25th, at 1:00pm.  Practices are on Sunday after the first service, lasting about 20 minutes. Singers of all ages are welcome! See Ruth Yeadon for more information, or to arrange an alternate practice time.

Women of the Word will be meeting on Tuesday, June 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be studying the extraordinary life of the Samaritan Woman. This will be our last study before we begin again on Tuesday, September 13th with a pot “bless” lunch at Judy’s house. 

Notices for June 5, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo and toothpaste.  Thank you.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or

SAVE THE DATE:  WINDOWS OF JOY!  – Saturday – June 18th, 2:00pm, at Linda Pekrul’s home for our first gathering!  This is a monthly Women’s Singles Group with a focus on joy and fellowship! Please email Cheryl Lowman at or contact Linda Pekrul for her address and to let her know if you are coming.  Snacks and Beverages provided!  Consider coming to make new friends and strengthen already made friendships and grow, grow, grow in the love and light of Christ together!  

PHOTOS!  Council is asking that you submit a photo (selfies/family), with family members labeled, to St. Paul’s so that our new pastor can learn everyone’s name.  Please leave photos in the labeled basket on the secretary’s desk.  Thank you.

Some Ladies Aid Women are joyfully putting together a “Welcome Basket” for our new Pastor and his new wife, Michala.  If you would like to help, please contact Cheryl Lowman at

From the Mission Board:  Time for WOW gifts!  

It can’t be time to start packing a “Mission Opportunity Gift Box”

 (Operation Christmas Child Shoebox)!? Well, it is 4 1/2 months to our collection month!  This year we thought we’d start early and give suggestions for the next few months as to what to buy.  The goal is to have more people pack their own personalized boxes with less of a time crunch. Also, with the cost of everything going up, it might be easier to spread out the spending and look for bargains. You can pick up a shoebox from the Narthex along with a handout regarding Shoebox Gift Suggestions.  We suggest that you start with the WOW gift as that is the most costly and takes up the most space in the box.  We will be giving you the opportunity to pick from our abundance of “filler items” to assist in you packing. 

If you’d like an abundance of packing ideas and encouragement go to the Facebook Group SHOEBOX NATION and join! If you have any questions, Please speak with any of the Mission Board members:  Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Deb Eddy, Travis Poudin, Ken and Judy Byrne.

MARK YOU CALENDAR!  Ordination and installation of Anthony Mandile IV will be held at St. Paul’s on Saturday, June 25th, at 1:00pm.  Please keep Anthony and his wife, Michala, in your prayers. 

FESTIVAL CHOIR is preparing a choral piece, “Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep,” to be sung at our new pastor’s installation service on June 25th, at 1:00pm.  Practices are on Sunday after the first service, lasting about 20 minutes. Singers of all ages are welcome! See Ruth Yeadon for more information, or to arrange an alternate practice time.

Women of the Word will be meeting on Tuesday, June 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be studying the extraordinary life of the Samaritan Woman. This will be our last study before we begin again on Tuesday, September 13th with a pot “bless” lunch at Judy’s house. 

Ken and Judy want to thank our sisters and brothers in Christ for their prayers, support, gifts, flowers and dinners during the time and after my mother’s passing. Your love, thoughtfulness and kindness deeply ministered to our hearts when we needed it most. 

Notices for May 29, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo and toothpaste.  Thank you.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or

ANNUAL Ladies’ Aid Bake Sale between services on June 5th rain or shine!   

SAVE THE DATE:  WINDOWS OF JOY!  – Saturday – June 18th, 2:00 pm, at Linda Pekrul’s home for our first gathering!  This is a monthly Women’s Singles Group with a focus on JOY and fellowship!  Email Cheryl Lowman at or contact Linda Pekrul for her address and to let her know if you are coming.  Snacks and Beverages provided!  Consider coming to make new friends and strengthen already made friendships and grow, grow, grow in the love and light of Christ together!  

PHOTOS!  Council is asking that you submit a photo (selfies/family) to Janice Becker to label them so that our new pastor can learn everyone’s name.  Please leave them in the labeled basket on her desk.  Thank you.

Some Ladies Aid Women are joyfully putting together a “Welcome Basket” for our new Pastor and his new wife, Michala.  If you would like to help, please contact Cheryl Lowman at

MARK YOU CALENDAR!  Ordination and installation of Anthony Mandile IV will be held at St. Paul’s on Saturday, June 25th, at 1:00pm.  Please keep Anthony and his wife, Michala, in your prayers. 

FESTIVAL CHOIR is preparing a choral piece, “Feed My Lambs, Feed My Sheep,” to be sung at our new pastor’s installation service on June 25th, at 1:00pm.  Practices are on Sunday after the first service, lasting about 20 minutes.  Singers of all ages are welcome!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information or to arrange an alternate practice time. 

From the Mission Board:  Time for WOW gifts!  

It can’t be time to start packing a “Mission Opportunity Gift Box”

 (Operation Christmas Child Shoebox)!? Well, it is 4 1/2 months to our collection month!  This year we thought we’d start early and give suggestions for the next few months as to what to buy.  The goal is to have more people pack their own personalized boxes with less of a time crunch. Also, with the cost of everything going up, it might be easier to spread out the spending and look for bargains. You can pick up a shoebox from the Narthex along with a handout regarding Shoebox Gift Suggestions.  We suggest that you start with the WOW gift as that is the most costly and takes up the most space in the box.  We will be giving you the opportunity to pick from our abundance of “filler items” to assist in you packing.  If you’d like an abundance of packing ideas and encouragement go to the Facebook Group SHOEBOX NATION and join! If you have any questions, Please speak with any of the Mission Board members:  Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Deb Eddy, Travis Poudin, Ken and Judy Byrne.

Notices for May 22, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of white rice and shampoo.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY, Sunday, May 29th, from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or

ANNUAL Ladies’ Aid Bake Sale between services on June 5th rain or shine!   

SAVE THE DATE:  WINDOWS OF JOY!  – Saturday, June 18th, 2:00pm, at Linda Pekrul’s home for our first gathering!  This is a monthly Women’s Singles Group with a focus on JOY and FELLOWSHIP!   Please email Cheryl Lowman at or contact Linda Pekrul. for her address and to let her know if you are coming.  Snacks and Beverages provided!  Consider coming to make new friends and strengthen already made friendships and grow, grow, grow in the love and light of Christ together!  

From the Mission Board:  Time for WOW gifts!  

It can’t be time to start packing a “Mission Opportunity Gift Box”

(Operation Christmas Child Shoebox)!? Well, it is 4 1/2 months to our collection month!  This year we thought we’d start early and give suggestions for the next few months as to what to buy.  The goal is to have more people pack their own personalized boxes with less of a time crunch. Also, with the cost of everything going up, it might be easier to spread out the spending and look for bargains. You can pick up a shoebox from the Narthex along with a handout regarding Shoebox Gift Suggestions.  We suggest that you start with the WOW gift as that is the most costly and takes up the most space in the box.  We will be giving you the opportunity to pick from our abundance of “filler items” to assist in you packing.  If you’d like an abundance of packing ideas and encouragement go to the Facebook Group SHOEBOX NATION and join! If you have any questions, Please speak with any of the Mission Board members:  Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Deb Eddy, Travis Poudin, Ken and Judy Byrne.

PHOTOS!  Council is asking that you submit a photo (selfies/family) with individuals identified to Janice Becker.  She will collect them and give them to our new pastor so he can learn everyone’s name.  Please leave them in the labeled basket on her desk.  Thank you.

Some Ladies Aid Women are joyfully putting together a “Welcome Basket” for our new Pastor and his new wife, Michala.  If you would like more information, please contact Cheryl Lowman at

Notices for May 15, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of white rice.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY, Sunday, May 29th, from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or

Lift up in prayer….

  • Edna Nicolas, Judy Byrne’s mother, has gone home to the Lord.  If you would like to send Judy and Ken a card, their address is 30 Country Lane, Collinsville, CT  06019.

ANNUAL Ladies’ Aid Bake Sale between services on June 5th rain or shine!   

THANK YOU for your donations to Lutheran Women’ Missionary League through Mites!  $94.00 was collected and sent to the LWMS-New England District.  For more information on the LWML, please visit 

Back by popular demand, The Third Thursday Thing – A Men’s Fellowship Group, starts again on Thursday, May 19th, at 6:00PM. As we did before we will meet at Hands of Grace. If you want some food just bring some to share. I will provide a pizza to start off!  Invite your friends if you would like.  There is no agenda at all. Come as you are for some great fellowship.   Pastor K

REMINDER!  Spring clean-up work party at church and parsonage, Saturday, May 21st, at 8:30am.  Please bring rakes, shovels, tarps, etc….  We will be weeding, raking, trimming shrubs and spreading bark mulch.  Hope to see you then, Don Eddy.

REMINDER:  Sons of Thunder will be collecting empty cans and plastic bottles NEXT SUNDAY, May 22nd, between services instead of May 29th.

From the Mission Board:  Time for WOW gifts!  

It can’t be time to start packing a “Mission Opportunity Gift Box”

 (Operation Christmas Child Shoebox)!? Well, it is 4 1/2 months to our collection month!  This year we thought we’d start early and give suggestions for the next few months as to what to buy.  The goal is to have more people pack their own personalized boxes with less of a time crunch. Also, with the cost of everything going up, it might be easier to spread out the spending and look for bargains. You can pick up a shoebox from the Narthex along with a handout regarding Shoebox Gift Suggestions.  We suggest that you start with the WOW gift as that is the most costly and takes up the most space in the box.  We will be giving you the opportunity to pick from our abundance of “filler items” to assist in you packing. 

If you’d like an abundance of packing ideas and encouragement go to the Facebook Group SHOEBOX NATION and join! If you have any questions, Please speak with any of the Mission Board members:  Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Deb Eddy, Travis Poudin, Ken and Judy Byrne.

Notices for May 8, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY, Sunday, May 29th, from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

FROM THE MISSION BOARD: See how the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is responding to help refugees in the Ukraine, go the website, and click on “War in Ukraine”.  At the bottom of the article there is information regarding how you can donate to help the cause.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at

Lift up in prayer….

  • Edna Nicolas, Judy Byrne’s mother, has gone home to the Lord.  If you would like to send Judy and Ken a card, their address is 30 Country Lane, Collinsville, CT  06019.

IF YOU made a donation for an Easter flower please take it home today.  Thank you.

ANNUAL Ladies Aid Bake Sale between services on June 5th

Notices for April 24,2022

With the recent announcement of a Pastor coming from the seminary, I invite you to please join us on Wednesday evening, April 27th at 7:00pm, in the lower fellowship room to watch the call day ceremony.  This will be a wonderful way to find out who our new pastor will be and start off with the support of togetherness and prayer for him and his family.  Pastor Mongeau

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY TODAY from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Next date is Sunday, May 29th.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions. 860-484-1530

FROM THE MISSION BOARD: See how the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is responding to help refugees in the Ukraine, go the website, and click on “War in Ukraine”.  At the bottom of the article there is information regarding how you can donate to help the cause.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet today from 1:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. We will be viewing Sight and Sound’s presentation of Ruth. Please RSVP Judy at (860-693-1402). And as always, friends are welcome.  

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or on the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or