Notices for January 9, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of 64oz. bottles of juice, any flavor.

VOTER’S MEETING, Sunday, January 16th, after the 10:30am Service in the sanctuary.

AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, and some may not, St. Paul’s has a dedicated team of women who have volunteered to make meals for church families during times of need.   Needs come in a variety of reasons: illness, surgery, loss of a loved one, etc.   All requests for this help should be made to Pastor Mongeau. He may also offer this help as needs arise. He then will notify me of the need and I send an email to our team asking for volunteers. All information is kept as confidential as you want it to be. The volunteer preparing the meal will contact the individual to make arrangements for delivery. Many times, meals are left in the church freezer for members to pick up at their convenience.  I, too, may make contact to find out if there are dietary restrictions that should be followed.  When a request is made, not every team member is expected to help, only if you can.  Our team has lovingly been preparing meals for the past 3+ years. We will always welcome new helpers, so please let me know if you would like to be included on the team. Pastor Kevin and I are always available to answer questions. Thank you,
Leslie Denton  (  

2022 OFFERING ENVELOPES on the table in the Upper Fellowship Room.  Please pick yours up today.  

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox. 

IF YOU gave a donation for a Christmas flower, please take it home today. 

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet on Sunday, January 30th from 2:00 – 3:30pm. Please join us for a study on Eve, prayer, snacks and fellowship. Friends are always welcome.  Please RSVP Judy Byrne.

 JANUARY 8th meeting of Women of the Word is cancelled due to the rising number of Covid cases. We’ll look forward to our February 8th meeting. 

Notices for December 26, 2021

AS MOST OF YOU KNOW, we have a CONFIDENTIAL prayer ministry at St. Paul’s. Thirteen committed members from our church will faithfully pray for your prayer requests. Please email Judy Byrne at No prayer request is too small or too big! We’re here to pray for you.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will NOT be meeting in December, but we WILL be meeting on Sunday, January 2nd and Sunday, January 30th from 2:00 – 3:30pm. Please join us for a study on Eve, prayer, snacks and fellowship. Friends are always welcome.  Please RSVP to Judy Byrne

AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, and some may not, St. Paul’s has a dedicated team of women who have volunteered to make meals for church families during times of need.   Needs come in a variety of reasons: illness, surgery, loss of a loved one, etc.   All requests for this help should be made to Pastor Mongeau. He may also offer this help as needs arise. He then will notify me of the need and I send an email to our team asking for volunteers. All information is kept as confidential as you want it to be. The volunteer preparing the meal will contact the individual to make arrangements for delivery. Many times, meals are left in the church freezer for members to pick up at their convenience.  I, too, may make contact to find out if there are dietary restrictions that should be followed.  When a request is made, not every team member is expected to help, only if you can.  Our team has lovingly been preparing meals for the past 3+ years. We will always welcome new helpers, so please let me know if you would like to be included on the team. Pastor Kevin and I are always available to answer questions. Please contact Leslie Denton for more information. Thank you.

2022 OFFERING ENVELOPES on the table in the Upper Fellowship Room.  Please pick yours up today.  

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox. 

Notices for December 19, 2021

REFRESHMENTS are served after the 8:00am & 10:30am Services.     

TODAY’S HOST:  Fellowship Board.   NEXT WEEK: Volunteer needed.    

AS MOST OF YOU KNOW, we have a CONFIDENTIAL prayer ministry at St. Paul’s. Thirteen committed members from our church will faithfully pray for your prayer requests. Please email Judy Byrne at No prayer request is too small or too big! We’re here to pray for you.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will NOT be meeting in December, but we WILL be meeting on Sunday, January 2nd and Sunday, January 30th from 2:00 – 3:30pm. Please join us for a study on Eve, prayer, snacks and fellowship. Friends are always welcome. 

ST. PAUL’S FELLOWSHIP BOARD is hosting a Special Christmas Coffee Hour TODAY following BOTH Worship Services.  Please stop by the Upper Fellowship Room to enjoy Christmas treats and glad tidings of Great Joy as we celebrate the coming Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

REMINDER…. we will be caroling to our St. Paul’s In-home Saints TODAY.  Please dress warm as we will sing from outside this year.  Thank you, Cheryl Lowman. 

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of 64oz. bottles of juice.  Thank you!

CHRISTMAS FLOWER dedications are due Sunday.   Please see insert for more information.

Lift up in prayer….

  • The Bugbee Family at the passing of Gail Longaven Buggee’s mother, Doris Longaven.  Cards may be sent to Robert & Gail Bugbee, 549 Vandernoot Ave., La Salle, Ontario N9J 3P7 Canada

SONS OF THUNDER will be collecting empty cans and plastic bottles between services next Sunday. 

Holiday Schedule 

Christmas Eve Services

 Friday, December 24th – 12Noon and 7:00pm.

Christmas Day Service

Saturday, December 25th– 9:00am.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Regular services continue at 8:00am and 10:30am.

Notices for December 12, 2021

REFRESHMENTS are served after the 8:00am Service only.     

TODAY’S HOSTESS:  Denise Yoreo.  NEXT WEEK: Fellowship Board. 

AS MOST OF YOU KNOW, we have a CONFIDENTIAL prayer ministry at St. Paul’s. Thirteen committed members from our church will faithfully pray for your prayer requests. Please email Judy Byrne at No prayer request is too small or too big! We’re here to pray for you.

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY is now called Women of the Word. Our December meeting will be Tuesday, December 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm to study Rahab.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH  will NOT be meeting in December, but we WILL be meeting on Sunday, January 2nd and Sunday, January 30th from 2:00 – 3:30pm. Please join us for a study on Eve, prayer, snacks and fellowship. Friends are always welcome.

ST. PAUL’S FELLOWSHIP BOARD will Host a Special Christmas Coffee Hour SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th following BOTH Worship Services.  Please stop by the Upper Fellowship Room to enjoy Christmas treats and glad tidings of Great Joy as we celebrate the coming Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

ALSO, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th, please note, we will be caroling to our St. Paul’s In-home Saints.  Please dress warm as we will sing from outside this year! Please be sure to see Cheryl Lowman and sign-up beforehand.  This will help her organize group stops and the aim will be to have three groups so each will make two stops.  See Cheryl or email 

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes for their school backpack program.  Thank you!

Lift up in prayer….

  • The Nyenhuis Family at the passing of Hans Nyenhuis. Cards may be sent to Inge Nyenhuis, 155 Holcomb Hill Rd., New Hartford, CT  06057.
  • Former longtime member, Jon Fredriksson, is having health issues.  Cards may be sent to him at 100 Lutheran Rd., Apt. 207, Shrewsbury, PA 17361. 
  • The Bugbee Family at the passing of Gail Longaven Buggee’s mother, Doris Longaven.  Cards may be sent to Robert & Gail Bugbee, 549 Vandernoot Ave., La Salle, Ontario N9J 3P7


LADIES AID would like to thank all the saints who donated time and goods to the Fair.  It was a great success!  

Holiday Schedule 

Wednesday Advent Service

 December 15th – 7:00pm.

Christmas Eve Services

 Friday, December 24th – 12Noon and 7:00pm.

Christmas Day Service

Saturday, December 25th– 9:00am.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Regular services continue at 8:00am and 10:30am.

Notices for December 5, 2021

REFRESHMENTS are served after the 8:00am Service only.     

TODAY’S HOSTESS:  Linda Bald.  NEXT WEEK: Denise Yoreo.

ALTAR GUILD is looking for help in all areas and all services. Are you willing to be a backup, just in case the hand full of people or so, who serve can’t do it? You have what is needed! 1) Love of the Lord. 2) A willingness to learn. Please contact Cynthia Boyle.

AS MOST OF YOU KNOW, we have a CONFIDENTIAL prayer ministry at St. Paul’s. Thirteen committed members from our church will faithfully pray for your prayer requests. Please email Judy Byrne at No prayer request is too small or too big! We’re here to pray for you.

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY now called Women of the Word. Our December meeting will be Tuesday, December 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm to study Rahab.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH Daughters of Faith will NOT be meeting in December, but we WILL be meeting on Sunday, January 2nd  and Sunday, January 30th  from 2:00 – 3:30pm. Please join us for a study on Eve, prayer, snacks and fellowship. Friends are always welcome. Contact Judy Byrne for more information.

ST. PAUL’S FELLOWSHIP BOARD will Host a Special Christmas Coffee Hour SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th following BOTH Worship Services.  Please stop by the Upper Fellowship Room to enjoy Christmas treats and glad tidings of Great Joy as we celebrate the coming Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

ALSO, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th, please note, we will be Caroling to our St. Paul’s In-home Saints.  Please dress warm as we will sing from outside this year! Please be sure to see Cheryl Lowman and sign-up beforehand.  This will help her organize group stops and the aim will be to have three groups so each will make two stops.  See Cheryl or call (860) 379-7094 or email 

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes for their school backpack program.  Thank you!

Lift up in prayer….

  • The Nyenhuis Family at the passing of Hans Nyenhuis. Cards may be sent to Inge Nyenhuis, 155 Holcomb Hill Rd., New Hartford, CT  06057.
  • Former longtime member, Jon Fredriksson, is having health issues.  Cards may be sent to him at 100 Lutheran Rd., Apt. 207, Shrewsbury, PA 17361. 

Holiday Schedule 

Wednesday Advent Services

 December 8th, and 15th – 7:00pm.

Christmas Eve Services

 Friday, December 24th – 12Noon and 7:00pm.

Christmas Day Service

Saturday, December 25th– 9:00am.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Regular services continue at 8:00am and 10:30am.

Notices for November 28, 2021

Holiday Schedule 

Wednesday Advent Services

 December 1st, 8th, and 15th – 7:00pm.

Christmas Eve Services

 Friday, December 24th – 12Noon and 7:00pm.

Christmas Day Service

Saturday, December 25th– 9:00am.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Regular services continue at 8:00am and 10:30am.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR ….the Ladies Aid Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 4th, 9am – 2pm.   Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!

LADIES AID will be making wreaths for the Fair on Sunday, in the lower fellowship room following the 10:30am Service.  No experience necessary. We will show you how to make a wreath.  A light lunch will be provided.  All welcome! 

ALSO, for the Christmas Fair, Ladies Aid would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate the name of the cookie and if it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, or is gluten/dairy free.

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, breads, etc.…

~Knitted/sewn items.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.

Please price your items.

BAKED GOODS may be dropped off on Thursday, December 2nd between 9am & 12Noon, or Friday during fair set up.  Rather than having a cookie walk, we will be prepackaging cookies on Friday, December 3rd, from 3-5pm, in plastic containers for packaging by the dozen for sale at the Fair. >>> Cookies must be dropped off no later than 3pm on Friday!  If you are able to help with the packaging, please contact Cheryl Lowman

FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 3rd, beginning at 9am. 

ALTAR GUILD is looking for help in all areas and all services. Are you willing to be a backup, just in case the hand full of people or so, who serve can’t do it? You have what is needed! 1) Love of the Lord. 2) A willingness to learn. Please contact Cynthia Boyle at 860-733-5680.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  mark your calendar!  Voters’ Assembly meeting Sunday, December 5th

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox. 

Notices for November 21, 2021

ALTAR GUILD is looking for help in all areas and all services. Are you willing to be a backup, just in case the hand full of people or so, who serve can’t do it? You have what is needed! 1) Love of the Lord. 2) A willingness to learn. Please contact Cynthia Boyle.

THE CHRISTMAS FAIR Saturday, December 4th, 9am – 2pm.   Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!

LADIES AID will be making wreaths for the Fair on Sunday, November 28th, in the lower fellowship room following the 10:30am Service.  No experience necessary. We will show you how to make a wreath.  A light lunch will be provided.  All welcome! 

Greens will be needed and can be left outside the back kitchen door:

~Red/white pine



~Mountain Laurel


~NO Hemlock!

Please bring gloves and garden clippers.  For more information please contact Amy Werner at

ALSO, for the Christmas Fair, Ladies Aid would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate the name of the cookie and if it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, or is gluten/dairy free.

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, breads, etc.…

~Knitted/sewn items.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.

BAKED GOODS may be dropped off on Thursday, December 2nd between 9am & 12Noon, or Friday during fair set up.  Rather than having a cookie walk, we will be prepackaging cookies on Friday, December 3rd, from 3-5pm, in plastic containers for packaging by the dozen for sale at the Fair. >>> Cookies must be dropped off no later than 3pm on Friday!  If you are able to help with the packaging, please contact Cheryl Lowman at

FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 3rd, beginning at 9am. 

SONS OF THUNDER will NOT be collecting clean empty cans and plastic bottles next Sunday.   They will resume on December 26th.   

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY will now be called Women of the Word. Our December meeting will be Tuesday, December 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm to study Rahab.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting Sunday, November 28th after second service to help Ladies Aid make wreaths. Please bring gloves and clippers. We will not be meeting in December, but we will resume meeting on Sunday, January 2nd from 2:00 – 3:30. At that meeting we will be studying Eve, and our next meeting will be Sunday, January 30 from 2:00 to 3:30 when we will be studying Sarah. Friends are always welcome.

Holiday Schedule 

Thanksgiving Eve Service with Holy Communion

Wednesday,November 24th -7:00pm.

Wednesday Advent Services

 December 1st, 8th, and 15th – 7:00pm.

Christmas Eve Services

 Friday, December 24th – 12Noon and 7:00pm.

Christmas Day Service

Saturday, December 25th– 9:00am.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Regular services continue at 8:00am and 10:30am.

Notices for November 14, 2021

MARK YOUR CALENDAR ….the Ladies Aid Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 4th, 9am – 2pm.   Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!

LADIES AID will be making wreaths for the Fair on Sunday, November 28th, in the lower fellowship room following the 10:30am Service.  No experience necessary. We will show you how to make a wreath.  A light lunch will be provided.  All welcome! 

Greens will be needed and can be left outside the back kitchen door:

~Red/white pine



~Mountain Laurel


~NO Hemlock!

Please bring gloves and garden clippers.  For more information please contact Amy Werner at

ALSO, for the Christmas Fair, Ladies Aid would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate the name of the cookie and if it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, or is gluten/dairy free.

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, breads, etc.…

~Knitted/sewn items.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.

Please price your items.

BAKED GOODS may be dropped off on Thursday, December 2nd between 9am & 12Noon, or Friday during fair set up.  Rather than having a cookie walk, we will be prepackaging cookies on Friday, December 3rd, from 3-5pm, in plastic containers for packaging by the dozen for sale at the Fair. >>> Cookies must be dropped off no later than 3pm on Friday!  If you are able to help with the packaging, please contact Cheryl Lowman at

FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 3rd, beginning at 9am. 

HANDS OF GRACE is receiving 40 turkeys from the Connecticut Food Bank for our clients.  The following items are needed to complete a Thanksgiving dinner package for each family.  Please leave items in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you! Leslie Denton

60 (15oz) cans of cranberry sauce.  

ALTAR GUILD is looking for help in all areas and all services. Are you willing to be a backup, just in case the hand full of people or so, who serve can’t do it? You have what is needed! 1) Love of the Lord. 2) A willingness to learn. Please contact Cynthia Boyle for more information.

THIRD FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP is happening this month on November 19th at 6:00 p.m.  It is a time of gathering just to be with one another. If you would like something to eat, bring some to share. It make no difference if is a jar of peanuts or some wings. There is no agenda, though I did make a promise to bring pizza!  There is no telling what we may get into. Bring a game. Bring an instrument. Bring yourself and a friend!!  Come and join us for a fun, stress free, evening. It is open to everyone!

Pastor K

Notices for November 7, 2021

REFRESHMENTS are served after the 8:00am Service only.     

TODAY’S HOSTESS:  Linda Sheffield.  NEXT WEEK: Fellowship Board.      

MARK YOUR CALENDAR….Ladies Aid Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 4th, 9am – 2pm.   Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!

LADIES AID will be making wreaths for the Fair on Sunday, November 28th, in the lower fellowship room following the 10:30am Service.  No experience necessary. We will show you how to make a wreath.  A light lunch will be provided.  All welcome! 

Greens will be needed and can be left outside the back kitchen door:

~Red/white pine



~Mountain Laurel


~NO Hemlock!

Please bring gloves and garden clippers.  For more information please contact Amy Werner at

ALSO, for the Christmas Fair, Ladies Aid would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate the name of the cookie and if it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, or is gluten/dairy free.

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, breads, etc.…

~Knitted/sewn items.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.

BAKED GOODS may be dropped off on Thursday, December 2nd between 9am & 12Noon, or Friday during fair set up.  Rather than having a cookie walk, we will be prepackaging cookies on Friday, December 3rd, from 3-5pm, in plastic containers for packaging by the dozen for sale at the Fair. >>> Cookies must be dropped off no later than 3pm on Friday!  If you are able to help with the packaging, please contact Cheryl Lowman at 860-379-7094 or

FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 3rd, beginning at 9am.  Thank you!

Your St. Paul’s Fellowship Board will be hosting a SPECIAL UPPER FELLOWSHIP ROOM COFFEE HOUR following both services on November 14th!  Our theme is “Grateful Hearts of Thanksgiving Unto the Lord!”  Please stop by to enjoy coffee, special treats and precious “Thanksgiving” Fellowship!  

FROM THE MISSION BOARD:  We have finally reached our deadline for Operation Christmas Child! We would like to extend a very gracious thank you to all the members of the church that have supported this mission through donations, time, and prayer. It is only through God’s blessing of our wonderful congregation that the Board of Missions can continue to be as successful in our pursuits as we have been. Stay tuned for our final count on our goal of creating 150 gospel opportunities to send throughout the world.

Thank you, Denise & Dave Yoreo, Deb Eddy, Travis Poudin, Christine Pericolosi

HANDS OF GRACE is receiving 40 turkeys from the Connecticut Food Bank for our clients.  The following items are needed to complete a Thanksgiving dinner package for each family.  Please leave items in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you! Leslie Denton

80 (15 oz) cans of French style green beans

40 cans fried onions.  

ALTAR GUILD is looking for help in all areas and all services. Are you willing to be a backup, just in case the hand full of people or so, who serve can’t do it? You have what is needed! 1) Love of the Lord. 2) A willingness to learn. Please contact Cynthia Boyle.

THIRD FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP is happening this month on November 19th at 6:00 p.m.  It is a time of gathering just to be with one another. If you would like something to eat, bring some to share. It make no difference if is a jar of peanuts or some wings. There is no agenda, though I did make a promise to bring pizza!  There is no telling what we may get into. Bring a game. Bring an instrument. Bring yourself and a friend!!  Come and join us for a fun, stress free, evening. It is open to everyone!

Pastor K

NEXT LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY meets Tuesday, November 9th, 1:00 to 2:30pm.

Notices for October 31,2021

REFRESHMENTS are served after the 8:00am Service only.     

TODAY’S HOSTESS:  MaryAnn Hansen.  NEXT WEEK: Linda Sheffield.      

>>>>FROM THE MISSION BOARD:  Last call for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! We’re extending our deadline for shoebox collection by a week to November 7th as we close in on our goal of sending 150 gospel opportunities out to the world. This is your final chance for this year to contribute to this wonderful mission. Thank you to all who have supported our churches efforts this year and please stay tuned for upcoming information about our OCC regional collection!

Thank you, Denise & Dave Yoreo, Deb Eddy, Travis Poudin, Christine Pericolosi

HANDS OF GRACE is receiving 40 turkeys from the Connecticut Food Bank for our clients.  The following items are needed to complete a Thanksgiving dinner package for each family.  Please leave items in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you! Leslie Denton

40 boxes of stuffing mix

52 cans/jars of 10/12 oz. turkey gravy.  

NEXT LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY meets November 9th, 1:00 to 2:30pm.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Ladies Aid Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 4th, 9am – 2pm.   Please think of what you can do to support the Fair.  Thank you. 

ALTAR GUILD is looking for help in all areas and all services. Are you willing to be a backup, just in case the hand full of people or so, who serve can’t do it? You have what is needed! 1) Love of the Lord. 2) A willingness to learn. Please contact Cynthia Boyle at church.

Your St. Paul’s Fellowship Board will be Hosting a SPECIAL UPPER FELLOWSHIP ROOM COFFEE HOUR following both services on November 14th!  Our theme is “Grateful Hearts of Thanksgiving Unto the Lord!”  Please stop by to enjoy coffee, special treats and precious “Thanksgiving” Fellowship!  

WE WOULD LIKE to thank all our brothers and sisters in Christ for all the cards, notes, phone calls,visits, prayers and support during John’s illness and his death.  Blessings, Donna Burdick and Family