
Remember to check your email for reminders for the online Wednesday Night Service and for the weekly Sunday Services given by Pastor Mongeau.

Bulletin Notices for March 15, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni , etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple.  Thank you.   

FESTIVAL CHOIR….All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Easter Day worship services.  Please speak to Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing.  Rehearsals will be held each Sunday after the  9:45am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00pm service, or by arrangement with Ruth.  Singers are asked to attend at least on rehearsal each week. 

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2020

“What do you hear?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays!

3/18 – Midweek 4:  Marching

3/25 – Midweek 5:  Shouting

4/01 – Midweek 6:  Crowing

Lenten Dinner Theme Nights … All are welcome as we gather together for a meal before our Wednesday night Lenten worship services, beginning March 4th.  Decaf coffee, water, and lemonade provided.  Please bring your favorite dish to share for these themes:

March 18th – Soup and Chowder Night

March 25th – Asian Food Night

April 1st – German Food Night

Lenten Devotional Books areavailable on the table in the narthex.

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.

HAVE YOU been waiting for an opportunity to serve Altar Guild?  We have a onetime offer for you!  Come one and all ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC!  Annual Cleaning Day is April 4th, “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am.  Coffee and donuts provided.  Hope to see you there.  Cynthia Boyle.

SONS OF THUNDER… a new youth group for boys ages 10 and up, will meet on the first and third Mondays of the month.  Nonmembers are welcome so please invite your friends! Meetings start at 6:00pm, first meeting will be Monday, March 16th, downstairs in the lowest room of the church.  Bottle drive, to support the boys, will be held the last Sunday of the month.  Leaders are church members Dale Sheffield and Joe Bieluch.  For more information, please call Dale at 860-482-6576 and leave a message.  Thank you.

Holy Week 2020

Maundy Thursday Worship: April 9 ~ 7:00pm

Good Friday Worship: April 10 ~ 12:00pm & 7:00pm

Easter Celebration: April 12 – Worship at 8:00am & 10:30am

Fellowship potluck breakfast ~ between services

Easter egg hunt for the kids 9:45am

The church family and guests are invited to share in a

fellowship potluck breakfast between the two worship services. 

All are welcome – please bring your families, friends, and neighbors! We simply look forward to this time of fellowship, and the fun of an Easter egg hunt for the kids. If you would like to bring a potluck item to share, please do so.


Bulletin Notices for March 8, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni, etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple. Thank you.

FESTIVAL CHOIR … All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Easter Day worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing. Rehearsals will be held each Sunday after the 9:45am service beginning today, each Wednesday after the 7:00pm service, beginning March 11th, or by arrangement with Ruth. Singers are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week.

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2020

“What do you hear?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays!
3/11 – Midweek 3: Clinking
3/18 – Midweek 4: Marching
3/25 – Midweek 5: Shouting
4/01 – Midweek 6: Crowing

Lenten Dinner Theme Nights are Back!!!…

All are welcome as we gather together for a meal before our Wednesday night Lenten worship services. Decaf coffee, water, and lemonade provided. Please bring your favorite dish to share for these themes:
March 11th – Italian Food Night
March 18th – Soup and Chowder Night
March 25th – Asian Food Night
April 1st – German Food Night

Lenten Devotional Books…are available on the table in the narthex!

HANDS OF GRACE INDOOR TAG SALE and bottle drive on March 28th, 9:00am to 2:00pm.

HAVE YOU been waiting for the opportunity to serve Altar Guild? We have a onetime offer for you. Come one and all, ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC!! Annual Cleaning Day, April 4th, “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am. Coffee and donuts provided. Hope to see you there! Cynthia Boyle

Holy Week 2020

Maundy Thursday Worship
April 9 ~ 7:00 pm

With Holy Communion

Good Friday Worship
April 10 ~ 12:00 pm & 7:00 pm

Midday and Evening Tenebrae services are different

Easter Celebration
April 12
Worship at 8:00 am & 10:30 am

The church family and guests are invited to share in a
fellowship potluck breakfast between the two worship services.
All are welcome – please bring your families, friends, and neighbors! We simply look forward to this time of fellowship,
and the fun of an Easter egg hunt for the kids.
If you would like to bring a potluck item to share, please do so.

Bulletin Notices for March 1, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni, etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple. Thank you.

FESTIVAL CHOIR … All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Easter Day worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing. Rehearsals will be held each Sunday after the 9:45am service (beginning March 8th), each Wednesday after the 7:00pm service (beginning March 11th), or by arrangement with Ruth. Singers are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week.

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2020:

“What do you hear?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays!
3/11 – Midweek 3: Clinking
3/18 – Midweek 4: Marching
3/25 – Midweek 5: Shouting
4/01 – Midweek 6: Crowing

Lenten Dinner Theme Nights are Back!!!… All are welcome as we gather together for a meal before our Wednesday night Lenten worship services, beginning March 4th. Decaf coffee, water, and lemonade provided. Please bring your favorite dish to share for these themes:
March 11th – Italian Food Night
March 18th – Soup and Chowder Night
March 25th – Asian Food Night
April 1st – German Food Night

Lenten Devotional Books…are available on the table in the narthex!

Bulletin Notices for February 23, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni, etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple. Thank you.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet February 29th, 2:00 – 3:30pm. We will continue our study of “Fruit of the Spirit” with this month’s focus on God’s spiritual fruit of “Joy”! We will be making our own sundaes as a special treat! All girls welcome! This month we will meet on the 5th Saturday versus the usual 4th Saturday.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY …. Monday, February 24th, from 1:00pm – 2:30pm. We will continue the study on “Balance”.  All ladies welcome. Come every month or as your schedule permits!  For more information please see Cheryl Lowman. 

HANDS OF GRACE: Clothing Department work night, Friday, March 6th. Pizza at 5:30pm!  Work begins at 6:00pm. Help is needed to clean, sort and tidy all areas.  Please RSVP to Pastor Mongeau or Denise Yoreo at

Bulletin Notices for February 16, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni, etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple. Thank you.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet February 29th, 2:00 – 3:30pm. We will continue our study of “Fruit of the Spirit” with this month’s focus on God’s spiritual fruit of “Joy”! We will be making our own sundaes as a special treat! All girls welcome! This month we will meet on the 5th Saturday versus the usual 4th Saturday.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY …. Monday, February 24th, from 1:00pm – 2:30pm. We will continue the study on “Balance”.  All ladies welcome. Come every month or as your schedule permits!  For more information please see Cheryl Lowman. 

Bulletin Notices for February 9, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE isin need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni, etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple. Thank you.    

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 15th, 4:30pm –7:00pm. Singles and Couples Special Adult Valentine Dinner!  Snow date: Sunday, February 16th, same time.  Please be sure to sign up in the narthex.  Invite guests to “come and see” as we celebrate God’s love together.  Natalie and Emily Jury are arranging childcare in the Sunday School Room for the children who attend that class as well as their toddler siblings!  This is a wonderful opportunity for young couples to come out for a night of good food, fun and fellowship and have their children cared for nearby!  You could also sign-up by emailing Cheryl Lowman at

NOVEMBER 2019 Council meeting minutes are in the wall box in the narthex. 

PASTOR MANOR IS ON VACATION … for his daughter Marissa’s wedding in Fort Wayne, IN.  He returns on Tuesday. If you are in need of pastoral care while he is away, please contact Pastor Mongeau, the church office, or a member of the Board of Elders.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet February 29th, 2:00 – 3:30pm. We will continue our study of “Fruits of the Spirit” with this month’s focus on God’s spiritual fruit of “Joy”!  We will be making our own sundaes as a special treat!  All girls welcome!  This month we will meet on the 5th Saturday versus the usual 4th Saturday. 

Bulletin Notices for February 2, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni, etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple. Thank you.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 15th, 4:30pm –7:00pm. Singles and Couples Special Adult Valentine Dinner! Snow date: Sunday, February 16th, same time. Please be sure to sign up in the narthex. Invite guests to “come and see” as we celebrate God’s love together. Natalie and Emily Jury are arranging childcare in the Sunday School Room for the children who attend that class as well as their toddler siblings!  This is a wonderful opportunity for young couples to come out for a night of good food, fun and fellowship and have their children cared for nearby!  You could also sign-up by emailing Cheryl Lowman at

REMINDER: please use current year (2020) offering envelopes only!

NOVEMBER 2019 Council meeting minutes are in the wall box in the narthex.

PASTOR MANOR IS ON VACATION …this week for his daughter Marissa’s wedding in Fort Wayne, IN . He will be away from Monday, February 3rd through Monday, February 10th. There will be no Confirmation Class, Midweek Bible study, or Midweek Worship this week. If you are in need of pastoral care while he is away, please contact Pastor Mongeau, the church office, or a member of the Board of Elders.

Bulletin Notices for January 26, 2020

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of canned pasta such as spaghettios, beefaroni, etc… also juice, any flavor, but especially apple. Thank you.    

IF YOU made a donation for a Christmas flower, you may take it home today.  Please leave the plastic dish.  Thank you, Altar Guild

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 15th, 4:30pm –7:00pm. Your Fellowship Board will host a special Adult Valentine Dinner!   Snow date is Sunday, February 16th, same time. Singles, couples and guests welcome!  This will be a mid-winter celebration of God’s love!  Bring an Italian main dish or vegetable side dish to share.  Please come and enjoy a relaxed evening midst the warmth of fellowship.  There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex as the event draws near. This is a church community outreach opportunity! Please invite your neighbors and friends!  Any questions: Please email Cheryl Lowman at  Thank you!

REMINDER:  please use current year (2020) offering envelopes only!