Bulletin Notices for December 8, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE food needs…. Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of juice, any flavor, especially apple.  Thank you.    

FESTIVAL CHOIR …All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Christmas Eve worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing. Rehearsals are held each Sunday after the 9:45 am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00 pm service or by arrangement with Ruth. Those singing are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week. 

THANK YOU to all who filled their Mite Boxes!  $125.12 was sent off to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of New England.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting Saturday, December 14th, 2:00pm – 3:30pm for a Cookie Bake in the church kitchen. All cookie bags made will be delivered to our In-Home Saints on Sunday, December 15th.  For more information see Judy Byrne.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH AND CAROLING on Sunday, December 15th, immediately following the Children’s Christmas Program (9:45am).   We will enjoy a light lunch in the lower fellowship room then go caroling to In-Home Saints and deliver a cookie goodie bag at each visit!  Please come and bring a friend.  Singing skills not required!  We will start off at our neighbor’s home, Ginny Hawley, and then break into two groups.  For more information, see Cheryl Lowman. 

THANK YOU to all who donated time and goods to the Christmas Fair.  It was a great success!  Ladies Aid

“Away in a Manger”…is the theme for this year’s Advent worship services on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. As we explore together the biblical truths expressed in the beautiful words of this beloved hymn, we ask several questions during our Advent journey. Last week we focused on “Who’s in the Manger?” This week we’ll ask “Why has He Come?” Our final week will be “How has He Saved Us?” All are welcome!

Advent Devotion Booklets…are available on the table in the narthex.

“The Joy of Christmas – Lessons and Carols”… All are invited to hear the children of our church family share the news of Jesus’ birth at the Children’s Christmas Program on Sunday, December 15th at 9:45 am. This program will be in place of the Blended Worship that day, and there will be no Christian Education Hour on that day either.

One Worship Service Only…On Sunday, December 29th, the church family is invited to gather together for one worship service at 9:00 am, followed by food and fellowship at the coffee hour. There will be no Christian Education Hour on that day.

Postcards…with our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship times are available on the table in the narthex. These are great for giving to a family member or friend who doesn’t have a church home!

Holiday Schedule at St. Paul’s:

Please mark your calendars for these services and changes:

  • Wednesdays, Dec. 4th, 11th, 18th: 7:00 pm Advent Worship
  • Sunday, Dec. 15th: 8:00 am Worship & 9:45 am Children’s Christmas
  • Sunday, Dec. 22nd: 8:00 am & 9:45 am Worship services
    • NO Education Hour for adults or children this day
  • Tuesday, Dec. 24th: Christmas Eve Worship at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
  • Wednesday, Dec. 25th: Christmas Day Worship at 9:00 am
  • Sunday, Dec. 29th: ONE worship service at 9:00 am
    • NO Education Hour for adults or children
  • Monday, Dec. 30th – Saturday, Jan. 4th: NO church activities scheduled
  • Regular weekly schedule resumes the week of January 5th

Bulletin Notices for December 1, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE food needs….Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup.  Thank you.    

FESTIVAL CHOIR …All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Christmas Eve worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing. Rehearsals are held each Sunday after the 9:45 am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00 pm service or by arrangement with Ruth. Those singing are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week. 

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH  will be meeting Saturday, December 14th, at 2:00pm for a Cookie Bake in the church kitchen. All cookie bags made will be delivered to our In-Home Saints on Sunday, December 15th.  More information see Judy Byrne.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH AND CAROLING on Sunday, December 15th, immediately following the 9:45am Service.  We will enjoy a light lunch in the lower fellowship room then go caroling to In-Home Saints and deliver a cookie goodie bag at each visit!  All welcomed.  For more information, see Cheryl Lowman. 

THE CHRISTMAS FAIR is Saturday, December 7th!! 

St. Paul’s will be open Monday, December 2nd to Thursday, December 5th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm to drop off donations for the Christmas Fair and on Friday, December 6th, from 9:00am to 8:00pm.  The church will then be locked at 8:00pm Friday night.  Doors open the following morning for drop offs at 8:00am.

Bulletin Notices for November 24, 2019

THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP, Wednesday, November 27th, at 7:00pm.   

HANDS OF GRACE food needs….Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup.  Thank you.    

FESTIVAL CHOIR …All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Christmas Eve worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing. Rehearsals are held each Sunday after the 9:45 am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00 pm service (no rehearsal Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve), or by arrangement with Ruth. Those singing are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week. 

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Voters’ Assembly meeting, Sunday, January 19th, 11:00am.  Snow date: January 26th.  Lunch provided. 

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY: Monday, November 25th, 1:00pm. All women of the church welcomed! 

Bulletin Notices for November 17, 2019

THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP, Wednesday, November 27th, at 7:00pm.    

Festival Choir…All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon as soon as possible to indicate your interest in singing. Rehearsals are held each Sunday after the 9:45 am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00 pm service, or by arrangement with Ruth. Those singing are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week. 

HANDS OF GRACE food needs….Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup.  Thank you.    

REMINDER … Hands of Grace Thanksgiving grocery bags need to be dropped off at church by next Sunday, November 24th.  Thank you.

PLEASE take a moment to fill out the Time, Treasures, and Talent sheet in today’s bulletin and leave in the designated mailbox.  Thank you, Charlie Burk

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Voters’ Assembly meeting, Sunday, January 19th, 11:00am.  Snow date: January 26th.  Lunch provided.  LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY: Monday, November 25th, 1:00

Bulletin Notices for November 10, 2019

Festival Choir…All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon as soon as possible to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. Rehearsals began last Sunday, and be held each Sunday after the 9:45 am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00 pm service, or by arrangement with Ruth. Those singing are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week. 

NATIONAL SHOE BOX COLLECTION WEEK NEEDS…. Finger food desserts are needed prior to the start of each scheduled time: 

        ~Tuesday, November 19th, 4:00pm – 7:00pm.

        ~Wednesday, November 20th, 9:00am – 12Noon.

        ~Wednesday, November 20th, 4:00pm – 7:00pm.

        ~Saturday, November 23rd, 9:00am – 12Noon.

        ~Saturday, November 23rd, 4:00pm – 7:00pm.

Also needed are four small cans of decaf coffee, one can of regular coffee, and two large cartons of Half & Half.  Please bring items to church on Sunday, November 17th.   If there is leftover coffee, we will donate it to Hands of Grace.  PLEASE let Denise Yoreo (deyoreo@gmail.com) know if you will donate any of the above items. At this time that schedule is complete. Thank you to the many volunteers who have volunteered time during the week, St. Paul’s Mission Board.

HANDS OF GRACE food needs….Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup.  Thank you.    

HANDS OF GRACE is collecting food for Thanksgiving turkey dinners for their clients.  Grocery bags with a list of food needs are on the table in the narthex.  Bags may be dropped off at church by Sunday, November 24th.  Thank you.

CURUCH GROUNDS CLEAN-UP is Saturday, November 16, at 9:00am.  Please bring rakes, shovels, clippers, tarps, etc… Any questions see Don Eddy. 

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox before you leave church today!

Bulletin Notices for November 3, 2019

Ladies Aid Annual Christmas Fair…is Saturday, December 7th.  Please think of what you can do to support the Fair: bake, crafts, knitted goods, decorations are needed.  Please see Janice Becker with any questions.

A/V Worship Assistance…Each Sunday we are blessed to be able to project our worship services for people to follow along. We currently have a very small core of people that operate the computers to serve the church family in this way. If you are interested in learning how to do this simple, but important task during worship, we’d love to train you and have you serve! Assistance is especially needed for the 9:45 am service. Adults and Youth are invited to learn. Please contact Pastor Manor or Dave Yoreo if you have any questions or are interested in being trained.

Hands of Grace…is collecting food for Thanksgiving turkey dinners for their clients.  Grocery bags with a list of food needs are on the table in the narthex.  Bags may be dropped off at church by Sunday, November 24th.  Thank you, Leslie Denton.Altar Guild…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship. Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving as an individual, a couple, or a family. Training is provided.

Festival Choir…All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon as soon as possible to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, November 3rd, and be held each Sunday after the 9:45 am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00 pm service, or by arrangement with Ruth. Those singing are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week. 

Church Grounds Clean-Up… will be Saturday, November 16, at 9:00am.  Please bring rakes, shovels, clippers, tarps, etc… Any questions see Don Eddy.

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Totals…All praise to God!  With great joy, we are happy to announce that a total of 129 OCC shoe boxes have been collected this year here at St. Paul’s.  Please pray for the children that will be receiving these boxes. May they grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Operation Christmas Child Drop-Off Volunteers Needed…St. Paul’s is hosting an OCC Shoe Box drop-off center at Hands of Grace during National Shoe Box Collection Week, November 18-25. We will be open and in need of volunteers the following days:

Bulletin Notices for October 27, 2019

All Saints’ Day Remembrance…During our worship services on Sunday, Nov. 3rd, we would like to remember your family and friends who have died in the faith since All Saints’ Day last year (Nov. 4th, 2018). Please submit those names via email or phone to the church office or to Pastor Manor by Wednesday, October 30th for inclusion in the remembrance this year.

Daughters of Faith…will be meeting on November 2nd from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm. We’ll begin a study on the Fruit of the Spirit, along with prayer and fellowship. We will also have snacks and beverages!  Please invite a friend to join us.

Festival Choir…All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please speak to Ruth Yeadon as soon as possible to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, November 3rd, and be held each Sunday after the 9:45 am service, each Wednesday after the 7:00 pm service, or by arrangement with Ruth. Those singing are asked to attend at least one rehearsal each week. 

Ladies Aid Annual Christmas Fair…is Saturday, December 7th.  Please think of what you can do to support the Fair: bake, crafts, knitted goods, decorations are needed.  Please see Janice Becker with any questions.

LWML Mite Boxes…Please bring your filled boxes in by the end of October. 

A/V Worship Assistance…Each Sunday we are blessed to be able to project our worship services for people to follow along. We currently have a very small core of people that operate the computers to serve the church family in this way. If you are interested in learning how to do this simple, but important task during worship, we’d love to train you and have you serve! Assistance is especially needed for the 9:45 am service. Adults and Youth are invited to learn. Please contact Pastor Manor or Dave Yoreo if you have any questions or are interested in being trained.

Altar Guild…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship. Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving as an individual, a couple, or a family. Training is provided. 

Exciting News about Operation Christmas Child Shoe boxes…Our loving God has abundantly blessed this mission project here at St. Paul’s. The Sunday school children packed 48 boxes last week with items purchased from your donations and a grant given by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. We have now collected 78 shoe boxes.  Will we make our 100 box goal or will we exceed it?  Stay tuned!  Shoeboxes are due in today!

Hands of Grace will host an OPEN HOUSE…on Friday, November 1st, at 7:00pm.  Come see how the Lord has richly blessed us!  Cake, coffee, and goodies will be served as we thank the Lord for what He has done in this ministry.  Hope you can make it! Blessings, Pastor Mongeau

Hands of Grace food needs…Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup.  Thank you.    

Operation Christmas Child Drop-Off Volunteers Needed…St. Paul’s is hosting an OCC Shoe Box drop-off center at Hands of Grace during National Shoe Box Collection Week, November 18-25. We will be open and in need of volunteers the following days:

Monday: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Tuesday: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Wednesday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Thursday: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Friday: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Sunday: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Monday: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

For more information, contact Denise Yoreo, Team Leader  deyoreo@gmail.com

Bulletin Notices for October 20, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE food needs….Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup.  Thank you.     

HANDS OF GRACE OUTDOORS will meet on the first, second, and third Mondays of each month, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Hands of Grace.  Our monthly outings will be held on the third weekend of each month.  If anyone would like any info on our group please contact Shawn Weeks at weeksoutdoors@att.net.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX COLLECTION is well underway.  Our goal this year is 100 boxes.  If you would like to include a fabric tote bag (made by the women of St. Paul’s) in your shoebox, please stop by the table located in the narthex and pick one up.  Just a reminder that the last day for shoebox collection is

October 27th.  If you have any questions, Travis or Emily Poudin will be happy to answer them.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting on November 2nd from 2:00pm – 3:30pm. We’ll begin a study on the Fruit of the Spirit along with prayer and fellowship and enjoy snacks and beverages too.  Please invite a friend to join us.

ALTAR GUILD…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship. Training is provided.  Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek  if you are interested in serving as an individual, a couple, or a family. 

A/V WORSHIP ASSISTANCE …Each Sunday we are blessed to be able to project our worship services on the screens. We currently have a very small core of people who operate the computers to serve the church family in this way. If you are interested in learning how to do this simple, but important task during worship, we’d love to train you and have you serve! Assistance is especially needed for the 9:45 am service. Adults and Youth are invited to learn. Please contact Pastor Manor or Dave Yoreo if you have any questions or are interested in being trained.

*REMINDER:  Please bring your Mite Boxes in by the end of October. 

LADIES AID Annual Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 7th.   Please think of what you can do to support the Fair: bake, crafts, knitted goods, decorations are needed.  Any questions, see Janice Becker.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:   Hands of Grace will host an OPEN HOUSE on Friday, November 1st, at 7:00pm.   Come see how the Lord has richly blessed us! Cake, coffee, and goodies will be served as we thank the Lord for what He has done in this ministry.  Hope you can make it! Blessings, Pastor Mongeau

Bulletin Notices for October 13, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE food needs….Any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup.  Thank you.     

LWML FALL RETREAT Nov. 1st – 2nd.  Sign-up sheet, detailed information, plus REGISTRATION FORMS are on the table in the narthex.  So far we have two drivers who will be going on SATURDAY ONLY.  Please see Cheryl Lowman or sign-up on clipboard and she will give you a call regarding carpool options!  Let’s Grow in Christ together and connect with this important nationwide women’s ministry! 

HANDS OF GRACE OUTDOORS will meet on the first, second, and third Mondays of each month, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Hands of Grace.  Our monthly outings will continue to be held on the third weekend of each month.  If anyone would like any info on our group please contact Shawn Weeks at 860-866-7977 or email him at weeksoutdoors@att.net.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX COLLECTION is well underway.  Our goal is 100 boxes.  If you are packing a shoebox for a girl, please stop by the table located in the upper fellowship room and pick up a fabric tote bag (hand made by the women of St. Paul’s) to place in your shoebox.  Reminder:  Monetary donations are due Sunday, October 13th.  

Checks should be made out to “St. Paul’s Lutheran Church” with a designation to Samaritan’s Purse on the memo line.  The Mission Board members will use these donations to purchase items that the Sunday school students will pack on October 20th.  The last day for you to bring your shoebox in is October 27th.  Travis or Emily Poudin will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be having their first meeting on November 2nd from 2:00 – 3:30pm. We’ll begin a study on the Fruit of the Spirit along with prayer and fellowship and enjoy snacks and beverages too.  Please invite a friend to join us.

LCMS DISTRICT PRESIDENTS meeting at St. Paul’s…..Every year on a bi-annual basis, the Presidents of the East Coast Districts of the LCMS gather for a time of study, fellowship, and sharing of ideas. These seven District Presidents and a few special guests will be meeting at St. Paul’s on Wednesday and Thursday this week. We’re thankful for the opportunity to have these special guests on our campus!

A/V WORSHIP ASSISTANCE …Each Sunday we are blessed to be able to project our worship services for people to follow along. We currently have a very small core of people that operate the computers to serve the church family in this way. If you are interested in learning how to do this simple, but important task during worship, we’d love to train you and have you serve! Assistance is especially needed for the 9:45 am service. Adults and Youth are invited to learn. Please contact Pastor Manor or Dave Yoreo if you have any questions or are interested in being trained.

ALTAR GUILD…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship. Training is provided.  Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving as an individual, a couple, or a family.

Bulletin Notices for October 6, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE food needs…any donation is appreciated but we are in the greatest need of soup, juice and toothpaste right now.   Thank you.     

LWML FALL RETREAT Nov. 1st – 2nd.  Sign-up sheet, detailed information, plus REGISTRATION FORMS are on the table in the narthex.  So far we have two drivers who will be going on SATURDAY ONLY.   Please see Cheryl Lowman or sign-up on clipboard and she will give you a call regarding carpool options!  Let’s Grow in Christ together and connect with this important nationwide women’s ministry! 

BEGINNING IN OCTOBER Hands of Grace Outdoors will meet on the first, second, and third Mondays of each month, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Hands of Grace.  Our monthly outings will continue to be held on the third weekend of each month.  If anyone would like any info on our group please contact Shawn Weeks at weeksoutdoors@att.net.

OCTOBER IS MISSION AWARENESS MONTH!  In the coming weeks we will give you updates on all of St. Paul’s Mission projects.  We will have a strong emphasis on the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox collections. Our Shoebox packing begins now!  GOAL: 100 boxes. Monetary donations may be made for the boxes.  The Mission Board members will shop for you!  Checks may be made to “St Paul’s Lutheran Church” with a designation to Samaritan’s Purse on the memo line.  Monetary donations are due October 13th.  The Sunday school students will pack the items bought on October 20th! If you have any questions, please speak to Travis or Emily Poudin.