Bulletin Notices for Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Breakfast…between today’s two worship services. Come on down to the lower fellowship room to enjoy conversation with your brothers and sisters in Christ, and some food provided by church members. All are welcome!

Easter Egg Hunt for the Kids…meet in the lower fellowship room at 10:00 for the fun!

Youth Pizza and Game Day! Sunday, May 19th, from 5:00pm – 7:30pm here at church. Bring a snack to share, and bring your friends too! We’ll have games, but bring your favorite game if you’d like to. See Pastor Manor if you have any questions.

Hands of Grace…our community outreach ministry, is in need of coffee, tea bags, soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc… Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

National Day of Prayer…is May 2nd, and the theme will be Love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34. From 9:00am – 7:00pm on May 2nd, St. Paul’s will have the sanctuary open, to allow opportunities for prayer and meditation for our church family and for the community. A minimum of two hosts are needed for every hour. Please see Deb Burdick to volunteer as a host. We will conclude the day with a prayer service at 7:00pm, followed by a light reception. If you have any questions, please contact any Mission Board Member – Denise Yoreo, Travis Poudin, Deb Burdick.

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming this Saturday, April 27th at 3:00 pm to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA. This presentation of the second Gospel of the New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board or talk to Pastor Manor.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers coming soon to www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church, Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long overnight camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Women’s Bible Study…continues to meet the fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm. This month’s date is April 23rd! We continue to enjoy growing in Christ together in our study on WISDOM.  All ladies welcome!

Lutheran Women Missionary League… All St. Paul’s Ladies are invited to attend the Spring Mid-Valley Zone Rally here at St. Paul’s next Sunday, April 28th, at 2:00 p.m. Pastor David Riley from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA will serve as the guest speaker at the Rally. A light dinner of soup and sandwiches will be served!  You are invited to participate in the In-Gathering at the Rally that will benefit Hands of Grace!  Please consider contributing one or more of the following items: 

  • Household – hand or bath towels
  • Clothing – underwear & socks of all sizes
  • Other – personal care items for women

We look forward to this wonderful opportunity to connect with our sisters in Christ through amazing fellowship and sharing in the work of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.  Please sign up on the clipboard in the entryway to the church, or contact Cheryl Lowman at Cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are planning to attend, as this greatly helps with planning. Thank you so much!

Bulletin Notices for April 7, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, tea bags, soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…ALSO, we are all set for egg cartons and no longer need them at this time.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesday!

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

Last Lenten Dinner…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday night.  Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship.  If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey continues I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. Look also for your daily email, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

HAVE YOU been waiting for the opportunity to serve Altar Guild?  We have a onetime offer for you.  Come one and all, ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC. Annual Cleaning Day, April 13th, “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am.  Coffee and donuts provided.  Hope to see you there!  Cynthia Boyle

LUTHERAN WOMEN MISSIONARY LEAGUE Spring Mid-Valley Zone Rally will be held at St. Paul’s on Sunday, April 28th, at 2:00 p.m. HELPING HANDS needed!  Come, serve, and be a blessing to our sisters in the Lord!  Remember, deep purple is the LWML color so dig into your closet to see if you have some purple to wear to the Rally!  Please let Cheryl Lowman know how you would like to help or if you plan to attend.  Thanks a bunch! 

LADIES BIBLE STUDY continues to meet the fourth Tuesday of each month.  This month’s date is April 23rd!  We continue to enjoy growing in-Christ together in our study on WISDOM.  All ladies welcome! 

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA on Saturday, April 27th, beginning at 3:00 pm. This presentation of the second Gospel of the New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board, talk to Pastor Manor, or contact St. John’s pastor, Rev. David Riley, at dvsriley@suddenlink.net or 413-568-1417.

SUNDAY, APRIL 14th – following 3rd Service – Light Lunch and IN-HOME SAINTS VISITS!  Please consider coming and being part of sharing Christ’s great love through song, God’s Holy Word, and prayer at each stop.  These visits remind those who are unable to join us in worship that they are still part of our congregation and that they are not forgotten.  Please see Cheryl Lowman if you have questions or would like to help and/or plan to attend.L

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church in Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long sleep-over camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Camp Pineshore offers a tradition of Learning about Jesus Christ, of Providing Christian Role Models, of Making Long Lasting Friends, of Having a fun-filled Week, of Encouraging Teamwork, and of Safety.  Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

****Financial Giving Update and Need…please take a look at your Fruitful Branches newsletter that was emailed to you, or pick up a copy in the narthex. There you will see the attendance and financial status of our congregation after the first two months of 2019. Due to a variety of factors (weather, vacations, illness), attendance is down, and our giving is well below budget and our actual expenses. If you have been unable to give your tithe due to these factors, please consider making it up in the weeks to come, as we together continue to support the work of “sharing at every opportunity the message of God’s unconditional saving love for all people found only in Jesus Christ.”

National Day of Prayer, May 2nd, Love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34.  We will host a day of prayer and meditation, from 9:00am to 7:00pm. We will conclude the day with a prayer service at 7:00pm followed by a light reception.  A minimum of two hosts are need for every hour.  Please see Deb Burdick to volunteer as a host.  If you have any questions, please contact any Mission Board member. Denise Yoreo, Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin 

Bulletin Notices for March 31, 2019

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?”

Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesday.

4/03 – Midweek 5:  Why Veils? 

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, tea bags, soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…ALSO, we are all set for egg cartons and no longer need them at this time.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

Lenten Dinners…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday night.  Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship.  If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey continues I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. Look also for your daily email, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

HAVE YOU been waiting for the opportunity to serve Altar Guild?  We have a onetime offer for you.  Come one and all, ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC. Annual Cleaning Day, April 13th, “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am.  Coffee and donuts provided.  Hope to see you there!  Cynthia Boyle

Lutheran Women Missionary League SPRING ZONE RALLY here at St. Paul’s!  Sunday, April 28th, beginning at 2:00 pm.  On that day, all women are invited to help HOST and ATTEND this rally. We have a perfect opportunity to connect with our LWML Mid-Valley Zone sisters in-Christ!  A Presentation will be given by our District LWML President Barbara Lis as well as others who have recently attended the LWML Assembly of Leaders Conference!  LWML is an incredible way to connect with a mission-oriented emphasis in our congregations and to grow in Christ via individual church groups as well as District and National gatherings!  Please see Cheryl Lowman or e-mail her at  cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are free to help with set-up, overseeing food tables during the Rally, or to be part of the clean-up team!  Please see Leslie Denton if you are able to help by making soup for the lunch that will be served!  Thank-you all for your prayers!   

Sunday, APRIL 14th – following 3rd Service – Light Lunch and

IN-HOME SAINTS VISITS!  Please consider coming and being part of sharing Christ’s great love through song, God’s Holy Word, and prayer at each stop.  These visits remind those who are unable to join us in worship that they are still part of our congregation and that they are not forgotten.  Please see Cheryl Lowman if you have questions or would like to help and/or plan to attend. 

OUR NEXT Daughters of Faith meeting will be Saturday, April 27th from 2:00pm – 3:30pm. We’ll have a time of Bible study, fun, food and fellowship.  Please see Judy Byrne to let her know if you will be attending.

Financial Giving Update and Need…please take a look at your Fruitful Branches newsletter that was emailed to you, or pick up a copy in the narthex. There you will see the attendance and financial status of our congregation after the first two months of 2019. Due to a variety of factors (weather, vacations, illness), attendance is down, and our giving is well below budget and our actual expenses. If you have been unable to give your tithe due to these factors, please consider making it up in the weeks to come, as we together continue to support the work of “sharing at every opportunity the message of God’s unconditional saving love for all people found only in Jesus Christ.”

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church in Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long sleep-over camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Camp Pineshore offers a tradition of Learning about Jesus Christ, of Providing Christian Role Models, of Making Long Lasting Friends, of Having a fun-filled Week, of Encouraging Teamwork, and of Safety.  Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms.  Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming to

St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA on Saturday, April 27th, beginning at 3:00 pm. This presentation of the second Gospel of the

New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board, talk to

Pastor Manor, or contact St. John’s pastor, Rev. David Riley, at dvsriley@suddenlink.net or 413-568-1417.

Bulletin Notices for March 24, 2019

Financial Giving Update and Need…please take a look at your Fruitful Branches newsletter that was emailed to you, or pick up a copy in the narthex. There you will see the attendance and financial status of our congregation after the first two months of 2019. Due to a variety of factors (weather, vacations, illness), attendance is down, and our giving is well below budget and our actual expenses. If you have been unable to give your tithe due to these factors, please consider making it up in the weeks to come, as we together continue to support the work of “sharing at every opportunity the message of God’s unconditional saving love for all people found only in Jesus Christ.”

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…ALSO, we are all set for egg cartons and no longer need them at this time.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays!

3/27 – Midweek 4:  Why Foot Washing? 

4/03 – Midweek 5:  Why Veils? 

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

Lenten Dinners…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights.  Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship.  If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey continues I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. Look also for your daily email, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY and January regular meeting minutes are in the wall box in the narthex.

HAVE YOU been waiting for the opportunity to serve Altar Guild?  We have a onetime offer for you.  Come one and all, ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC. Annual Cleaning Day, April 13th, “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am.  Coffee and donuts provided.  Hope to see you there!  Cynthia Boyle

Lutheran Women Missionary League SPRING ZONE RALLY here at St. Paul’s!  Sunday, April 28th, beginning at 2:00 pm.  On that day, all women are invited to help HOST and ATTEND this rally. We have a perfect opportunity to connect with our LWML Mid-Valley Zone sisters in-Christ!  A Presentation will be given by our District LWML President Barbara Lis as well as others who have recently attended the LWML Assembly of Leaders Conference!  LWML is an incredible way to connect with a mission-oriented emphasis in our congregations and to grow in Christ via individual church groups as well as District and National gatherings!  Please see Cheryl Lowman or e-mail her at  cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are free to help with set-up, overseeing food tables during the Rally, or to be part of the clean-up team!  Please see Leslie Denton if you are able to help by making soup for the lunch that will be served!  Thank-you all for your prayers!   

Hands of Grace Spring Tag sale. March 30, 9am – 2pm, 8 Wickett St.

  • Clothing Clearance for all ages
  • Shoes and purses
  • Backpacks and books
  • Build a Bears with outfits
  • Household Items
  • Bake sale hosted by Hands of Grace Outdoors’ boys

**Baked goods are needed **   Tell a friend and come support Hands of Grace! 

Second Annual New England Men’s Retreat… April 5th – 6th at Trinity Lutheran Church in Keene, NH. We’ll be focusing on the book of 1 John, and will also have times of prayer, fellowship, and breakout sessions from some of our district pastors. The cost is cheap! Registration is $10, unless you choose to stay at a local hotel, which is additional. Retreat information and registration forms are available on the kitchen bulletin board. If you have any questions or are interested in attending with Pastor Manor, please talk to him.

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming to

St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA on Saturday, April 27th, beginning at 3:00 pm. This presentation of the second Gospel of the New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board, talk to Pastor Manor, or contact St. John’s pastor, Rev. David Riley, at dvsriley@suddenlink.net or 413-568-1417.

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church in Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long sleep-over camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Camp Pineshore offers a tradition of Learning about Jesus Christ, of Providing Christian Role Models, of Making Long Lasting Friends, of Having a fun-filled Week, of Encouraging Teamwork, and of Safety. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Financial Giving Update and Need…please take a look at your Fruitful Branches newsletter that was emailed to you, or pick up a copy in the narthex. There you will see the attendance and financial status of our congregation after the first two months of 2019. Due to a variety of factors (weather, vacations, illness), attendance is down, and our giving is well below budget and our actual expenses. If you have been unable to give your tithe due to these factors, please consider making it up in the weeks to come, as we together continue to support the work of “sharing at every opportunity the message of God’s unconditional saving love for all people found only in Jesus Christ.”

IF YOU WOULD LIKE to put and an Easter flower on the altar, please use the paper and envelopes provided on the secretary’s desk for your dedication and donation and leave in the labeled basket by Palm Sunday, April 14th.  Donations are used to purchase wafers, wine, juice, Communion vessels, paper towels, dish soap, and other supplies. Checks are to be made out to “St. Paul’s Altar Guild.”  Thank you!  Cynthia Boyle

Bulletin Notices for March 17, 2019

Financial Giving Update and Need…please take a look at your Fruitful Branches newsletter that was emailed to you, or pick up a copy in the narthex. There you will see the attendance and financial status of our congregation after the first two months of 2019. Due to a variety of factors (weather, vacations, illness), attendance is down, and our giving is well below budget and our actual expenses. If you have been unable to give your tithe due to these factors, please consider making it up in the weeks to come, as we together continue to support the work of “sharing at every opportunity the message of God’s unconditional saving love for all people found only in Jesus Christ.”

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…ALSO, we are all set for egg cartons and no longer need them at this time.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays!

3/06 – Ash Wed.:    Why Ashes?
3/13 – Midweek 2:  Why Fasting?

3/20 – Midweek 3:  Why Repentance?
3/27 – Midweek 4:  Why Foot Washing?

4/03 – Midweek 5:  Why Veils? 

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

Lenten Dinners…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights.  Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship.  If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey begins I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. Look also for your daily email, beginning March 6th, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

Lenten Devotional Books…available on the table in the narthex.

PLEASE check your church mailbox.

HAVE YOU been waiting for the opportunity to serve Altar Guild?  We have a onetime offer for you.  Come one and all, ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC. Annual Cleaning Day, April 13th,   “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am.  Coffee and donuts provided.  Hope to see you there!  Cynthia Boyle

Lutheran Women Missionary League SPRING ZONE RALLY here at St. Paul’s!  Sunday, April 28th, beginning at 2:00 pm.  On that day, all women are invited to help HOST and ATTEND this rally. We have a perfect opportunity to connect with our LWML Mid-Valley Zone sisters in-Christ!  A Presentation will be given by our District LWML President Barbara Lis as well as others who have recently attended the LWML Assembly of Leaders Conference!  LWML is an incredible way to connect with a mission-oriented emphasis in our congregations and to grow in Christ via individual church groups as well as District and National gatherings!  Please see Cheryl Lowman or e-mail her at  cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are free to help with set-up, overseeing food tables during the Rally, or to be part of the clean-up team!  Please see Leslie Denton if you are able to help by making soup for the lunch that will be served!  Thank-you all for your prayers!   

Youth Fundraiser! Pasta Pot Bless Dinner on Saturday, March 23rd from 5:00pm – 7:30pm.  Our very own Emily Jury and Grace Manor will be journeying to Minneapolis, Minnesota to attend the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering July 11th – 15th!  We will gather together to hear their hearts as they seek to grow in Christ our Savior in this way. Also, our Christian Education Chair, Natalie Jury will share information regarding youth opportunities and Christian Education’s vision for our youth going forward!  Baskets for a free will offering will be distributed that evening.  Please see Natalie Jury or Cheryl Lowman if you would like to help or to let them know your intention to attend.

Hands of Grace Spring Tag sale. March 30, 9am – 2pm, 8 Wickett St.

  • Clothing Clearance for all ages
  • Shoes and purses
  • Backpacks and books
  • Build a Bears with outfits
  • Household Items
  • Bake sale hosted by Hands of Grace Outdoors’ boys

**Baked goods are needed **   Tell a friend and come support Hands of Grace! 

Second Annual New England Men’s Retreat… April 5th – 6th at Trinity Lutheran Church in Keene, NH. We’ll be focusing on the book of 1 John, and will also have times of prayer, fellowship, and breakout sessions from some of our district pastors. The cost is cheap! Registration is $10, unless you choose to stay at a local hotel, which is additional. Retreat information and registration forms are available on the kitchen bulletin board. If you have any questions or are interested in attending with Pastor Manor, please talk to him.

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA on Saturday, April 27th, beginning at 3:00 pm. This presentation of the second Gospel of the New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board, talk to Pastor Manor, or contact St. John’s pastor, Rev. David Riley, at dvsriley@suddenlink.net or 413-568-1417.

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church in Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long sleep-over camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Camp Pineshore offers a tradition of Learning about Jesus Christ, of Providing Christian Role Models, of Making Long Lasting Friends, of Having a fun-filled Week, of Encouraging Teamwork, and of Safety. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Bulletin Notices for March 10, 2019

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays!

3/06 – Ash Wed.:    Why Ashes?
3/13 – Midweek 2:  Why Fasting?
3/20 – Midweek 3:  Why Repentance?
3/27 – Midweek 4:  Why Foot Washing?
4/03 – Midweek 5:  Why Veils? 

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

Lenten Dinners…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights. Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship. If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey continues, I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. You should also be receiving a daily email with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse. Please let Pastor Manor know if you are not receiving that daily email.

Lenten Devotional Books…available on the table in the narthex!

Tag Sale at Hands of Grace…Saturday, March 30th, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Hands of Grace Outdoors will host a bake sale… at the Tag Sale March 30th at Hands of Grace.  Baked goods are needed and may be dropped off at Hands of Grace the morning of the sale. Thank you.

Lutheran Women Missionary League SPRING ZONE RALLY here at St. Paul’s!  PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE:  Sunday, April 28th, beginning at 2:00 pm.  On that day, all women are invited to help HOST and ATTEND this rally. We have a perfect opportunity to connect with our LWML Mountain Laurel Zone sisters in-Christ!  A Presentation will be given by our District LWML President Barbara Lis as well as others who have recently attended the LWML Assembly of Leaders Conference!  LWML is an incredible way to connect with a mission-oriented emphasis in our congregations and to grow in Christ via individual church groups as well as District and National gatherings!  Please see Cheryl Lowman or e-mail her at  cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are free to help with set-up, overseeing food tables during the Rally, or to be part of the clean up team!  Please see Leslie Denton if you are able to help by making soup for the lunch that will be served!  Thank-you all for your prayers and consideration! 

Youth Fundraiser! Pasta Pot Bless Dinner on Saturday, March 23rd from 5pm – 7:30pm.  Our very own Emily Jury and Grace Manor will be journeying to Minneapolis, Minnesota to attend the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering July 11th – 15th!  We will gather together to hear their hearts as they seek to grow in Christ our Savior in this way. Also, our Christian Education Chair, Natalie Jury will share information regarding youth opportunities and Christian Education’s vision for our youth going forward!  Baskets for a free will offering will be distributed that evening.  Please see Natalie Jury or Cheryl Lowman if you would like to help or to let them know your intention to attend.

Hands Of Grace Hours and Volunteer Opportunities

  • We are open Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 9:00am – 4:00pm for client appointments, and Thursdays from 9:00am–12pm to receive donations. 
  • Volunteer opportunities are available in the following areas:  household sorting (Mondays), area leader is Deb Burdick, food delivery (Tuesdays), area leader is Leslie Denton, and clothes sorting (Wednesdays), area leader is Denise Yoreo.

If you would like to volunteer in one of these areas please contact the area leader or myself.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

Hands Of Grace…is in need of soup, juice and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…ALSO, we are all set for egg cartons and no longer need them at this time.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

Bulletin Notices for March 3, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…  Thank you. 

SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday, March 23rd, 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.  A Youth Fund Pasta Pot Bless Fundraiser!  We have the privilege of having two young ladies who are signed up to attend the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering July 11th -15th in Minneapolis, Minnesota!  This function will be a fun way to gather our support.  We will hear from the girls about The Gathering and from our Christian Education Chair, who will share information regarding opportunities for youth as well as Christian Education’s vision for our youth going forward!  It is going to be a super supper and time of Fellowship and support!  Everyone is welcome and all youth greatly encouraged to attend with their families!  POC:  Cheryl Lowman via e-mail at cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com  Baskets for a free will offering will be distributed that evening.  Let’s pour into our youth and rejoice in all God will do in their hearts as they seek Him!

“Dave and I want to thank our friends at St. Paul’s for your care and concern shown our family through the cards of comfort, meals brought in to provide for physical needs, but most of all your prayers during the difficult circumstances our family experienced.  We are grateful to the Lord how He provides for us through each of you.” 

~Sincerely, Mary and Dave Vincent

REMINDER from our financial secretary… please use your 2019 offering envelopes.  Do not use 2018 offering envelopes as your number may have changed!  Thank you.

PLEASE check your church mailbox!

ASH WEDNESDAY…Would you like to have the Imposition of Ashes to start your day on Ash Wednesday? All are welcome for a short time (10-15 minutes) of Confession, Scripture, and the imposition of ashes, beginning at 7:00 am on March 6th. Full Ash Wednesday worship with the Imposition of Ashes and Communion is at 7:00 pm on the 6th.

PRAYER/SEWING CIRCLE – we will have our next meeting on March 9th, at 9:00 AM.  Meeting to be held in the upper fellowship room.  We will be working on our next project so bring your crochet hooks/knitting needles to get started.  Patterns will be available at the meeting. Please see Tami Weeks.  

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays!

3/06 – Ash Wed.:    Why Ashes?
3/13 – Midweek 2:  Why Fasting?
3/20 – Midweek 3:  Why Repentance?
3/27 – Midweek 4:  Why Foot Washing? 

4/03 – Midweek 5:  Why Veils? 

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

Lenten Dinners…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 6th. Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship. If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey begins I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. Look also for your daily email, beginning March 6th, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

Lenten Devotional Books…available on the table in the narthex!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  tag sale at Hands of Grace on Saturday, March 30th, 9:00am – 2:00pm.  Hands of Grace Outdoors will have a bake sale as well! 

Bulletin Notices for February 24, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…  Thank you. 

SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday, March 23rd, 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.  A Youth Fund Pasta Pot Bless Fundraiser!  We have the privilege of having two young ladies who are signed up to attend the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering July 11th -15th in Minneapolis, Minnesota!  This function will be a fun way to gather our support.  We will hear from the girls about The Gathering and from our Christian Education Chair, who will share information regarding opportunities for youth as well as Christian Education’s vision for our youth going forward!  It is going to be a super supper and time of Fellowship and support!  Everyone is welcome and all youth greatly encouraged to attend with their families!  POC:  Cheryl Lowman via e-mail at cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com  Baskets for a free will offering will be distributed that evening.  Let’s pour into our youth and rejoice in all God will do in their hearts as they seek Him!

LADIES BIBLE STUDY will meet Tuesday, February 26th, 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. in the Upper Fellowship Room.  We will continue our study on WISDOM!  Come, enjoy digging into God’s Holy Word and learn more about Him and how we can walk in His Wisdom!  All Ladies welcome!

“Dave and I want to thank our friends at St. Paul’s for your care and concern shown our family through the cards of comfort, meals brought in to provide for physical needs, but most of all your prayers during the difficult circumstances our family experienced.  We are grateful to the Lord how He provides for us through each of you.”  ~ Sincerely, Mary & Dave Vincent

“Life in Christ”

A Sermon Series from 1 Corinthians 12 – 15

One Spirit ~ 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 ~ Jan. 20

One Body ~ 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 ~ Jan. 27

One Love ~ 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 ~ Feb. 3

One Church ~ 1 Corinthians 14:12-20 ~ Feb. 10

One Resurrection ~ 1 Corinthians 15:1-20 ~ Feb. 17

One Hope ~ 1 Corinthians 15:21-42 ~ Feb. 24

What’s our faith foundation? What do we really believe? We look to answer those questions and more over the next several weeks.  Everyone is invited to the adult Bible study time at 9:45am on Sundays to discover, or re-discover, the riches of our faith – what we believe, teach, and confess. Pastor Mongeau will lead this engaging discussion designed for our church family members, those who have been visiting our church family, and those who are brand new to Christianity. Come and ask a lot of questions or just come and listen, as we explore together the foundation of our faith and what we truly believe. If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Mongeau or Pastor Manor.

REMINDER from our financial secretary… please use your 2019 offering envelopes.  Do not use 2018 offering envelopes as your number may have changed!  Thank you. 

ASH WEDNESDAY…Would you like to have the Imposition of Ashes to start your day on Ash Wednesday? All are welcome for a short time(10-15 minutes) of Confession, Scripture, and the imposition of ashes, beginning at 7:00 am on March 6th. Full Ash Wednesday worship with the Imposition of Ashes and Communion is at 7:00 pm on the 6th.

LENTEN DINNERS…Come enjoy food and fellowship on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm, beginning Ash Wednesday, March 13th. More details coming soon!

PRAYER/SEWING CIRCLE – we will have our next meeting on March 9th, at 9:00 AM.  Meeting to be held in the upper fellowship room.  We will be working on our next project so bring your crochet hooks/knitting needles to get started.  Patterns will be available at the meeting. Please RSVP to Tami at GSmama62att.net


Bulletin Notices for February 17, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…  Thank you. 


  • We are open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 9:00am – 4:00pm for client appointments, and Thursdays from 9:00am – 12Noon to receive donations. 
  • Volunteer opportunities are available in the following areas:  household sorting (Mondays), area leader is Deb Burdick, food delivery (Tuesdays), area leader is Leslie Denton, and clothes sorting (Wednesdays), area leader is Denise Yoreo.

If you would like to volunteer in one of these areas please contact the area leader or myself.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

THE THIRD THURSDAY THING…Hands of Grace is starting a men’s fellowship group.  We will meet at Hands of Grace on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00p.m.  Our first meeting will be on Thursday, February 21st.  All men are welcome for food and fellowship. If you would like to bring food, bring enough to share.  Contact Shawn Weeks or Pastor Mongeau if you have any questions.

Life in Christ”

A Sermon Series from 1 Corinthians 12 – 15

One Spirit ~ 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 ~ Jan. 20

One Body ~ 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 ~ Jan. 27

One Love ~ 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 ~ Feb. 3

One Church ~ 1 Corinthians 14:12-20 ~ Feb. 10

One Resurrection ~ 1 Corinthians 15:1-20 ~ Feb. 17

One Hope ~ 1 Corinthians 15:21-42 ~ Feb. 24

What’s our faith foundation? What do we really believe? We look to answer those questions and more over the next several weeks.  Everyone is invited to the adult Bible study time at 9:45am on Sundays to discover, or re-discover, the riches of our faith – what we believe, teach, and confess. Pastor Mongeau will lead this engaging discussion designed for our church family members, those who have been visiting our church family, and those who are brand new to Christianity. Come and ask a lot of questions or just come and listen, as we explore together the foundation of our faith and what we truly believe. If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Mongeau or Pastor Manor.

SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday, March 23rd, 5 – 7:30 p.m.  A Youth Fund Pasta Pot Bless Fundraiser!  We have the privilege of having two young ladies who are signed up to attend the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering July 11th -15th in Minneapolis, Minnesota!  This function will be a fun way to gather our support.  We will hear from the girls about The Gathering and from our Christian Education Chair, who will share information regarding opportunities for youth as well as Christian Education’s vision for our youth going forward!  It is going to be a super supper and time of Fellowship and support!  Everyone is welcome and all youth greatly encouraged to attend with their families!  POC:  Cheryl Lowman via e-mail at cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com  Baskets for a free will offering will be distributed that evening.  Let’s pour into our youth and rejoice in all God will do in their hearts as they seek Him!

LADIES BIBLE STUDY will meet Tuesday, February 26th, 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. in the Upper Fellowship Room.  We will continue our study on WISDOM!  Come, enjoy digging into God’s Holy Word and learn more about Him and how we can walk in His Wisdom!  All Ladies welcome!

Lift up in prayer…

Family of Eda Wabrek, who passed away on Tuesday. 

    Cards may be sent to:

  • Steven Wabrek Family, 221 Holcomb Hill Rd., New Hartford, CT, 06057.
  • Heidi Gallagher, 211 Holcomb Hill Rd., New Hartford, CT.
  • Walter Wabrek Family, P.O. Box 6, New Hartford, CT.
  • John Wabrek Family, 229 Holcomb Hill Rd., New Hartford, CT.

Bulletin Notices for February 10, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…  Thank you. 

VOLUNTEERS are needed to serve St. Paul’s on our Altar Guild!  Minimal time involved and training is provided.  If you are interested, please see or email Cynthia Boyle at cynthia.boyle@winchesterschools.org.  Thank you.


  • We are open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 9:00am – 4:00pm for client appointments, and Thursdays from 9:00am – 12Noon to receive donations. 
  • Volunteer opportunities are available in the following areas:  household sorting (Mondays), area leader is Deb Burdick,      food delivery (Tuesdays), area leader is Leslie Denton, and           clothes sorting (Wednesdays), area leader is Denise Yoreo.

If you would like to volunteer in one of these areas please contact the area leader or myself.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

JUNIOR HIGH WINTER EXTRAVAGANZA!   St. Paul’s Junior High Youth – Save the dates of Friday, March 1 – Sunday, March 3 so you can be a part of the fun at the District Youth Retreat in Keene, NH. St. Paul’s youth have attended this event for the past 5 years and they can tell you what great fun, fellowship, faith-building, and food they enjoyed!  Please see Pastor Manor with any questions.

***PLEASE check your church mailbox.  

“Life in Christ”

A Sermon Series from 1 Corinthians 12 – 15

St. Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, writes much about living our baptized life in Christ. The assigned readings for the next six weeks include Epistle lessons from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians focusing on this topic. Come and explore together our “Life in Christ”!

One Spirit ~ 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 ~ Jan. 20

One Body ~ 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 ~ Jan. 27

One Love ~ 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 ~ Feb. 3

One Church ~ 1 Corinthians 14:12-20 ~ Feb. 10

One Resurrection ~ 1 Corinthians 15:1-20 ~ Feb. 17

One Hope ~ 1 Corinthians 15:21-42 ~ Feb. 24

What’s our faith foundation? What do we really believe? We look to answer those questions and more over the next several weeks.  Everyone is invited to the adult Bible study time at 9:45am on Sundays to discover, or re-discover, the riches of our faith – what we believe, teach, and confess. Pastor Mongeau will lead this engaging discussion designed for our church family members, those who have been visiting our church family, and those who are brand new to Christianity. Come and ask a lot of questions or just come and listen, as we explore together the foundation of our faith and what we truly believe. If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Mongeau or Pastor Manor.

THE THIRD THURSDAY THING…Hands of Grace is starting a men’s fellowship group.  We will meet at Hands of Grace on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00p.m.  Our first meeting will be on Thursday February 21st.  All men are welcome for food and fellowship. If you would like to bring food, bring enough to share.  Contact Shawn Weeks or Pastor Mongeau if you have any questions.

SAVE THE DATE:  Youth Fundraiser!!  Pasta Pot Bless on Saturday, March 23rd, 5-7:30pm.  Details to follow.

REMINDER from our financial secretary… please use your 2019 offering envelopes.  Do not use 2018 offering envelopes as your number may have changed!  Thank you.