Notices for March 24, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo and toothpaste.  Thank you. 

IF YOU would like to put an Easter flower on the altar, today is the last day to turn in your dedication.

POTLUCK BREAKFAST immediately after Easter Sunday service in the lower fellowship room!!  Coffee and tea provided.  If you like, bring a dish to share.  For more information see or contact Emily Jury:

Notices for March 17, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste.  Thank you. 

TODAY …… St Paul’s coffee hour Bible story LEGO construction event! Attend coffee hour on St Patrick’s Day and observe our youth creating their favorite Bible story scenes out of LEGO pieces. Everyone is invited to build or just observe as these scenes and characters come together. Be a builder or an observer and encourager!  Green food and snacks provided by our fellowship committee.

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, March 23rd, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

FESTIVAL CHOIR will meet directly after Sunday service to learn music for Holy Week and Easter services.  People of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us – you only need a good listening ear and be able to carry a tune.  See Ruth Yeadon for more information or to arrange an alternate time to learn the music. 

LENTEN FELLOWSHIP EVENT: Pastor Mandile will be hosting a Lenten fellowship event to listen together to Bach’s St. John Passion (BWV 245). Light refreshments and an   interlinear translation of the lyrics will be provided. Date and time: Saturday, March 23 @ 10:30am in the Upper Fellowship Room.

CONNECTICUT MARCH FOR LIFE, Wednesday, March 20th, rally – 12pm, march – 1pm, Connecticut State Capitol, 210 Capitol Ave., Hartford, CT.  Visit for more information. 

PLEASE check your church mailbox.

Notices for March 10

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste.  Thank you. 

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, March12th, from 1:00 to 2:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. Since we were snowed out for our last meeting, we will again be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Esther. Please contact Judy if you have any questions and to please let her know if you are coming.

ANNOUNCING …… St Paul’s coffee hour Bible story LEGO construction event! Attend coffee hour on St Patrick’s Day and observe our youth creating their favorite Bible story scenes out of LEGO pieces. Everyone is invited to build or just observe as these scenes and characters come together. Be a builder or an observer and encourager! Either way, save the date (March 17, 2024) or plan to attend another fun event for all.  Green food and snacks provided by our fellowship committee.

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, March 23rd, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

FESTIVAL CHOIR will meet directly after Sunday service to learn music for Holy Week and Easter services.  People of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us – you only need a good listening ear and be able to carry a tune.  See Ruth Yeadon for more information or to arrange an alternate time to learn the music. 

LENTEN FELLOWSHIP EVENT: Pastor Mandile will be hosting a Lenten fellowship event to listen together to Bach’s St. John Passion (BWV 245). Light refreshments and an   interlinear translation of the lyrics will be provided. Date and time: Saturday, March 23 @ 10:30am in the Upper Fellowship Room.

Notices for March 3, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste.  Thank you. 

IT’S TIME….SOUPS ON!  Please pick up your preordered soup today after the service in the Lower Fellowship Room.  If you didn’t have a chance to order soup, we have additional containers available for purchase.  These tasty soups make for an easy to prepare meal.  A sincere THANK YOU to everyone for supporting this Ladies Aid fundraiser!

ANNOUNCING …… St Paul’s coffee hour Bible story LEGO construction event! Attend coffee hour on St Patrick’s Day and observe our youth creating their favorite Bible story scenes out of LEGO pieces. Everyone is invited to build or just observe as these scenes and characters come together. Be a builder or an observer and encourager! Either way, save the date (March 17, 2024) or plan to attend another fun event for all.  Green food and snacks provided by our fellowship committee.

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, March12th, from 1:00 to 2:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. Since we were snowed out for our last meeting, we will again be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Esther. Please contact Judy if you have any questions and to please let her know if you are coming.

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, March 23rd, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

FESTIVAL CHOIR will meet directly after Sunday service to learn music for Holy Week and Easter services.  People of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us – you only need a good listening ear and be able to carry a tune.  See Ruth Yeadon for more information or to arrange an alternate time to learn the music. 

LENTEN FELLOWSHIP EVENT: Pastor Mandile will be hosting a Lenten fellowship event to listen together to Bach’s St. John Passion (BWV 245). Light refreshments and an   interlinear translation of the lyrics will be provided. Date and time: Saturday, March 23 @ 10:30am in the Upper Fellowship Room.

Notices for February 28, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste.  Thank you. 

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, March12th, from 1:00 to 2:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. Since we were snowed out for our last meeting, we will again be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Esther. Please contact Judy if you have any questions and to please let her know if you are coming.

FESTIVAL CHOIR will meet directly after Sunday service to learn music for Holy Week and Easter services.  People of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us – you only need a good listening ear and be able to carry a tune.  See Ruth Yeadon for more information or to arrange an alternate time to learn the music. 

LENTEN FELLOWSHIP EVENT: Pastor Mandile will be hosting a Lenten fellowship event to listen together to Bach’s St. John Passion (BWV 245). Light refreshments and an   interlinear translation of the lyrics will be provided. Date and time: Saturday, March 23 @ 10:30am in the Upper Fellowship Room.

MORE SOUP ANYONE?  This is the last Sunday that the Ladies Aid will be taking preorders for soup.  The price for a 16 oz. container of soup is $5.00.  There are still some delicious soups available.  Please stop by the Upper Fellowship Room to place your order.  Just a reminder that next Sunday, March 3rd, all preordered soup should be picked up after the service.

WINDOWS OF JOY Christian womens’ singles group will meet March 2nd, at 1:00pm, here at St. Paul’s.  See Janie Miller for more information. 

Notices for February 18, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo and conditioner.  Thank you. 

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, March12th, from 1:00 to 2:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. Since we were snowed out for our last meeting, we will again be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Esther. Please contact Judy if you have any questions and to please let her know if you are coming.

FESTIVAL CHOIR will meet directly after Sunday service to learn music for Holy Week and Easter services.  People of all ages and abilities are welcome to join us – you only need a good listening ear and be able to carry a tune.  See Ruth Yeadon for more information or to arrange an alternate time to learn the music. 

WE BELIEVE, TEACH, AND CONFESS: Pastor Mandile will be starting a new Adult Catechesis class soon. The class is open to all, not just those who are pursuing membership at St. Paul’s. The class will follow Luther’s Small Catechism. If you do not have a Catechism, one will be provided for you. Please contact Pastor Mandile with any questions.

LENTEN FELLOWSHIP EVENT: Pastor Mandile will be hosting a Lenten fellowship event to listen together to Bach’s St. John Passion (BWV 245). Light refreshments and an   interlinear translation of the lyrics will be provided. Date and time: Saturday, March 23 @ 10:30am in the Upper Fellowship Room.

WANT AN EASY TO PREPARE LUNCH OR SUPPER?  The Ladies Aid is taking preorders for delicious, homemade soup to be picked up after the church service on March 3rd.  Our price for a 16 oz. container of soup is $5.00.  Quantities of soup are limited so please place your order early before soup is sold out.  You’ll find us in the Upper Fellowship Room.

REMINDER:  Empty plastic bottles and can collection next Sunday after service.

From Mary and Jack Quinn…”We want to thank everyone for their cards, phone calls, and most of all their prayers.  Also to our two pastors for their visits and phone calls.  Everything is truly appreciated.” 

Notices for February 11, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo and conditioner.  Thank you. 

WE BELIEVE, TEACH, AND CONFESS: Pastor Mandile will be starting a new Adult Catechesis class soon. The class is open to all, not just those who are pursuing membership at St. Paul’s. The class will follow Luther’s Small Catechism. If you do not have a Catechism, one will be provided for you. Please contact Pastor Mandile with any questions.

LENTEN FELLOWSHIP EVENT: Pastor Mandile will be hosting a Lenten fellowship event to listen together to Bach’s St. John Passion (BWV 245). Light refreshments and an   interlinear translation of the lyrics will be provided. Date and time: Saturday, March 23 @ 10:30am in the Upper Fellowship Room.

St. Paul’s Hospitality Meal Ministry….Our Hospitality Team is here to help when you are in need, whether it is a long-term Illness, a hospitalized loved one, post-op homecoming, or the passing of a loved one.  Let Pastor Mandile or Bev Schott, our Hospitality Leader, know of your need for meals, and a member of the Hospitality Team will reach out to you for details. Bev’s contact information: . Also let Bev know if you would like to be part of our Hospitality Team.

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, February 13th from 1:00 to 2:30pm at the home of Dale and Linda Sheffield at 56 Birdsview Ave, New Hartford. We will be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Esther. Please contact Judy Byrne if you have any questions and to let her know if you are coming.

YUMMY…ARE YOU READY FOR SOME SOUP FOR YOUR TUMMY?  Starting today the Ladies Aid is taking preorders for delicious, homemade soup to be picked up after the church service on March 3rd.  We are selling 16 oz. containers of soup for $5.00.  Quantities of soup are limited so please place your order early before soup is sold out.  You’ll find us in the Upper Fellowship Room.

From Mary and Jack Quinn…”We want to thank everyone for their cards, phone calls, and most of all their prayers.  Also to our two pastors for their visits and phone calls.  Everything is truly appreciated.” 

Notices for February 4, 2024

JEOPARDY TOURNAMENT!! – Announcing the return of the extremely popular, award winning, St. Paul’s Annual Jeopardy Tournament. This has always been a wonderful time of joyful fellowship for the whole congregation. Hosted by our Pastors; children and adults alike will be the participants. The youth, parents, and teachers will compete against the general population of the church.  This year will include a “decorate your own cupcake” activity before the competition begins.      

Date: TODAY!!

Time: Immediately following 9:00am worship

Place: Lower Fellowship Hall

OUR LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY, Women of the Word, will meet on Tuesday, February 13th, 1:00-2:30pm at Ken & Judy’s home in Collinsville. We will look at the Book of Ester.  Family and friends are always welcome, so reach out and invite someone new. Call or text Judy, 860.693.1402 for questions or to order a book.

LADIES AID will be having a Soup Sale on Sunday, March 3rd.  More details will be coming next week.

St. Paul’s Hospitality Meal Ministry….Our Hospitality Team is here to help when you are in need, whether it is a long-term Illness, a hospitalized loved one, post-op homecoming, or the passing of a loved one.  Let Pastor Mandile or Bev Schott, our Hospitality Leader, know of your need for meals, and a member of the Hospitality Team will reach out to you for details. Bev’s contact information:  Also let Bev know if you would like to be part of our Hospitality Team.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of bath towels, coffee, and personal items such as shampoo and conditioner.  Thank you. 

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox. 

Notices for January 28, 2024

JEOPARDY TOURNAMENT!! – Announcing the return of the extremely popular, award winning, St. Paul’s Annual Jeopardy Tournament. This has always been a wonderful time of joyful fellowship for the whole congregation. Hosted by our Pastors; children and adults alike will be the participants. The youth, parents, and teachers will compete against the general population of the church.  This year will include a “decorate your own cupcake” activity before the competition begins.      

Date: TODAY!!

Time: Immediately following 9:00am worship

Place: Lower Fellowship Hall

St. Paul’s Hospitality Meal Ministry….Our Hospitality Team is here to help when you are in need, whether it is a long-term Illness, a hospitalized loved one, post-op homecoming, or the passing of a loved one.  Let Pastor Mandile or Bev Schott, our Hospitality Leader, know of your need for meals, and a member of the Hospitality Team will reach out to you for details. Bev’s contact information: . Also let Bev know if you would like to be part of our Hospitality Team.

WINDOWS OF JOY invites all single women to our next gathering Saturday, February 3rd at 1:00pm, here at St. Paul’s in the Lower Fellowship Room.  Come join us!  Contact Mary Anne Hansen for more information. 

Daughters of Faith will be meeting this Sunday, January 28th from 1:00 to 2:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne, 30 Country Lane, Collinsville. We’ll be starting our new book, “Jesus Said WHAT?” Daughters of Faith is for all women ages 18 and above. Friends and family are always welcome. 

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee and personal items such as shampoo and conditioner.  Thank you. 

Notices for January 21, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

IF YOU would like a 2023 year-end statement, please email Allison Mongeau at   

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox. 

ANNUAL VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY…. Voters’ Assembly will be held at TODAY at10:30am in the Lower Fellowship Room. Coffee and refreshments will be provided by the Council following the worship service.

JEOPARDY TOURNAMENT!! – Announcing the return of the extremely popular, award winning, St. Paul’s Annual Jeopardy Tournament. This has always been a wonderful time of joyful fellowship for the whole congregation. Hosted by our Pastors; children and adults alike will be the participants. The youth, parents, and teachers will compete against the general population of the church.  As in years past, this event will take place during the Sunday morning Bible Study/Sunday School hour.  This year will include a “decorate your own cupcake” activity before the competition begins.      

Please mark your calendars:

Date: Sunday January 28, 2024

Time: Immediately following 9:00am worship

Place: Lower Fellowship Hall

St. Paul’s Hospitality Meal Ministry….Our Hospitality Team is here to help when you are in need, whether it is a long-term Illness, a hospitalized loved one, post-op homecoming, or the passing of a loved one.  Let Pastor Mandile or Bev Schott, our Hospitality Leader, know of your need for meals, and a member of the Hospitality Team will reach out to you for details. Bev’s contact information:  Also let Bev know if you would like to be part of our Hospitality Team.