Notices for May 15, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of white rice.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY, Sunday, May 29th, from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or

Lift up in prayer….

  • Edna Nicolas, Judy Byrne’s mother, has gone home to the Lord.  If you would like to send Judy and Ken a card, their address is 30 Country Lane, Collinsville, CT  06019.

ANNUAL Ladies’ Aid Bake Sale between services on June 5th rain or shine!   

THANK YOU for your donations to Lutheran Women’ Missionary League through Mites!  $94.00 was collected and sent to the LWMS-New England District.  For more information on the LWML, please visit 

Back by popular demand, The Third Thursday Thing – A Men’s Fellowship Group, starts again on Thursday, May 19th, at 6:00PM. As we did before we will meet at Hands of Grace. If you want some food just bring some to share. I will provide a pizza to start off!  Invite your friends if you would like.  There is no agenda at all. Come as you are for some great fellowship.   Pastor K

REMINDER!  Spring clean-up work party at church and parsonage, Saturday, May 21st, at 8:30am.  Please bring rakes, shovels, tarps, etc….  We will be weeding, raking, trimming shrubs and spreading bark mulch.  Hope to see you then, Don Eddy.

REMINDER:  Sons of Thunder will be collecting empty cans and plastic bottles NEXT SUNDAY, May 22nd, between services instead of May 29th.

From the Mission Board:  Time for WOW gifts!  

It can’t be time to start packing a “Mission Opportunity Gift Box”

 (Operation Christmas Child Shoebox)!? Well, it is 4 1/2 months to our collection month!  This year we thought we’d start early and give suggestions for the next few months as to what to buy.  The goal is to have more people pack their own personalized boxes with less of a time crunch. Also, with the cost of everything going up, it might be easier to spread out the spending and look for bargains. You can pick up a shoebox from the Narthex along with a handout regarding Shoebox Gift Suggestions.  We suggest that you start with the WOW gift as that is the most costly and takes up the most space in the box.  We will be giving you the opportunity to pick from our abundance of “filler items” to assist in you packing. 

If you’d like an abundance of packing ideas and encouragement go to the Facebook Group SHOEBOX NATION and join! If you have any questions, Please speak with any of the Mission Board members:  Denise Yoreo, Christine Pericolosi, Deb Eddy, Travis Poudin, Ken and Judy Byrne.

Notices for May 8, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY, Sunday, May 29th, from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

FROM THE MISSION BOARD: See how the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is responding to help refugees in the Ukraine, go the website, and click on “War in Ukraine”.  At the bottom of the article there is information regarding how you can donate to help the cause.

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at

Lift up in prayer….

  • Edna Nicolas, Judy Byrne’s mother, has gone home to the Lord.  If you would like to send Judy and Ken a card, their address is 30 Country Lane, Collinsville, CT  06019.

IF YOU made a donation for an Easter flower please take it home today.  Thank you.

ANNUAL Ladies Aid Bake Sale between services on June 5th

Notices for April 24,2022

With the recent announcement of a Pastor coming from the seminary, I invite you to please join us on Wednesday evening, April 27th at 7:00pm, in the lower fellowship room to watch the call day ceremony.  This will be a wonderful way to find out who our new pastor will be and start off with the support of togetherness and prayer for him and his family.  Pastor Mongeau

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY TODAY from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Next date is Sunday, May 29th.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions. 860-484-1530

FROM THE MISSION BOARD: See how the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is responding to help refugees in the Ukraine, go the website, and click on “War in Ukraine”.  At the bottom of the article there is information regarding how you can donate to help the cause.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet today from 1:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. We will be viewing Sight and Sound’s presentation of Ruth. Please RSVP Judy at (860-693-1402). And as always, friends are welcome.  

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: or on the link on the front page of our website: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 379-3172 or

Notices for April 17, 2022

With the recent announcement of a Pastor coming from the seminary, I invite you to please join us on Wednesday evening, April 27th at 7:00pm, in the lower fellowship room to watch the call day ceremony.  This will be a wonderful way to find out who our new pastor will be and start off with the support of togetherness and prayer for him and his family.  Pastor Mongeau

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY on the last Sunday of each month. The parties will be held from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Future dates to mark in your calendar:  Next Sunday, April 24th and May 29th.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

FROM THE MISSION BOARD: See how the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is responding to help refugees in the Ukraine, go the website, and click on “War in Ukraine”.  At the bottom of the article there is information regarding how you can donate to help the cause.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting on Sunday, April 24th from 1:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. We will be viewing Sight and Sound’s presentation of Ruth. Please RSVP Judy. And as always, friends are welcome.  

CALLING ALL RAINFOREST EXPLORERS!  VBS 2022 will be held here at St. Paul’s starting on Monday, 6/27, through Thursday, 6/30, from 9am to 12pm. Join us for a fun-filled week as we explore the Bible and learn about God’s love for us in Jesus Christ! Student registration is online at: — we’d love to see you here. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Jury at (860) 484 – 1530 or

Notices for April 10, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY on the last Sunday of each month. The parties will be held from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Future dates to mark in your calendar:  April 24th and May 29th.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

SUMMER 2022…. VBS is on this year and coming to a rainforest near you! Please be on the lookout for future announcements. 

WOMEN OF THE WORD will meet Tuesday, April 12th, from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be discussing Mary, mother of Jesus.  All women of the church welcomed.  Thank you, Judy Byrne

FROM THE MISSION BOARD: See how the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is responding to help refugees in the Ukraine, go the website, and click on “War in Ukraine”.  At the bottom of the article there is information regarding how you can donate to help the cause.

EASTER POTLUCK BREAKFAST between services.  Please bring a hot or cold dish to share.  Beverages will be provided.  Family and friends are welcome!

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting on Sunday, April 24th from 1:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. We will be viewing Sight and Sound’s presentation of Ruth. Please RSVP to Judy Byrne. And as always, friends are welcome.


April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00PM.  “Jesus Comes to Feed My Hungry Soul”

April 15 – Good Friday Service at noon and 7:00PM. “Jesus is Lord,

Even Over My Death”    

April 17 – Easter Sunday Service at 8:00A.M. and 10:30AM.“Christ Is Risen! In Him We Rise!”

Notices for April 3, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY on the last Sunday of each month. The parties will be held from 11:30-12:30pm in the lower fellowship room.  Future dates to mark in your calendar:  4/24, and 5/29.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions.

LAST Fellowship Dinner, 6:00 – 7:00pm, April 6th.  Please bring a main dish, salad, or soup to share. There will not be a dinner on Wednesday of Holy Week. 

SUMMER 2022…. VBS is on this year and coming to a rainforest near you! Please be on the lookout for future announcements. 

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 9th, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  If you would like to complete a specific task at a different time, please contact Cynthia Boyle

WOMEN OF THE WORD will meet Tuesday, April 12th, from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be discussing Mary, mother of Jesus.  All women of the church welcomed.  Thank you, Judy Byrne

FROM THE MISSION BOARD: See how the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is responding to help refugees in the Ukraine, go the website, and click on “War in Ukraine”.  At the bottom of the article there is information regarding how you can donate to help the cause.

PLEASE JOIN US for the last Lenten Service on Wednesday at 7:00PM:

April 6 –   The Gospel in Your Words

April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00PM.  “Jesus Comes to Feed My Hungry Soul”

April 15 – Good Friday Service at noon and 7:00PM. “Jesus is Lord,

Even Over My Death”    

April 17 – Easter Sunday Service at 8:00A.M. and 10:30AM.“Christ Is Risen! In Him We Rise!”

EASTER POTLUCK BREAKFAST, April 17th, between services.   Please bring a hot or cold dish to share.  Beverages will be provided.  Family and friends are welcome!

Notices for March 27, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice boxes/pouches for children, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

REMINDER: Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY on the last Sunday of each month!! The parties will be held immediately after late service/Sunday school in the lower fellowship room, from 11:30-12:30pm.  Future dates to mark in your calendar:  4/24, and 5/29.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions. 860-484-1530

LENT “Bring a Dish-to-Share” Fellowship Dinners,

 6:00 – 7:00pm, through April 6th.  Please bring a MAIN DISH or SALAD or SOUP to share. Dessert provided.  There will not be a dinner on Wednesday of Holy Week. 

SUMMER 2022…. VBS is on this year and coming to a rainforest near you! Please be on the lookout for future announcements. 

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 9th, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  If you would like to complete a specific task at a different time, please contact me at 860-733-5680.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet TODAY from 2:00 – 3:30pm, in the lower fellowship room.  We will be studying “Rahab.”

WOMEN OF THE WORD will meet Tuesday, April 12th, from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be discussing Mary, mother of Jesus.  All women of the church welcomed.  Thank you, Judy Byrne

PLEASE JOIN US as we continue our journey to the cross during Lent at St. Paul’s. Service is on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM:

March 30 – “Isolation and Community”

April 6 –   The Gospel in Your Words

April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00PM.  “Jesus Comes to Feed My Hungry Soul”

April 15 – Good Friday Service at noon and 7:00PM. “Jesus is Lord,

Even Over My Death”    

April 17 – Easter Sunday Service at 8:00A.M. and 10:30AM.“Christ Is Risen! In Him We Rise!”

March 20, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of 64oz. bottles of juice, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Hello Sunday school families! PIZZA PARTY on the last Sunday of each month!!  There will be food & games. The parties will be held immediately after late service/Sunday school in the lower fellowship room, from 11:30-12:30pm. Join us for some food & fun — we’d love to see you there!  Dates to mark in your calendar: 3/27, 4/24, and 5/29.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions!

LENT “Bring a Dish-to-Share” Fellowship Dinners,

 6:00 – 7:00pm, through April 6th.  Please bring a MAIN DISH or SALAD or SOUP to share.  Dessert provided.  If you have questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at   There will not be a dinner on Wednesday of Holy Week. 

SUMMER 2022…. VBS is on this year and coming to a rainforest near you! Please be on the lookout for future announcements. 

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 9th, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  If you would like to complete a specific task at a different time, please contact me. Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

OUR DEAR SISTER, Helga Dickau, is now in the hands of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Please keep Ewald and family in your prayers.  Cards may be sent to Ewald at 100 Farms Village Rd., Simsbury, CT  06070. 


  • Sons of Thunder will be collecting clean empty cans and plastic bottles next Sunday between services.
  • Please check your church mailbox.

PLEASE JOIN US as we continue our journey to the cross during Lent at St. Paul’s. Service is on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM:

March 23 – “Death and Life”

March 30 – “Isolation and Community”

April 6 –   The Gospel in Your Words

April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00PM.  “Jesus Comes to Feed My Hungry Soul”

April 15 – Good Friday Service at noon and 7:00PM. “Jesus is Lord,

Even Over My Death”    

April 17 – Easter Sunday Service at 8:00A.M. and 10:30AM.“Christ Is Risen! In Him We Rise!”

Notices for March 13, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of 64oz. bottles of juice, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

Hello Sunday school families! We will be having a PIZZA PARTY on the last Sunday of each month, starting today, Sunday, February 27th. There will be food & games. The parties will be held immediately after late service/Sunday school in the lower fellowship room, from 11:30-12:30pm. Join us for some food & fun — we’d love to see you there!  Dates to mark in your calendar: 3/27, 4/24, and 5/29.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions! 

LENT “Bring a Dish-to-Share” Fellowship Dinners,

 6:00 – 7:00pm, began on Wednesday, March 9th, and continue through April 6th.  Please bring a MAIN DISH or SALAD or SOUP to share.  Dessert provided.  If you have questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at   There will not be a dinner on Wednesday of Holy Week. 

SUMMER 2022…. VBS is on this year and coming to a rainforest near you! Please be on the lookout for future announcements. 

PLEASE check your church mailbox.

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 9th, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  If you would like to complete a specific task at a different time, please contact me. Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

IMAGINE THAT a friend or family member who is unfamiliar with your Christian faith asks you to summarize the gos­pel.  She isn’t looking for a laundry list of doctrines. She has no interest in hearing you recite the Apostles’ Creed.  She wants to get to the heart of the matter.  “In seven words or less,” she says, “tell me what you believe as a Christian.”  What would you say?  How would you put it?  Are you prepared to confess your faith in Jesus? Christians have the best news in the world to share!  But are we prepared to share it?  During this season of Lent, we’re going to prepare to celebrate Holy Week by sharing why Holy Week is so import­ant.  Our midweek worship services will serve as opportunities to consider the many ways in which the Scriptures proclaim Jesus.  During the week, each of you will be working on your own summary, with the hopes that all of us are more prepared to share the good news of Jesus.  Come and join us this Lent, and join us by crafting your own confession of the gospel!  

Please join us as we journey to the cross during Lent at St. Paul’s. Service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM. from Ash Wednesday through Maundy Thursday.  

March 2 – Ash Wednesday, “The Gospel in Seven Words”

March 9 – “Preparing to Confess “

March 16 – “Captivity and Freedom”

March 23 – “Death and Life”

March 30 – “Isolation and Community”

April 6 –   The Gospel in Your Words

April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00PM.  “Jesus Comes to Feed My Hungry Soul”

April 15 – Good Friday Service at noon and 7:00PM. “Jesus is Lord,

Even Over My Death”    

April 17 – Easter Sunday Service at 8:00A.M. and 10:30AM.“Christ Is Risen! In Him We Rise!”

Notices for March 6, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of 64oz. bottles of juice, any flavor, coffee, 10oz size, and crackers.  Thank you.

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, March 8th from 1:00 – 2:30pm, in the upper fellowship room.  This month we will be studying “Hannah.”  All women of the church are welcome!

Hello Sunday school families! We will be having a PIZZA PARTY on the last Sunday of each month, starting today, Sunday, February 27th. There will be food & games. The parties will be held immediately after late service/Sunday school in the lower fellowship room, from 11:30-12:30pm. Join us for some food & fun — we’d love to see you there!  Dates to mark in your calendar: 3/27, 4/24, and 5/29.  Please contact Emily Jury with any questions! 

LENT “Bring a Dish-to-Share” Fellowship Dinners,

 6:00 – 7:00pm, begin on Wednesday, March 9th, and continue through April 6th.  Please bring a MAIN DISH or SALAD or SOUP to share.  Dessert provided.  If you have questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at   There will not be a dinner on Wednesday of Holy Week. 

SUMMER 2022…. VBS is on this year and coming to a rain forest near you! Please be on the lookout for future announcements. 

IMAGINE THAT a friend or family member who is unfamiliar with your Christian faith asks you to summarize the gos­pel.  She isn’t looking for a laundry list of doctrines. She has no interest in hearing you recite the Apostles’ Creed.  She wants to get to the heart of the matter.  “In seven words or less,” she says, “tell me what you believe as a Christian.”  What would you say?  How would you put it?  Are you prepared to confess your faith in Jesus? Christians have the best news in the world to share!  But are we prepared to share it?  During this season of Lent, we’re going to prepare to celebrate Holy Week by sharing why Holy Week is so import­ant.  Our midweek worship services will serve as opportunities to consider the many ways in which the Scriptures proclaim Jesus.  During the week, each of you will be working on your own summary, with the hopes that all of us are more prepared to share the good news of Jesus.  Come and join us this Lent, and join us by crafting your own confession of the gospel!  

Please join us as we journey to the cross during Lent at St. Paul’s. Service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM. from Ash Wednesday through Maundy Thursday.  

March 2 – Ash Wednesday, “The Gospel in Seven Words”

March 9 – “Preparing to Confess “

March 16 – “Captivity and Freedom”

March 23 – “Death and Life”

March 30 – “Isolation and Community”

April 6 –   The Gospel in Your Words

April 14 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00PM.  “Jesus Comes to Feed My Hungry Soul”

April 15 – Good Friday Service at noon and 7:00PM. “Jesus is Lord,

Even Over My Death”    

April 17 – Easter Sunday Service at 8:00A.M. and 10:30AM.“Christ Is Risen! In Him We Rise!”