Bulletin Notices for June 9, 2019

Hands Of Grace…is in need of tea, coffee (12oz), soup, juice, cereal (healthier kinds), canned peas, and canned macaroni, such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs.

Summer Sunday Schedule…begins next week, Sunday, June 16th: 8:00 am Bible Study / 9:00 am Worship

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Register at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org

Clear Plastic 2 Liter Bottles Needed…for a VBS craft project. Please leave them on the counter in the kitchen. Thank you!

“Transformed” Sermon Series

June 2nd: Transformed…to Seek – Matthew 6:33

June 9th: Transformed…to Run – Philippians 3:8-14

June 16th: Transformed…to Bless – Genesis 12:1-9

Daughters Of Faith…will be meeting on Saturday, June 22nd from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm. Young ladies are encouraged to come and also to feel free to bring a friend!  Let’s grow in the Lord together by learning from His Holy Word, sharing our experiences and hearts in fellowship, and strengthening Christ-centered bonds of Love!  If you have questions or would like to know more, please see Judy Byrne or Cynthia Boyle. 

Bulletin Notices for June 2, 2019

Hands Of Grace…is in need of coffee (12oz), soup, juice, cereal (healthier kinds), canned peas, and canned macaroni, such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs.

Upcoming Sunday Schedule

Next Sunday, June 9th

8:00 am Traditional Worship / 10:00 am Confirmation Worship

No Bible study this day.

Sunday, June 16th – Sunday, September 8th

8:00 am Bible Study / 9:00 am Worship

St. Paul’s Calendar for June 2nd – June 9th

Sunday:        8:00 am Divine Worship with Holy Communion

9:30 am Contemporary Divine Service with Holy Communion

9:45 am Christian Education Hour

10:45 am Divine Worship with Holy Communion

Monday:       No church activities tonight

Tuesday:       No church activities tonight

Wednesday:  6:00 pm Prayer Ministry

7:00 pm Midweek Bible Study

Thursday:     No church activities tonight

Friday:          6:00 pm Hands of Grace Outdoors

                       Family Day for our pastors

Saturday:      No church activities today

Sunday:        8:00 am Divine Worship with Holy Communion

10:00 am Divine Worship with Rite of Confirmation and Holy Communion

Board of Elders…next meeting will be on Monday, June 10th at 6:30 pm.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Register at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org Clear Plastic 2 Liter Bottles Needed…for a VBS craft project. Please leave them on the counter in the kitchen. Thank you!

“Transformed” Sermon Series

June 2nd: Transformed…to Seek – Matthew 6:33

June 9th: Transformed…to Run – Philippians 3:8-14

June 16th: Transformed…to Bless – Genesis 12:1-9

Bulletin Notices for May 26, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee (12oz), soup, juice, cereal (healthier kinds), canned peas, and canned macaroni, such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs.  

CAMP PINESHORE…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church, Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long overnight camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers coming soon to www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

ASCENSION DAY WORSHIP…This Thursday, May 30th, 7:00pm. All are invited for this special worship service with Holy Communion as we remember and celebrate the Ascension of our Lord.

CLEAR PLASTIC 2 LITER BOTTLES NEEDED…for a VBS craft project. Please bring in your empty bottles and leave them on the counter in the kitchen. Thank you!

Upcoming Sunday Schedule

Sunday, May 12th – Sunday June 2nd

8:00am & 10:45am Traditional Worship

9:30am Contemporary Worship

9:45am Christian Education

June 2nd is the last day of Sunday school for the year.

Sunday, June 9th

8:00 am Traditional Worship / 10:00 am Confirmation Worship

No Bible study this day.

Sunday, June 16th – Sunday, September 8th

8:00 am Bible Study / 9:00 am Worship

LADIES BIBLE STUDY will meet May 28th, 1:00pm to 2:15pm. 

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH NATIONAL Youthgathering 2019 Fundraiser: car wash Sunday, May 26th, 9:00am – 2:00pm at the Sno White Car Wash on Farmington Ave. (RT 6) in Bristol at the intersection with Route 69.  This car wash also supports our St. Paul’s Youth that are attending the national gathering!  Thank you, Natalie Jury

Bulletin Notices for May 19, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee (12oz), soup, juice, cereal (healthier kinds), canned peas, and canned macaroni, such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs.  

YOUTH PIZZA AND GAME DAY TODAY from  5:00pm – 7:30pm here at church. Bring a snack to share, and bring your friends too! We’ll have games, but bring your favorite game if you’d like to. See Pastor Manor if you have any questions.

CAMP PINESHORE…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church, Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long overnight camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers coming soon to www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox today. 

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will not be meeting the 4th Saturday in May due to Memorial Day weekend.  Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 22nd from 2:00pm to 3:30pm.  

Upcoming Sunday Schedule

Sunday, May 12th – Sunday June 2nd

8:00am & 10:45am Traditional Worship

9:30am Contemporary Worship

9:45am Christian Education

June 2nd will be the last day of Sunday school for the year.

Sunday, June 9th

8:00 am Traditional Worship / 10:00 am Confirmation Worship

No Bible study this day.

Sunday, June 16th – Sunday, September 8th

8:00 am Bible Study / 9:00 am Worship

ASCENSION DAY WORSHIP…Thursday, May 30th at 7:00pm. All are invited for this special worship service with Holy Communion as we remember and celebrate the Ascension of our Lord.

CLEAR PLASTIC 2 LITER BOTTLES NEEDED…for a VBS craft project. Please bring in your empty bottles and leave them on the counter in the kitchen. Thank you!

INFORMATION needed to be in the bulletin for May 26th or June 2nd should be submitted no later than TODAY.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY will meet May 28th, 1:00pm to 2:15pm. 

Bulletin Notices for May 12, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee (12oz), soup, juice, cereal (healthier kinds), canned peas, and canned macaroni, such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs.  

YOUTH PIZZA AND GAME DAY!  Next Sunday, May 19th, from 5:00pm – 7:30pm here at church. Bring a snack to share, and bring your friends too! We’ll have games, but bring your favorite game if you’d like to. See Pastor Manor if you have any questions.

CAMP PINESHORE…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church, Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long overnight camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers coming soon to www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

>>>>>LADIES AID BAKE SALE between services on May 19th.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will not be meeting the 4th Saturday in May due to Memorial Day weekend.  Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 22nd from 2:00pm to 3:30pm.  

Upcoming Sunday Schedule

Sunday, May 12th – Sunday June 2nd

8:00am & 10:45am Traditional Worship

9:30am Contemporary Worship

9:45am Christian Education

This is the last day of Sunday school for the year.

Sunday, June 9th

8:00 am Traditional Worship / 10:00 am Confirmation Worship

No Bible study this day.

Sunday, June 16th – Sunday, September 8th

8:00 am Bible Study / 9:00 am Worship

ASCENSION DAY WORSHIP…Thursday, May 30th at 7:00pm. All are invited for this special worship service with Holy Communion as we remember and celebrate the Ascension of our Lord.

CLEAR PLASTIC 2 LITER BOTTLES NEEDED…for a VBS craft project. Please bring in your empty bottles and leave them on the counter in the kitchen. Thank you!

INFORMATION needed to be in the bulletin for May 26th or June 2nd should be submitted no later than Sunday, May 19th.

Bulletin Notices for May 5, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee (12oz), tea bags, soup, juice, canned peas and spinach, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs.  

YOUTH PIZZA AND GAME DAY!  Sunday, May 19th, from     5:00pm – 7:30pm here at church. Bring a snack to share, and bring your friends too! We’ll have games, but bring your favorite game if you’d like to. See Pastor Manor if you have any questions.

CAMP PINESHORE…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church, Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long overnight camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers coming soon to www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

LADIES AID BAKE SALE between services on May 19th.

Bulletin Notices for April 28, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee (12oz), tea bags, soup, juice, canned peas and spinach, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs.  

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER, Love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34.  St. Paul’s will host a day of prayer and meditation on Thursday, May 2nd, from 9:00am to 7:00pm. We will conclude the day with a prayer service at 7:00pm followed by a light reception.  A minimum of two hosts are need for every hour.  Please see Deb Burdick to volunteer as a host.  If you have any questions, please contact any Mission Board member. Denise Yoreo, Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin 

YOUTH PIZZA AND GAME DAY!  Sunday, May 19th, from     5:00pm – 7:30pm here at church. Bring a snack to share, and bring your friends too! We’ll have games, but bring your favorite game if you’d like to. See Pastor Manor if you have any questions.

CAMP PINESHORE…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church, Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long overnight camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers coming soon to www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

THANK YOU for your donations to the Mite Boxes.  St. Paul’s sent a total of $66.50 to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.

TODAY !!!  Lutheran Women Missionary League Mid-Valley Zone Rally in the Lower Fellowship Room!  Registration begins at 2:00pm.  The meeting will begin around 2:30pm.  A light dinner of soup, sandwiches, beverages and dessert will follow!  Please remember to wear dark purple if you have that color handy, but not a must of course.   Also, a reminder our “In Gathering” item collection will be donated to Hands of Grace!  Such items as hand or bath towels, underwear and socks of all sizes and any personal items for women would be greatly appreciated! 

PASTOR MANOR AND PASTOR MONGEAU will be in Lincoln, NH on Monday – Wednesday this week for the NED Pastors’ Conference. If you are in need of pastoral care, please reach out to them through text, email, or phone call. Their contact information is on the inside bulletin cover.

MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER MINISTRY …With both pastors away at conference this week, our Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Ministry will resume NEXT Wednesday, May 8th – Prayer Ministry at 6:30 pm and Bible study at 7:00 pm.

CONFIRMATION CLASS…WILL MEET this Tuesday at 6:00 pm as scheduled – see you there!

Bulletin Notices for Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Breakfast…between today’s two worship services. Come on down to the lower fellowship room to enjoy conversation with your brothers and sisters in Christ, and some food provided by church members. All are welcome!

Easter Egg Hunt for the Kids…meet in the lower fellowship room at 10:00 for the fun!

Youth Pizza and Game Day! Sunday, May 19th, from 5:00pm – 7:30pm here at church. Bring a snack to share, and bring your friends too! We’ll have games, but bring your favorite game if you’d like to. See Pastor Manor if you have any questions.

Hands of Grace…our community outreach ministry, is in need of coffee, tea bags, soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc… Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

National Day of Prayer…is May 2nd, and the theme will be Love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34. From 9:00am – 7:00pm on May 2nd, St. Paul’s will have the sanctuary open, to allow opportunities for prayer and meditation for our church family and for the community. A minimum of two hosts are needed for every hour. Please see Deb Burdick to volunteer as a host. We will conclude the day with a prayer service at 7:00pm, followed by a light reception. If you have any questions, please contact any Mission Board Member – Denise Yoreo, Travis Poudin, Deb Burdick.

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming this Saturday, April 27th at 3:00 pm to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA. This presentation of the second Gospel of the New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board or talk to Pastor Manor.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!

Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, lift off for an intergalactic adventure with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation from creation to the cross! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers coming soon to www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church, Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long overnight camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

Women’s Bible Study…continues to meet the fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm. This month’s date is April 23rd! We continue to enjoy growing in Christ together in our study on WISDOM.  All ladies welcome!

Lutheran Women Missionary League… All St. Paul’s Ladies are invited to attend the Spring Mid-Valley Zone Rally here at St. Paul’s next Sunday, April 28th, at 2:00 p.m. Pastor David Riley from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA will serve as the guest speaker at the Rally. A light dinner of soup and sandwiches will be served!  You are invited to participate in the In-Gathering at the Rally that will benefit Hands of Grace!  Please consider contributing one or more of the following items: 

  • Household – hand or bath towels
  • Clothing – underwear & socks of all sizes
  • Other – personal care items for women

We look forward to this wonderful opportunity to connect with our sisters in Christ through amazing fellowship and sharing in the work of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.  Please sign up on the clipboard in the entryway to the church, or contact Cheryl Lowman at Cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are planning to attend, as this greatly helps with planning. Thank you so much!

Bulletin Notices for April 7, 2019

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, tea bags, soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…ALSO, we are all set for egg cartons and no longer need them at this time.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?” Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesday!

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

Last Lenten Dinner…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday night.  Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship.  If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey continues I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. Look also for your daily email, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

HAVE YOU been waiting for the opportunity to serve Altar Guild?  We have a onetime offer for you.  Come one and all, ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC. Annual Cleaning Day, April 13th, “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am.  Coffee and donuts provided.  Hope to see you there!  Cynthia Boyle

LUTHERAN WOMEN MISSIONARY LEAGUE Spring Mid-Valley Zone Rally will be held at St. Paul’s on Sunday, April 28th, at 2:00 p.m. HELPING HANDS needed!  Come, serve, and be a blessing to our sisters in the Lord!  Remember, deep purple is the LWML color so dig into your closet to see if you have some purple to wear to the Rally!  Please let Cheryl Lowman know how you would like to help or if you plan to attend.  Thanks a bunch! 

LADIES BIBLE STUDY continues to meet the fourth Tuesday of each month.  This month’s date is April 23rd!  We continue to enjoy growing in-Christ together in our study on WISDOM.  All ladies welcome! 

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA on Saturday, April 27th, beginning at 3:00 pm. This presentation of the second Gospel of the New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board, talk to Pastor Manor, or contact St. John’s pastor, Rev. David Riley, at dvsriley@suddenlink.net or 413-568-1417.

SUNDAY, APRIL 14th – following 3rd Service – Light Lunch and IN-HOME SAINTS VISITS!  Please consider coming and being part of sharing Christ’s great love through song, God’s Holy Word, and prayer at each stop.  These visits remind those who are unable to join us in worship that they are still part of our congregation and that they are not forgotten.  Please see Cheryl Lowman if you have questions or would like to help and/or plan to attend.L

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church in Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long sleep-over camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Camp Pineshore offers a tradition of Learning about Jesus Christ, of Providing Christian Role Models, of Making Long Lasting Friends, of Having a fun-filled Week, of Encouraging Teamwork, and of Safety.  Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms. Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

****Financial Giving Update and Need…please take a look at your Fruitful Branches newsletter that was emailed to you, or pick up a copy in the narthex. There you will see the attendance and financial status of our congregation after the first two months of 2019. Due to a variety of factors (weather, vacations, illness), attendance is down, and our giving is well below budget and our actual expenses. If you have been unable to give your tithe due to these factors, please consider making it up in the weeks to come, as we together continue to support the work of “sharing at every opportunity the message of God’s unconditional saving love for all people found only in Jesus Christ.”

National Day of Prayer, May 2nd, Love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34.  We will host a day of prayer and meditation, from 9:00am to 7:00pm. We will conclude the day with a prayer service at 7:00pm followed by a light reception.  A minimum of two hosts are need for every hour.  Please see Deb Burdick to volunteer as a host.  If you have any questions, please contact any Mission Board member. Denise Yoreo, Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin 

Bulletin Notices for March 31, 2019

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2019

“What’s the deal with Lent?”

Worship at 7:00 pm on Wednesday.

4/03 – Midweek 5:  Why Veils? 

4/10 – Midweek 6:  Why Palms?

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, tea bags, soup, juice, and canned macaroni such as Beefaroni, Spaghettio’s with meatballs, etc…ALSO, we are all set for egg cartons and no longer need them at this time.  Thank you, Pastor Mongeau

Lenten Dinners…Food & fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday night.  Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks provided. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship.  If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 

Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey continues I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms over 40 days with your church family. Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex. Look also for your daily email, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

HAVE YOU been waiting for the opportunity to serve Altar Guild?  We have a onetime offer for you.  Come one and all, ladies and gentlemen to give our sanctuary a little TLC. Annual Cleaning Day, April 13th, “Palm Saturday” at 9:00am.  Coffee and donuts provided.  Hope to see you there!  Cynthia Boyle

Lutheran Women Missionary League SPRING ZONE RALLY here at St. Paul’s!  Sunday, April 28th, beginning at 2:00 pm.  On that day, all women are invited to help HOST and ATTEND this rally. We have a perfect opportunity to connect with our LWML Mid-Valley Zone sisters in-Christ!  A Presentation will be given by our District LWML President Barbara Lis as well as others who have recently attended the LWML Assembly of Leaders Conference!  LWML is an incredible way to connect with a mission-oriented emphasis in our congregations and to grow in Christ via individual church groups as well as District and National gatherings!  Please see Cheryl Lowman or e-mail her at  cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com if you are free to help with set-up, overseeing food tables during the Rally, or to be part of the clean-up team!  Please see Leslie Denton if you are able to help by making soup for the lunch that will be served!  Thank-you all for your prayers!   

Sunday, APRIL 14th – following 3rd Service – Light Lunch and

IN-HOME SAINTS VISITS!  Please consider coming and being part of sharing Christ’s great love through song, God’s Holy Word, and prayer at each stop.  These visits remind those who are unable to join us in worship that they are still part of our congregation and that they are not forgotten.  Please see Cheryl Lowman if you have questions or would like to help and/or plan to attend. 

OUR NEXT Daughters of Faith meeting will be Saturday, April 27th from 2:00pm – 3:30pm. We’ll have a time of Bible study, fun, food and fellowship.  Please see Judy Byrne to let her know if you will be attending.

Financial Giving Update and Need…please take a look at your Fruitful Branches newsletter that was emailed to you, or pick up a copy in the narthex. There you will see the attendance and financial status of our congregation after the first two months of 2019. Due to a variety of factors (weather, vacations, illness), attendance is down, and our giving is well below budget and our actual expenses. If you have been unable to give your tithe due to these factors, please consider making it up in the weeks to come, as we together continue to support the work of “sharing at every opportunity the message of God’s unconditional saving love for all people found only in Jesus Christ.”

Camp Pineshore…located in Westminster, MA is an LCMS camp run by Messiah Lutheran Church in Fitchburg, MA for over 70 years. They offer three week-long sleep-over camps each summer: Sunday school camp, Junior High camp, and Senior High camp. Camp Pineshore offers a tradition of Learning about Jesus Christ, of Providing Christian Role Models, of Making Long Lasting Friends, of Having a fun-filled Week, of Encouraging Teamwork, and of Safety.  Check out the camp at http://pineshorebiblecamp.org/ and see the kitchen bulletin board for camp dates, information, and registration forms.  Want to know what camp is like? Talk to our church family members Emily Jury, Grace and Melia Manor, or Pastor Manor, who have all attended camp at Pineshore.

A Dramatic Presentation of the Gospel of Mark…is coming to

St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA on Saturday, April 27th, beginning at 3:00 pm. This presentation of the second Gospel of the

New Testament is presented all around the country by faculty and alumni of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. If you would like more information, see the poster on the kitchen bulletin board, talk to

Pastor Manor, or contact St. John’s pastor, Rev. David Riley, at dvsriley@suddenlink.net or 413-568-1417.