Bulletin Notices for January 6, 2019

Hands of Grace…is in need of juice, any flavor.  Thank you.

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes…are on their way. I found out that the ones I registered on “track your box” went to Kenya and Malawi! Where did your box go?  Please let us know!  It will be fun to see how far St. Paul’s boxes have traveled.  Please continue to pray for the child who will open your box, and that they will be touched with the message of Jesus’ love. Such joy to share the Gospel of Jesus in the world! To God be praise! Denise Yoreo, Mission Board Chairman

2019 Offering Envelopes…are in the upper fellowship room. If you need offering envelopes or have questions, contact Allison Mongeau at bookessentials@sbcglobal.net

Annual Voter’s Meeting…will be on Sunday, January 20th at 12:00 pm. Please plan on attending this meeting where we will hear year end reports, approve the 2019 church budget, vote on changes to the By-Laws in our Constitution, and elect church leaders.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH  (Young Ladies and Mentors Group) will be meeting Saturday, January 26th from 2 – 3:30 pm.  We will be studying and discussing “Contentment”.  Come join us for our study, snacks, fellowship and fun!  Please contact Miss Judy (Byrne) to let her know if you are planning to attend.

Bulletin Notices for December 30, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, any flavor.  Thank you.   

REGULAR weekly worship schedule resumes the week of January 6th, 2019.   

SAMARITAN’S PURSE OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES…..are on their way. I found out that the ones I registered on “track your box” went to Kenya and Malawi! Where did your box go?  Please let us know!  It will be fun to see how far St. Paul’s boxes have traveled.  Please continue to pray for the child who will open your box, and that they will be touched with the message of Jesus’ love.  Such joy to share the Gospel of Jesus in the world!  To God be praise!  Denise Yoreo, Mission Board Chairman     

THE GIVING TREE…Over the years here at St. Paul’s, we’ve had the joy of designating our sanctuary Christmas Tree to be a Giving Tree for church family members to contribute towards the needs of others. This year, the Board of Missions is asking for donations that will support the work of the Orphan Grain Train Branch as they help with disaster relief efforts in Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. The needed items are: Diapers (sizes Newborn, 1, 4, 5); Diaper rash ointment; New Blankets; Towels & washcloths; Coloring books & Crayons. If you prefer to make a financial donation that will be used by OGT to purchase supplies and cover transportation costs to send out supplies, you may give a check payable to “OGT New England Branch” (please do not address the check to St. Paul’s). Please bring your items, or your monetary donation in an envelope, and place them under/in the Giving Tree. We will be collecting items and monetary donations until Epiphany, January 6th. Any questions?  Please contact Denise Yoreo or Pastor Manor.

ANNUAL VOTER’S MEETING…Will be on Sunday, January 20th at 12:00 pm. Please plan on attending this meeting where we will hear year end reports, approve the 2019 church budget, and elect church leaders.

UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION …If your address, home phone number, cell phone number, or email address has changed, please let the church office (Janice) know so we can maintain accurate records – thank you!   

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

>>>2019 OFFERING ENVELOPES are on the table in the upper fellowship room.  If you do not have offering envelopes, please contact Allison Mongeau at bookessentials@sbcglobal.net

Bulletin Notices for December 23, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, any flavor.  Thank you.

CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR THE CHURCH FAMILY….All are invited to share Christmas greetings with your St. Paul’s church family. One of the bulletin boards in the hallway above the Lower Fellowship Room is dedicated for cards, photos, or letters. Check out the greetings from others, and feel free to add yours to the board! 

Holiday Schedule at St. Paul’s 2018:

Please mark your calendars! Note the worship time …

  • Monday, December 24th, 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm – Christmas Eve worship
  • Tuesday, December 25th, 9:00 am – Christmas Day worship
  • Sunday, December 30th, 9:00 am – ONE worship service
  • Regular weekly schedule resumes the week of January 6th, 2019.

ANNUAL VOTER’S MEETING…Will be on Sunday, January 20th at 12:00 pm. Please plan on attending this meeting where we will hear year end reports, approve the 2019 church budget, and elect church leaders.

ALL CHURCH FAMILY BIBLE STUDY FUN SUNDAY…. following the 9:00 am worship, everyone is invited for a time of Bible study fun as we celebrate the Advent and Christmas holiday season!

UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION …If your address, home phone number, cell phone number, or email address has changed, please let the church office (Janice) know so we can maintain accurate records – thank you!

THE GIVING TREE…Over the years here at St. Paul’s, we’ve had the joy of designating our sanctuary Christmas Tree to be a Giving Tree for church family members to contribute towards the needs of others. This year, the Board of Missions is asking for donations that will support the work of the Orphan Grain Train Branch as they help with disaster relief efforts in Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. The needed items are: Diapers (sizes Newborn, 1, 4, 5); Diaper rash ointment; New Blankets; Towels & washcloths; Coloring books & Crayons. If you prefer to make a financial donation that will be used by OGT to purchase supplies and cover transportation costs to send out supplies, you may give a check payable to “OGT New England Branch” (please do not address the check to St. Paul’s). Please bring your items, or your monetary donation in an envelope, and place them under/in the Giving Tree. We will be collecting items and monetary donations until Epiphany, January 6th. Any questions?  Please contact Denise Yoreo or Pastor Manor.

SAMARITAN’S PURSE OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES…..are on their way. I found out that the ones I registered on “track your box” went to Kenya and Malawi! Where did your box go?  Please let us know!  It will be fun to see how far St. Paul’s boxes have traveled.  Please continue to pray for the child who will open your box, and that they will be touched with the message of Jesus’ love.  Such joy to share the Gospel of Jesus in the world!  To God be praise!  Denise Yoreo, Mission Board Chairman

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.  

REMINDER:  please enjoy snacks and beverages in the coffee hour area and lower fellowship room.  Thank you, St. Paul’s Trustees

Bulletin Notices for December 16, 2018

Holiday Schedule at St. Paul’s 2018:   

Please mark your calendars! Note the worship time changes…

  • Wednesday, December 19th @ 7pm: Advent Service
  • Sunday, December 16th, 12:00 pm – Christmas Caroling
  • Sunday, December 23rd, 9:00 am – ONE worship service
  • Monday, December 24th, 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm – Christmas Eve worship
  • Tuesday, December 25th, 9:00 am – Christmas Day worship
  • Sunday, December 30th, 9:00 am – ONE worship service
  • Regular weekly schedule resumes the week of January 6th, 2019.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, any flavor.  Thank you.   

FESTIVAL CHOIR:  All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon for more information.  Rehearsals are December 19th, at 7:45pm after Wednesday Advent Worship service and/or after the 10:45 worship on Sunday.

CHRISTMAS FLOWERS:  If you would like to donate towards the purchase of flowers to grace God’s altar at Christmas please see Cynthia Boyle, Sally Wabrek, or Janice Becker.  You may also leave a note with your dedication on the secretary’s desk no later than Sunday, December 16th . Checks are to be made out to “St. Paul’s Altar Guild.”  We are grateful for your support.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle   

SUNDAY:  Christmas Caroling…Please join your fellow church family members in the Lower Fellowship Room immediately following the 10:45 am service. We’ll gather for a short Christmas lunch before heading out in two groups to visit, sing, pray, and share the news of our Savior’s birth with our St. Paul’s in-home saints. All ages are welcome as we make a joyful noise in celebration of the Good News.   

Christmas Cards for the Church Family…All are invited to share Christmas greetings with your St. Paul’s church family. One of the bulletin boards in the hallway above the Lower Fellowship Room is dedicated for cards, photos, or letters. Check out the greetings from others, and feel free to add yours to the board!

Advent Devotion Booklets…are available on the table in the narthex.   

The Giving Tree…Over the years here at St. Paul’s, we’ve had the joy of designating our sanctuary Christmas Tree to be a Giving Tree for church family members to contribute towards the needs of others. This year, the Board of Missions is asking for donations that will support the work of the Orphan Grain Train Branch as they help with disaster relief efforts in Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. The needed items are: Diapers (sizes Newborn, 1, 4, 5); Diaper rash ointment; New Blankets; Towels & washcloths; Coloring books & Crayons. If you prefer to make a financial donation that will be used by OGT to purchase supplies and cover transportation costs to send out supplies, you may give a check payable to “OGT New England Branch” (please do not address the check to St. Paul’s). Please bring your items, or your monetary donation in an envelope, and place them under/in the Giving Tree. We will be collecting items and monetary donations until Epiphany, January 6th. Any questions?  Please contact Denise Yoreo or Pastor Manor.   

Advent 2018: The Stories of Advent 

All are welcome to gather for our last Advent worship service at 7:00 pm on Wednesday night. This time of Advent, I invite you to hear the life stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth and Mary. We’ll reflect on how we listen to the Lord, how God’s grace exceeds our expectations, and how we are strengthened in faith to believe that nothing is impossible with God. Come, as we prepare for the coming of the Lord – in the manger, in his Word, and in his glorious return one day.

December 19th“Advent Faith” – Luke 1:26-38

Annual Voter’s Meeting…will be on Sunday, January 20th at 12:00 pm. Please plan on attending this meeting where we will hear year end reports, approved the 2019 church budget, and elect church leaders.

All Church Family Bible Study Fun! On Sunday, December 23rd, following the 9:00 am worship, everyone is invited for a time of Bible study fun as we celebrate the Advent and Christmas holiday season!

Update Your Contact Information…If your address, home phone number, cell phone number, or email address has changed, please let the church office know so we can maintain accurate records – thank you!   

LADIES BIBLE STUDY has completed their topical study on Contentment and will take a break in the busy month of December.  During the winter months of January through April, the Bible Study will meet ONCE MONTHLY on the THIRD TUESDAY!  Judy Byrne and I will be putting together a Wintry Weather Call List of everyone who has attended so you can be contacted if a cancellation is necessary.  We look forward to beginning our study on WISDOM in January!  Everyone is welcome at any time during any given study!  Come when you can and grow with us in our Lord and His Word!  Cheryl Lowman   

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.    

REMINDER:  please enjoy snacks and beverages in the coffee hour area and lower fellowship room.  Thank you, St. Paul’s Trustees

Bulletin Notices for December 9, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, any flavor.  Thank you.   

FESTIVAL CHOIR:  All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon for more information.  Rehearsals are December 12th, & 19th, at 7:45pm after Wednesday Advent Worship services and/or after the 10:45 worship on Sundays.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH (Young Ladies Mentor Group) will meet Saturday, December 15th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm for cookie making. The cookies will be distributed during caroling to our in-home Saints the following day.  For more information contact Judy Byrne at jbyrnsie@yahoo.com 

NEXT MEETING of the Sewing Circle is Saturday, December 15th, at 9:00am.  For more information see Tami Weeks.   

THANK YOU for your donations to the Mite Boxes.  St. Paul’s sent a total of $125.58 to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League!   

CHRISTMAS FLOWERS:  If you would like to donate towards the purchase of flowers to grace God’s altar at Christmas please see Cynthia Boyle, Sally Wabrek, or Janice Becker.  You may also leave a note with your dedication on the secretary’s desk no later than Sunday, December 16th.  Checks are to be made out to “St. Paul’s Altar Guild.”  We are grateful for your support.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle  

“The Joy of Christmas – Lessons and Carols”… All are invited to hear the children of our church family share the news of Jesus’ birth at the Children’s Christmas Program today at 9:30am. There will be no Christian Education Hour today. 

Christmas Caroling…Please join your fellow church family members in the Lower Fellowship Room on Sunday, December 16th, immediately following the 10:45 am service. We’ll gather for a short Christmas lunch before heading out in two groups to visit, sing, pray, and share the news of our Savior’s birth with our St. Paul’s in-home saints. All ages are welcome as we make a joyful noise in celebration of the Good News.   

Holiday Schedule at St. Paul’s 2018:  

Please mark your calendars! Note the worship time changes…

  • Wednesdays, December 12th & 19th @ 7pm: Advent Services
  • Sunday, December 9th, 9:30am – Children’s Christmas Program
  • Sunday, December 16th, 12:00 pm – Christmas Caroling
  • Sunday, December 23rd, 9:00 am – ONE worship service
  • Monday, December 24th, 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm – Christmas Eve worship
  • Tuesday, December 25th, 9:00 am – Christmas Day worship
  • Sunday, December 30th, 9:00 am – ONE worship service
  • Regular weekly schedule resumes the week of January 6th, 2019.

Advent Devotion Booklets…are available on the table in the narthex.   

The Giving Tree…Over the years here at St. Paul’s, we’ve had the joy of designating our sanctuary Christmas Tree to be a Giving Tree for church family members to contribute towards the needs of others. This year, the Board of Missions is asking for donations that will support the work of the Orphan Grain Train Branch as they help with disaster relief efforts in Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. The needed items are: Diapers (sizes Newborn, 1, 4, 5); Diaper rash ointment; New Blankets; Towels & washcloths; Coloring books & Crayons. If you prefer to make a financial donation that will be used by OGT to purchase supplies and cover transportation costs to send out supplies, you may give a check payable to “OGT New England Branch” (please do not address the check to St. Paul’s). Please bring your items, or your monetary donation in an envelope, and place them under/in the Giving Tree. We will be collecting items and monetary donations until Epiphany, January 6th. Any questions?  Please contact Denise Yoreo or Pastor Manor.

Christmas Cards for the Church Family…All are invited to share Christmas greetings with your St. Paul’s church family. One of the bulletin boards in the hallway above the Lower Fellowship Room is dedicated for cards, photos, or letters. Check out the greetings from others, and feel free to add yours to the board.

Advent 2018: The Stories of Advent

All are welcome to gather for our Advent worship services at 7:00 pm on Wednesday nights in December. This time of Advent, I invite you to hear the life stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth and Mary. We’ll reflect on how we listen to the Lord, how God’s grace exceeds our expectations, and how we are strengthened in faith to believe that nothing is impossible with God. Come, as we prepare for the coming of the Lord – in the manger, in his Word, and in his glorious return one day.

December 12th“Advent Expectation” – Luke 1:18-25

December 19th“Advent Faith” – Luke 1:26-38

LADIES BIBLE STUDY has completed their topical study on Contentment and will take a break in the busy month of December.  During the winter months of January through April, the Bible Study will meet ONCE MONTHLY on the THIRD TUESDAY!  Judy Byrne and I will be putting together a Wintry Weather Call List of everyone who has attended so you can be contacted if a cancellation is necessary.  We look forward to beginning our study on WISDOM in January!  Everyone is welcome at any time during any given study!  Come when you can and grow with us in our Lord and His Word!  Cheryl Lowman

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.

EMPTY COOKIE CONTAINERS from the Christmas Fair are in the coffee hour area.  Please take yours home today.


Bulletin Notices for December 2, 2018

SEEKING WILLING INDIVIDUALS…who would like to serve the Lord with gladness in the following areas:

  1. Stewardship Board – please see John Burdick
  2. In-home Saints Care Ministry – please see Cheryl Lowman
  3. Hospitality Meals Ministry – please see Leslie Denton (You could serve once or twice a year if that fits your schedule). Meals are arranged for St. Paul’s church family members when needed after surgeries or in other difficult times.
  4. If there is another area not mentioned above, where you would like to serve, please see John Burdick or Cheryl Lowman.

FESTIVAL CHOIR:  All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. Rehearsals are December 5th, 12th, & 19th, at 7:45pm after Wednesday Advent Worship services and/or after the 10:45 Worship on Sundays.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH (Young Ladies Mentor Group) will meet Saturday, December 15th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm for cookie making. The cookies will be distributed during caroling to our in-home Saints the following day.  For more information contact Judy Byrne at jbyrnsie@yahoo.com 

NEXT MEETING of the Sewing Circle is Saturday, December 15th, at 9:00am.  For more information see Tami Weeks.   

LADIES AID would like to thank all the saints who donated time and goods to the Christmas Fair.  It was a great success!  We enjoyed the company of new volunteers, supporting the Hands of Grace tag sale, and on Wreath Making Sunday we enjoyed fellowship and made 23 wreaths for the Fair!

THANK YOU for your donations to the Mite Boxes.  St. Paul’s sent a total of $125.58 to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League!   

CHRISTMAS FLOWERS:  If you would like to donate towards the purchase of flowers to grace God’s altar at Christmas please see Cynthia Boyle, Sally Wabrek, or Janice Becker.  You may also leave a note with your dedication on the secretary’s desk no later than Sunday, December 16th.  Checks are to be made out to “St. Paul’s Altar Guild.”  We are grateful for your support.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle     

“The Joy of Christmas – Lessons and Carols”… All are invited to hear the children of our church family share the news of Jesus’ birth at the Children’s Christmas Program on Sunday, December 9th at 9:30 am.  There will be no Christian Education Hour on that day.   

Christmas Cards for the Church Family…All are invited to share Christmas greetings with your St. Paul’s church family. One of the bulletin boards in the hallway above the Lower Fellowship Room is dedicated for cards, photos, or letters. Check out the greetings from others, and feel free to add yours to the board!  

Christmas Caroling…Please join your fellow church family members in the Lower Fellowship Room on Sunday, December 16th, immediately following the 10:45 am service. We’ll gather for a short Christmas lunch before heading out in two groups to visit, sing, pray, and share the news of our Savior’s birth with our St. Paul’s in-home saints. All ages are welcome as we make a joyful noise in celebration of the Good News.    

Holiday Schedule at St. Paul’s 2018:

 Please mark your calendars! Note the worship time changes…

  • Wednesdays, December 5th, 12th, 19th @ 7pm: Advent Services
  • Sunday, December 9th, 9:30am – Children’s Christmas Program
  • Sunday, December 16th, 12:00 pm – Christmas Caroling
  • Sunday, December 23rd, 9:00 am – ONE worship service
  • Monday, December 24th, 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm – Christmas Eve worship
  • Tuesday, December 25th, 9:00 am – Christmas Day worship
  • Sunday, December 30th, 9:00 am – ONE worship service

Regular weekly schedule resumes the week of January 6th, 2019.

The Giving Tree…Over the years here at St. Paul’s, we’ve had the joy of designating our sanctuary Christmas Tree to be a Giving Tree for church family members to contribute towards the needs of others. This year, the Board of Missions is asking for donations that will support the work of the Orphan Grain Train Branch as they help with disaster relief efforts in Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. The needed items are: Diapers (sizes Newborn, 1, 4, 5); Diaper rash ointment; New Blankets; Towels & washcloths; Coloring books & Crayons. If you prefer to make a financial donation that will be used by OGT to purchase supplies and cover transportation costs to send out supplies, you may give a check payable to “OGT New England Branch” (please do not address the check to St. Paul’s). Please bring your items, or your monetary donation in an envelope, and place them under/in the Giving Tree. We will be collecting items and monetary donations until Epiphany, January 6th. Any questions?  Please contact Denise Yoreo or Pastor Manor.   

Advent Devotion Booklets…are available on the table in the narthex.

HANDS OF GRACE OUTDOORS will meet Friday, Dec. 7th, @6pm.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, any flavor.  Thank you.

Advent 2018: The Stories of Advent  

All are welcome to gather for our Advent worship services at 7:00 pm on Wednesday nights in December. This time of Advent, I invite you to hear the life stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth and Mary. We’ll reflect on how we listen to the Lord, how God’s grace exceeds our expectations, and how we are strengthened in faith to believe that nothing is impossible with God. Come, as we prepare for the coming of the Lord – in the manger, in his Word, and in his glorious return one day.

December 5th“Advent Silence” – Luke 1:5-25, 57-64

December 12th“Advent Expectation” – Luke 1:18-25

December 19th“Advent Faith” – Luke 1:26-38

Bulletin Notices for November 25, 2018

SEEKING WILLING INDIVIDUALS…who would like to serve the Lord with gladness in the following areas:

  1. Stewardship Board – please see John Burdick
  2. In-home Saints Care Ministry – please see Cheryl Lowman
  3. Hospitality Meals Ministry – please see Leslie Denton (You could serve once or twice a year if that fits your schedule). Meals are arranged for St. Paul’s church family members when needed after surgeries or in other difficult times.
  4. If there is another area not mentioned above, where you would like to serve, please see John Burdick or Cheryl Lowman.

FESTIVAL CHOIR:  All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. Next rehearsal is TODAY, at 12Noon.

LADIES’ BIBLE TIME will meet Tuesday, November 27th, @ 1:00pm.   

ADVENT WORSHIP SERVICES will be at 7:00pm on Wednesdays, December 5th, 12th, and 19th 

YOUNG LADIES MENTOR GROUP will meet Saturday, Dec. 15th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm for cookie making. The cookies will be distributed during caroling to our in-home Saints the following day.  For more information contact Judy Byrne at jbyrnsie@yahoo.com.    

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.    

NEXT MEETING of the Sewing Circle is Saturday, December 15th, at 9:00am.  For more information see Tami Weeks.

REMINDER:  CURUCH GROUNDS CLEAN-UP is Saturday, December 1st, at 8:00am.  Please bring rakes, shovels, clippers, tarps, etc… Any questions see Don Eddy.

LADIES’ AID CHRISTMAS FAIR is Saturday, December 1st, 9am – 2pm, in the lower fellowship room and kitchen area.  We would graciously appreciate donations of baked goods, 4 dozen cookies for our Cookie Walk, and Christmas crafts and ornaments.  Please wrap your baked goods securely and price all donations.  The church will be open Friday morning, November 30th, at 10:00am for drop offs throughout the day and Saturday morning before the Fair.  If you have any questions please contact Janice: church (860-379-3172), email slutheranchurch@snet.net .

“The Joy of Christmas – Lessons and Carols”… All are invited to hear the children of our church family share the news of Jesus’ birth at the Children’s Christmas Program on Sunday, December 9th at 9:30 am.  There will be no Christian Education Hour on that day.

One Worship Service Only…On Sunday, December 23rd and Sunday, December 30th, the church family is invited to gather together for one worship service at 9:00 am, followed by food and fellowship at the coffee hour. There will be no Christian Education Hour on those days.   

Christmas Cards for the Church Family…All are invited to share Christmas greetings with your St. Paul’s church family. One of the bulletin boards in the hallway above the Lower Fellowship Room is dedicated for cards, photos, or letters. Check out the greetings from others, and feel free to add yours to the board!   

Christmas Caroling…Please join your fellow church family members in the Lower Fellowship Room on Sunday, December 16th, immediately following the 10:45 am service. We’ll gather for a short Christmas lunch before heading out in two groups to visit, sing, pray, and share the news of our Savior’s birth with our St. Paul’s in-home saints. All ages are welcome as we make a joyful noise in celebration of the Good News.   

Christmas Worship…

  • Monday, December 24th at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
  • Tuesday, December 25th at 9:00 am


Bulletin Notices for November 18, 2018

SEEKING WILLING INDIVIDUALS…who would like to serve the Lord with gladness in the following areas:

  1. Stewardship Board – please see John Burdick
  2. In-home Saints Care Ministry – please see Cheryl Lowman
  3. Hospitality Meals Ministry – please see Leslie Denton (You could serve once or twice a year if that fits your schedule). Meals are arranged for St. Paul’s church family members when needed after surgeries or in other difficult times.
  4. If there is another area not mentioned above, where you would like to serve, please see John Burdick or Cheryl Lowman.

FESTIVAL CHOIR:  All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. Rehearsal is TODAY at 12noon.  Next rehearsal is Wednesday, November 28th, at 6:30pm.

YOUNG LADIES MENTOR GROUP will meet Saturday, Dec. 15th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm for cookie making. The cookies will be distributed during caroling to our in-home Saints the following day.  For more information contact Judy Byrne at jbyrnsie@yahoo.com.

REMINDER:  CURUCH GROUNDS CLEAN-UP is Saturday, November 24, at 8:00am.  Please bring rakes, shovels, clippers, tarps, etc… Any questions see Don Eddy.   

>>>NO Prayer Ministry or Bible Study on Wednesday, November 21st.

THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP is Wednesday, November 21st, at 7:00pm.

LADIES’ BIBLE TIME will meet Tuesday, November 27th, at 1:00pm.    

MARK YOUR CALENDAR…Children’s Christmas Program is Sunday, December 9th, at 9:30am.  Rehearsal for the program is Saturday, December 8th, at 9:00am.

NEXT MEETING of the Sewing Circle is Saturday, December 15th, at 9:00am.  For more information see Tami Weeks.

ADVENT WORSHIP SERVICES will be at 7:00pm on Wednesdays, December 5th, 12th, and 19th.

Bulletin Notices for November 11, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE OUTDOORS will meet on the first and third Friday of the month, at Hands of Grace in Pine Meadow, 6:00pm – 7:30pm.  Any questions contact Shawn Weeks (weeksoutdoors@att.net) or Pastor Mongeau (kevin_mongeau@yahoo.com).

SEEKING WILLING INDIVIDUALS…who would like to serve the Lord with gladness in the following areas:

  1. Stewardship Board – please see John Burdick
  2. In-home Saints Care Ministry – please see Cheryl Lowman
  3. Hospitality Meals Ministry – please see Leslie Denton (You could serve once or twice a year if that fits your schedule). Meals are arranged for St. Paul’s church family members when needed after surgeries or in other difficult times.
  4. If there is another area not mentioned above, where you would like to serve, please see John Burdick or Cheryl Lowman.

FESTIVAL CHOIR:  All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals. First rehearsal is Wednesday, Nov. 14th, at 6:30pm then Sunday, Nov. 18th, following the 10:45am Service.

PLEASE check your mailbox. 


  • Saturday, Nov. 17th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm. All are welcome – bring a friend!
  • Saturday, Dec. 15th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm for cookie making. The cookies will be distributed during caroling to our in-home Saints the following day.
  • For more information contact Judy Byrne at jbyrnsie@yahoo.com.

INDOOR TAG SALE at Hands of Grace, Wickett St., New Hartford, Saturday, November 17th, 9:00am – 2:00pm.

Bulletin Notices for November 4, 2018

Young Ladies Mentor Group will meet…

  • Saturday, Nov. 17th from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. All are welcome – bring a friend!
  • Saturday, Dec. 15th from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm for cookie making. The cookies will be distributed during caroling to our in-home Saints the following day.

For more information contact Judy Byrne at jbyrnsie@yahoo.com.

Festival Choir…All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals.  First rehearsal is Wednesday, November 14th, @ 6:30pm, followed by rehearsal on Sunday, November 18th, following the 10:45am Service.

Hands Of Grace…grab a bag in the narthex to provide food for Thanksgiving meals!    

Mark your calendar to participate in these Ladies’ Aid Christmas Fair Events…

  • Wreath making, Sunday, November 25th, details to follow.
  • Annual Christmas Fair, Saturday, December 1st. Think of what you can do to support the Fair, details to follow.

Fall Family Festival…TODAY from 3:00-5:00 here at St. Paul’s! Invite your friends and neighbors! All are welcome for Fall activities, Arts and Crafts, Face Painting, Games, and more! Please see Amy Eversole or Pastor Manor with any questions.   

Seeking willing individuals…who would like to serve the Lord with gladness in the following areas:

  1. Stewardship Board – please see John Burdick
  2. In-home Saints Care Ministry – please see Cheryl Lowman
  3. Hospitality Meals Ministry – please see Leslie Denton (You could serve once or twice a year if that fits your schedule). Meals are arranged for St. Paul’s church family members when needed after surgeries or in other difficult times.
  4. If there is another area not mentioned above, where you would like to serve, please see John Burdick or Cheryl Lowman.

November 11st is Veterans Day… A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Here at St. Paul’s, we would like to honor our church family members, and their family members, who are or were Veterans of our US Armed Forces. To do that, we’d love to have a photo of those Veterans available to display that day. Please submit your electronic or hard-copy photo to the church office or to Pastor Manor by TODAY. Hard-copy photos will be returned to you.


Psalm 96:1

Operation Christmas Child is a way to be involved in evangelism and discipleship of children around the world! Every gift is an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus.  Our goal is to pack 100 boxes!

  • Get a shoebox and packing label located in the Narthex or supply your own shoebox. An average size plastic shoebox may be used. This is an added gift!  Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes may be bought at Hobby Lobby.
  • Pick up a packing label or print one online at samaritanspurse.org
  • You may also register you shoebox at the above website to follow your box and discover its destination.
  • Include a $9 donation per box for transport of the box.
  • We will shop for you. Monetary donations may be made to the church. Mark the offering MISSIONS/Operation Christmas Child. **Monetary donations must be made by November 4**
  • Box collection day is November 11th.

If you have any questions, please speak to a Mission Board Member: Denise Yoreo, Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin, Dave Hudon, Pastor Mongeau.