Bulletin Notices for October 28, 2018

Hands Of Grace…grab a bag in the narthex to provide food for Thanksgiving meals!     

LWML-NED RETREAT, Friday, November 2nd through Saturday, November 3rd, at the Holiday Inn in Enfield, CT.   This year’s Theme: “Flourish! Spiritually and Vocationally.”  Keynote speaker: Rev. Victor Belton, Regional Representative for Advancement, Concordia College, Bronxville, NY.  Reservation Forms are available at www.lwml-ned-org.  PROGRAM:  On Friday, November 2nd, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Pres. Timothy Yeadon will present his 500th Year Reformation Trip to Europe.  On Saturday, November 3rd, 8:30am -3:00pm, Rev. Victor Belton’s presentation will be on “How We Can Flourish!”  Registration forms are on the Mite Box Table in the narthex.  If you can’t attend both dates, you may choose to attend only one.   

Mark your calendar to participate in these Ladies’ Aid Christmas Fair Events…

  • Wreath making, Sunday, November 25th, details to follow.
  • Annual Christmas Fair, Saturday, December 1st. Think of what you can do to support the Fair, details to follow. 

All Saints’ Day Remembrance…During our worship services on Sunday, Nov. 4th, we would like to remember your family and friends who have died in the faith since All Saints’ Day last year (Nov. 5th, 2017). Please submit those names via email or phone to the church office or to Pastor Manor by Wednesday, October 31st for inclusion in the remembrance this year.

Fall Family Festival…next Sunday, Nov. 4th from 3:00-5:00 here at St. Paul’s! Invite your friends and neighbors! All are welcome for Fall activities, Games, Arts and Crafts, Face Painting, and more! Please see Amy Eversole or Pastor Manor with any questions.

Seeking willing individuals…who would like to serve the Lord with gladness in the following areas:

  1. Stewardship Board – please see John Burdick
  2. In-home Saints Care Ministry – please see Cheryl Lowman
  3. Hospitality Meals Ministry – please see Leslie Denton (You could serve once or twice a year if that fits your schedule). Meals are arranged for St. Paul’s church family members when needed after surgeries or in other difficult times.
  4. If there is another area not mentioned above, where you would like to serve, please see John Burdick or Cheryl Lowman.

November 11st is Veterans Day… A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Here at St. Paul’s, we would like to honor our church family members, and their family members, who are or were Veterans of our US Armed Forces. To do that, we’d love to have a photo of those Veterans available to display that day. Please submit your electronic or hard-copy photo to the church office or to Pastor Manor by Sunday, November 4th. Hard-copy photos will be returned to you.

Festival Choir…All singers are welcome to join in this choir that will sing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve worship services. Please contact Ruth Yeadon to indicate your interest in singing and to get information about rehearsals.


Operation Christmas Child is a way to be involved in evangelism and discipleship of children around the world! Every gift is an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus.  Our goal is to pack 100 boxes!

  • Get a shoebox and packing label located in the Narthex or supply your own shoebox. An average size plastic shoebox may be used. This is an added gift!  Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes may be bought at Hobby Lobby.
  • Pick up a packing label or print one online at samaritanspurse.org
  • You may also register you shoebox at the above website to follow your box and discover its destination.
  • Include a $9 donation per box for transport of the box.
  • We will shop for you. Monetary donations may be made to the church. Mark the offering MISSIONS/Operation Christmas Child.

**Monetary donations must be made by November 4**.  Box collection day is November 11th.  If you have any questions, please speak to a Mission Board Member: Denise Yoreo, Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin, Dave Hudon, Pastor Mongeau.

Bulletin Notices for October 21, 2018

Hands Of Grace…is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.   Thank you.     

LWML SUNDAY…is being celebrated today!  Our traditional worship services are focusing on mission, and especially the blessing of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.  Please drop your Mite Box offerings in the big box in the narthex, and they will be forwarded to the New England District. Mite box offerings are used to fund LWML’s 2018 – 2020 mission grants.  Please see the table in the narthex or the bulletin board in the kitchen area for NED mission grant updates.

LWML-NED RETREAT, Friday, November 2nd through Saturday, November 3rd, at the Holiday Inn in Enfield, CT.   This year’s Theme: “Flourish! Spiritually and Vocationally.”  Keynote speaker: Rev. Victor Belton, Regional Representative for Advancement, Concordia College, Bronxville, NY.  Reservation Forms are available at www.lwml-ned-org.  PROGRAM:  On Friday, November 2nd, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Pres. Timothy Yeadon will present his 500th Year Reformation Trip to Europe.  On Saturday, November 3rd, 8:30am -3:00pm, Rev. Victor Belton’s presentation will be on “How We Can Flourish!”  Registration forms are on the Mite Box Table in the narthex.  If you can’t attend both dates, you may choose to attend only one. 

SEWING CIRCLE…will meet this Thursday, October 25th, at 7:00pm.  Please RSVP to Tami Weeks at GSmama62@att.net .

Mark your calendar to participate in these Ladies’ Aid Christmas Fair Events…

  • Wreath making, Sunday, November 25th, details to follow.
  • Annual Christmas Fair, Saturday, December 1st. Think of what you can do to support the Fair, details to follow.  

All Saints’ Day Remembrance…During our worship services on Sunday, Nov. 4th, we would like to remember your family and friends who have died in the faith since All Saints’ Day last year (Nov. 5th, 2017). Please submit those names via email or phone to the church office or to Pastor Manor by Wednesday, October 31st for inclusion in the remembrance this year.

Fall Family Festival…coming Sunday, Nov. 4th from 3:00-5:00! All are welcome for Fall activities, Games, Arts and Crafts, Face Painting, and more! This church family and community outreach event will replace the Trunk or Treat originally scheduled for Oct. 28th.

Bulletin Notices for October 14, 2018

>>>HANDS OF GRACE will hold an indoor tag sale at Hands of Grace, 8 Wickett St., New Hartford on Saturday, October 20th, from 9:00am – 2:00pm. Any questions please see Denise Yoreo.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.   Thank you.

 How to contact Pastor Manor…  He will typically be in the church building from 9:00 – 12:00 on Monday – Thursday mornings.  Call, text, email any time: 860-491-0086 – pastor.manor@gmail.com. On Fridays, please call or text for pastoral care needs.

***LWML SUNDAY will be celebrated, next Sunday, on October 21st.  On that Sunday our worship will focus on missions, and especially the blessing of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.  Mite Box offerings will be collected and will be forwarded to the New England District.  Mite box offerings are used to fund LWML’s 2018 – 2020 mission grants.  Please see information in today’s bulletin for NED mission grant updates.  ALSO: save the date…. LWML-NED RETREAT, Friday, November 2nd to Saturday, November 3rd, at the Holiday Inn in Enfield, CT.   This year’s Theme: “Flourish! Spiritually and Vocationally.”  Keynote speaker: Rev. Victor Belton, Regional Representative for Advancement, Concordia College, Bronxville, NY.  Reservation Forms are available at www.lwml-ned-org.  PROGRAM:  On Friday, November 2nd, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Pres. Timothy Yeadon will present his 500th Year Reformation Trip to Europe.  On Saturday, November 3rd, 8:30am -3:00pm, Rev. Victor Belton’s presentation will be on “How We Can Flourish!”  Registration forms are on the Mite Box Table in the narthex.  If you can’t attend both dates, you may choose to attend only one.   

Trunk or Treat…is returning to St. Paul’s! Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 28th and plan on joining in the fun for all ages.

SEWING CIRCLE will meet Thursday, Oct. 25th, at 7:00pm.  Please RSVP to Tami Weeks at GSmama62@att.net .

ATTENTION!   Boys of St. Paul’s between the ages of 10 – 15!  If you love the Lord and you love the great outdoors, look no further!  “Hands of Grace Outdoors” is a new program dedicated to you!  The Outdoorsman!  We will be having a Meet and Greet on Friday, October 19th at 6:00pm. It will be held at Hands of Grace, at our new camp/activity site.  Bring your folks, a chair for the bonfire, and dress accordingly. There will be refreshments, an activity, a story, and a question and answer time for you and your folks.  Don’t miss out on the fun!!  If you have any questions, email your new Troop Leader, Mr. Weeks at  weeksoutdoors@att.net .


Operation Christmas Child is a way to be involved in evangelism and discipleship of children around the world!  Every gift is an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus.  Our goal is to pack 100 boxes!

  • Get a shoebox and packing label located in the Narthex or supply your own shoebox. An average size plastic shoeboxes may be used.  This is an added gift!  Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes may be bought at Hobby Lobby.
  • Pick up a packing label or print one online at org   You may also register you shoebox at the above website to FOLLOW YOUR BOX and discover the destination of your box..
  • Include a $9 donation per box for transport of the box.
  • We will shop for you. Monetary donations may be made to the church. Mark the offering MISSIONS/Operation Christmas Child.
  • **Monetary donations must be made by November 4**
  • Box collection day is November 11th.

If you have any questions, please speak to a Mission Board Member: Denise Yoreo, Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin, Dave Hudon, Pastor Mongeau.

Bulletin Notices for October 7, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles, and toothpaste.      

How to contact Pastor Manor… He will typically be in the church building from 9:00 – 12:00 on Monday – Thursday mornings.  Call, text, email any time: 860-491-0086 – pastor.manor@gmail.com. On Fridays, please call or text for pastoral care needs.

***LWML SUNDAY will be celebrated on October 21st.  On that Sunday our worship will focus on missions, and especially the blessing of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.  Mite Box offerings will be collected and will be forwarded to the New England District.  Mite box offerings are used to fund LWML’s 2018 – 2020 mission grants.  Please see information in today’s bulletin for NED mission grant updates.  ALSO: save the date…. LWML-NED RETREAT, Friday, November 2nd to Saturday, November 3rd, at the Holiday Inn in Enfield, CT.   This year’s Theme: “Flourish! Spiritually and Vocationally.”  Keynote speaker: Rev. Victor Belton, Regional Representative for Advancement, Concordia College, Bronxville, NY.  Reservation Forms are available at ww.lwml-ned-org.  PROGRAM:  On Friday, November 2nd, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Pres. Timothy Yeadon will present his 500th Year Reformation Trip to Europe.  On Saturday, November 3rd, 8:30am -3:00pm, Rev. Victor Belton’s presentation will be on “How We Can Flourish!”

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox!  ALSO, don’t forget…. notices and events are posted on the bulletin boards in the coffee hour area.

NO BIBLE STUDY OR PRAYER MINISTRY on Wednesday of this week.

Pastor Manor and Pastor Mongeau on Vacation…Both of our pastors will be away on vacation this week and returning by the weekend. If you are in need of pastoral care in their absence, please contact Elder Chairman Travis Lowman at 860-806-1285, or Janice Becker at 860-379-3172 at the church office, and they will help you with your needs.


It is time to pack shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child!  Our goal is to pack 100 shoeboxes. 

  • Pack your own shoebox or pick up a box located in the narthex.
  • Pick up a packing label and packing suggestions card
  • Start shopping, and fill box!
  • Include $9 postage or go on line to register your box and FOLLOW YOUR BOX
  • Collection day is November 11th.

More information will be available throughout the month of October.  If you have any questions please speak to mission board members, Denise Yoreo, Travis Poudin, Deb Burdick or Dave Hudon.

ATTENTION!   Boys of St. Paul’s between the ages of 10 – 15!  If you love the Lord and you love the great outdoors, look no further!  “Hands of Grace Outdoors” is a new program dedicated to you!  The Outdoorsman!  We will be having a Meet and Greet on Friday, October 19th at 6:00pm. It will be held at Hands of Grace, at our new camp/activity site.  Bring your folks, a chair for the bonfire, and dress accordingly. There will be refreshments, an activity, a story, and a question and answer time for you and your folks.  Don’t miss out on the fun!!  If you have any questions, email your new Troop Leader, Mr.Weeks at  weeksoutdoors@att.net

Bulletin Notices for September 30, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.  ALSO, we need plastic bags!  Thank you.

YOUNG LADIES MENTOR GROUP will meet Sunday, September 30th, from 2:30 – 4:00pm.  For more information see Judy Byrne.

PHOTO SESSIONS with Kim Shank will take place today after the 8:00 & 10:45am services.           

THE MID-VALLEY ZONE and the Mountain Laurel Zone are joining together for their Fall Rally TODAY at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 8 Maple Street, Terryville, CT starting at 2:00pm. Holy Trinity Ladies Aid/LWML will be hosting. The In-Gathering will be monetary donations for Orphan Grain Train local branch. A tour of OGT Warehouse will be available after the rally.

How to contact Pastor Manor… He will typically be in the church building from 9:00 – 12:00 on Monday – Thursday mornings.  Call, text, email any time: 860-491-0086 – pastor.manor@gmail.com. On Fridays, please call or text for pastoral care needs.

Nursery Room Volunteers needed during the 10:45 am worship service. You can be a part of this ministry if you’ve already attended one of the earlier services on a Sunday, or if you’re in attendance at the 10:45 am service. If you might use this staffed nursery option, please also consider being a part of the care rotation. Please let an elder or Pastor Manor know if you are willing to serve on a rotating schedule.

Trunk or Treat…is returning to St. Paul’s! Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 28th and plan on joining in the fun for all ages! All the details coming soon!

***LWML SUNDAY will be celebrated on October 21st.  On that Sunday our worship will focus on mission, and especially the blessing of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.  Mite Box offerings will be collected and will be forwarded to the New England District.  Mite box offerings are used to fund LWML’s 2018 – 2020 mission grants.  Please see information in today’s bulletin for NED mission grant updates.  ALSO: save the date…. LWML-NED RETREAT, Friday, November 2nd to Saturday, November 3rd, at the Holiday Inn in Enfield, CT.   This year’s Theme: “Flourish! Spiritually and Vocationally.”  Keynote speaker: Rev. Victor Belton, Regional Representative for Advancement, Concordia College, Bronxville, NY.  Reservation Forms are available at www.lwml-ned-org.  Make your Holiday Inn reservations before October 1st.  PROGRAM:  On Friday, November 2nd, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Pres. Timothy Yeadon will present his 500th Year Reformation Trip to Europe.  On Saturday, November 3rd,  8:30am -3:00pm, Rev. Victor Belton’s presentation will be on “How We Can Flourish!”

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox!  ALSO, don’t forget…. notices and events are posted on the bulletin boards in the coffee hour area.

Bulletin Notices for September 23, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.  ALSO, we need plastic bags!  Thank you.

YOUNG LADIES MENTOR GROUP will meet Sunday, September 30th, 2:30 – 4:00pm.  For more information contact Judy Byrne at jbyrnsie@yahoo.com.

PHOTO SESSIONS with Kim Shank will take place this Sunday and next after the 8:00 & 10:45am services.

THE MID-VALLEY ZONE and the Mountain Laurel Zone are joining together for their Fall Rally which will be held on Sunday, September 30th, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 8 Maple Street, Terryville, CT starting at 2pm. Holy Trinity Ladies Aid/LWML will be hosting. The In-Gathering will be monetary donations for Orphan Grain Train local branch. A tour of OGT Warehouse will be available after the rally.   

LADIES AID had a wonderful day at New Hartford Day this past Sunday.  Thank you to all who stopped by to chat, donated baked goods, and volunteered their time.      

Wednesday Night Worship and Prayer Ministry…Worship on Wednesday evenings will be taking a break for a while in order to focus our resources on the three Sunday morning worship services and our Christian Education Hour. Prayer Ministry will still meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights, with Bible study to follow at 7:00 pm.   

Midweek Bible Study has moved…from Monday nights to Wednesday nights.  Whether a new Bible study student or a seasoned studier of God’s Word, all are welcome on Wednesdays from 7 pm – 8 pm to explore the truths of Scripture together. Our first topic is Romans!

FALL FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL FOOD POT BLESS & MOVIE on Saturday, September 29th, from 5-8pm.  Our movie will feature German Lutheran Pastor and Theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his moving story.  Simultaneously, Linda Pekrul will be in the Early Childhood Education Room with Veggie Tale movies ready for young children.  Our movies will begin following dinner/dessert @ 6:30pm.  COME AND ENJOY WARM FELLOWSHIP and bring a dish that represents your heritage or an international main or side dish that you love!  Please SIGN UP on the clipboard in the narthex today.  It is going to be a very special evening together!! Guests are welcome.   ~ Hosted by your Fellowship Committee

Where is Pastor Manor? How do I get ahold of him?…

Typically you will find me in the church building from 9:00 – 12:00, Monday – Thursday mornings. I strive to be available for anyone who drops in on those days, during those times.

You can always get ahold of me by calling, texting, or emailing me at 860-491-0086 or by email at pastor.manor@gmail.com. On my Family Day, I typically do not check my email, so for immediate pastoral care needs on that day, please call or text.

I pray you know that “my door is always open”. Whether you drop in or make an appointment, it gives me great joy to talk over a cup of coffee – to share in your challenges and to rejoice in your blessings. In Christ, Pastor Manor

A Staffed Nursery Room…is available during the 10:45 am worship service. While children are always welcome in worship, this option is available for infants and toddlers to be cared for during the sermon portion of the service only, if parents so desire. Feel free to take your infant or toddler to the Early Childhood Room downstairs, any time after the Children’s Message. Please pick them up following the Prayers of the Church. Volunteers are needed to serve in the nursery. You could do this if you’ve already attended one of the earlier services on a Sunday, or if you’re in attendance at the 10:45 am service. If you are considering using this staffed nursery option, please also consider being a part of the care rotation. Please let an elder or Pastor Manor know if you are willing to serve on a rotating schedule.

Bulletin Notices for September 16, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.  ALSO, we need plastic bags!  Thank you.     

LADIES BIBLE TIME will now meet the first and third Tuesday of each month.  The study continues to be one that you may want to come to regularly or just come when you are free.  Presently we are studying about CONTENTMENT.  All are welcome to come and enjoy growing in God’s Holy Word together.  Next meeting is Tuesday, September 18th, 1:00 – 2:15pm.  If you have any questions about the study, please see Cheryl Lowman or Judy Byrne.    

SEWING CIRCLE…will meet on September 20th at 7:00 pm.  If you have any questions, or if you plan on attending, please see Tami Weeks.

YOUNG LADIES MENTOR GROUP will meet Sunday, September 30th, 2:30 – 4:00pm.  For more information contact Cheryl Lowman (cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com).

PHOTO SESSIONS with Kim Shank will take place today after the 8:00 & 10:45am services, and the next two Sundays, September 23rd and 30th.

“SAFETY IN OUR HOUSE OF WORSHIP” Bethany Lutheran Church and the Connecticut State Police host a discussion on being safe in our sacred places on Thursday, September 20th, at 7:00pm. Bethany Lutheran Church is located at 1655 Boulevard, in West Hartford.  For questions about this event call Bethany Lutheran at 860-521-5076.

>>>THE MID-VALLEY ZONE and the Mountain Laurel Zone are joining together for their Fall Rally which will be held on Sunday, September 30th, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 8 Maple Street, Terryville, CT starting at 2pm. Holy Trinity Ladies Aid/LWML will be hosting. The In-Gathering will be monetary donations for Orphan Grain Train local branch. A tour of OGT Warehouse will be available after the rally.

Where is Pastor Manor? How do I get ahold of him?…

Typically you will find me in the church building from 9:00 – 12:00, Monday – Thursday mornings. I strive to be available for anyone who drops in on those days, during those times.  You can always get a hold of me by calling, texting, or emailing me at 860-491-0086 or by email at pastor.manor@gmail.com. On my Family Day, I typically do not check my email, so for immediate pastoral care needs on that day, please call or text.  I pray you know that “my door is always open”. Whether you drop in or make an appointment, it gives me great joy to talk over a cup of coffee – to share in your challenges and to rejoice in your blessings. In Christ, Pastor Manor

A Staffed Nursery Room…is available during the 10:45 am worship service. While children are always welcome in worship, this option is available for infants and toddlers to be cared for during the sermon portion of the service only, if parents so desire. Feel free to take your infant or toddler to the Early Childhood Room downstairs, any time after the Children’s Message. Please pick them up following the Prayers of the Church. Volunteers are needed to serve in the nursery. You could do this if you’ve already attended one of the earlier services on a Sunday, or if you’re in attendance at the 10:45 am service. If you are considering using this staffed nursery option, please also consider being a part of the care rotation. Please let an elder or Pastor Manor know if you are willing to serve on a rotating schedule.   

Wednesday Night Worship and Prayer Ministry…Worship on Wednesday evenings will be taking a break for a while in order to focus our resources on the three Sunday morning worship services and our Christian Education Hour. Prayer Ministry will still meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights, with Bible study to follow at 7:00 pm.   

Midweek Bible Study has moved…from Monday nights to Wednesday nights.  Whether a new Bible study student or a seasoned studier of God’s Word, all are welcome on Wednesdays from 7 pm – 8 pm to explore the truths of Scripture together. Our first topic is Romans!

Bulletin Notices for September 9, 2018

Hands of Grace…is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.  Also, we need plastic bags!   

Photos will be taken…for the photo wall after the 8 & 10:45 services Sept. 16, 23, 30.

Today is Rally Day! 

All are invited to be a part of the excitement this morning as we kick off the education year. Our service today will include the installation of our Education leaders. At the end of worship we will have coffee fellowship, a meet and greet with Sunday school class leaders for children and youth, a Bible treasure hunt for all ages, and ice cream sundaes! 

Changes to Sunday Mornings – Beginning Next Sunday, September 16th  Next Sunday, we will begin our fall worship and education schedule on Sept 16th.  Worship at 8:00 am and 10:45 am will continue to be more traditional in format with a Children’s Message and Holy Communion at every service, every Sunday.

At 9:45 am, there will be a third worship opportunity in the sanctuary that is more contemporary in nature. It will include a different style of music than our other two worship opportunities, and will include Holy Communion.

At the 10:45 am worship service, we will be implementing a Staffed Nursery Room. While children are always welcome in worship, this option will be available for infants and toddlers to be cared for during the sermon portion of the service if parents so desire. Volunteers are needed to serve in the nursery. Please let Pastor Manor or an elder know if you are willing to be on a rotating schedule.

At 9:30 am each Sunday, we will have an all-church-family opening to our Education Hour in the Lower Fellowship Room. All are invited to grab your coffee and treats, then join together for celebration in Christ and an introduction to the studies for the day.

At 9:45 am the children and youth from PreK – high school will gather for the Bible study and activities portion of the morning, and the adults will remain for Bible study.

Sunday School Leaders Needed  As we strive to support parents in their ministry to their children, the Board of Education is looking for volunteers to serve as leaders in our Sunday school this year. All the resources are provided for you to share God’s Word with the kids and youth. Our goal is to have multiple leaders for each age group, so no one has to commit to leading every Sunday. Whether you’ve led Sunday school in the past, or you’ve never done it but are interested, we’d love to talk to you about leading. Please contact Pastor Manor, Greg Kuhr, or Natalie Jury if you have any questions or to express your interest in leading this year.

Sewing Circle…will meet on September 20th at 7:00 pm.  If you have any questions, or if you plan on attending, please RSVP to Tami Weeks at 860-693-4227.

Wednesday Night Worship and Prayer Ministry…Worship on Wednesday evenings will be taking a break for a while in order to focus our resources on the three Sunday morning worship services and our Christian Education Hour with Bible study and Sunday school. Prayer Ministry will continue to meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights with Bible study to follow at 7:00 pm.

Midweek Bible Study is on the Move…from Monday nights to Wednesday nights, beginning this Wednesday, September 12th. Whether a new Bible study student or a seasoned studier of God’s Word, all are welcome on Wednesdays from 7 pm – 8 pm to explore the truths of Scripture together. Our first topic will be the book of Romans!    

 Where is Pastor Manor? How do I get a hold of him?…Those are good questions! I’m sure many of you already know the answers, but if not, here you go!

Typically you will find me on campus in the church building from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Monday through Thursday mornings. Obviously there are times when it is necessary for me to be away during those hours, but I strive to be available for anyone who drops in on those days, during those times. You may find me here before and after those hours some days, but often I am out visiting in the afternoons or evenings, or here at church for afternoon or evening events.

You call always get a hold of me on my cell phone with a call or text to 860-491-0086. I also receive email on my computer and on my phone, so you can reach me there as well at pastor.manor@gmail.com. On my Family Day on Friday, I typically do not check my email. If you have an immediate need of pastoral care on a Friday, please call or text and I will respond to you as quickly as I am able. Saturdays I am typically in and out of the church throughout the day.

I pray that you know that “my door is always open”. Whether you drop in or make an appointment, it gives me great joy to talk over a cup of coffee – to share in your challenges and to rejoice in your blessings. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!  In Christ, Pastor Manor

Bulletin Notices for September 2, 2018

Hands of Grace…is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.  Also, we need plastic bags!

Rally Day – Sunday, September 9th – One Worship at 9:00am  All are invited to this exciting morning at St. Paul’s as we kick off the education year. The day will include one worship service at 9:00 am with the installation of our Education leaders. At the end of worship we will have coffee fellowship, a meet and greet with Sunday school class leaders for children and youth, a Bible treasure hunt for all ages, and ice cream sundaes!    

Changes to Sunday Mornings – Beginning September 16th   Following Rally Day on Sept 9th, we will begin our fall worship and education schedule on Sept 16th.  Worship at 8:00 am and 10:45 am will continue to be more traditional in format with a Children’s Message and Holy Communion at every service, every Sunday.

At 9:45 am, there will be a third worship opportunity in the sanctuary that is more contemporary in nature. It will include a different style of music than our other two worship opportunities, and will include Holy Communion.

At the 10:45 am worship service, we will be implementing a Staffed Nursery Room. While children are always welcome in worship, this option will be available for infants and toddlers to be cared for during the sermon portion of the service if parents so desire. Volunteers are needed to serve in the nursery. Please let Pastor Manor or an elder know if you are willing to be on a rotating schedule.

At 9:30 am each Sunday, we will have an all-church-family opening to our Education Hour in the Lower Fellowship Room. All are invited to grab your coffee and treats, then join together for celebration in Christ and an introduction to the studies for the day.

At 9:45 am the children and youth from PreK – high school will gather for the Bible study and activities portion of the morning, and the adults will remain for Bible study.   

Sunday School Leaders Needed  As we strive to support parents in their ministry to their children, the Board of Education is looking for volunteers to serve as leaders in our Sunday school this year. All the resources are provided for you to share God’s Word with the kids and youth. Our goal is to have multiple leaders for each age group, so no one has to commit to leading every Sunday. Whether you’ve led Sunday school in the past, or you’ve never done it but are interested, we’d love to talk to you about leading. Please contact Pastor Manor, Greg Kuhr, or Natalie Jury if you have any questions or to express your interest in leading this year.

Wednesday Night Worship and Prayer Ministry…Worship on Wednesday evenings will be taking a break for a while in order to focus our resources on the three Sunday morning worship services and our Christian Education Hour with Bible study and Sunday school. Prayer Ministry will continue to meet at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights with Bible study to follow at 7:00 pm.   

Midweek Bible Study is on the Move…from Monday nights to Wednesday nights, beginning September 12th. Whether a new Bible study student or a seasoned studier of God’s Word, all are welcome as we meet on Wednesdays from 7 pm – 8 pm to explore the truths of Scripture together. Our first topic for the fall will be the book of Romans!

Where is Pastor Manor? How do I get a hold of him?…Those are good questions! I’m sure many of you already know the answers, but if not, here you go!

Typically you will find me on campus in the church building from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Monday through Thursday mornings. Obviously there are times when it is necessary for me to be away during those hours, but I strive to be available for anyone who drops in on those days, during those times. You may find me here before and after those hours some days, but often I am out visiting in the afternoons or evenings, or here at church for afternoon or evening events.

You call always get ahold of me on my cell phone with a call or text to 860-491-0086. I also receive email on my computer and on my phone, so you can reach me there as well at pastor.manor@gmail.com. On my Family Day on Friday, I typically do not check my email. If you have an immediate need of pastoral care on a Friday, please call or text and I will respond to you as quickly as I am able. Saturdays I am typically in and out of the church throughout the day.

I pray that you know that “my door is always open”. Whether you drop in or make an appointment, it gives me great joy to talk over a cup of coffee – to share in your challenges and to rejoice in your blessings. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!  In Christ, Pastor Manor

Bulletin Notices for August 26, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of cereal, soup, juice bottles and toothpaste.  ALSO, we need plastic bags!  Thank you.    

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY will meet in the upper fellowship room on Wednesday, August 29th, at 1:00 pm.  Since Cheryl Lowman will be just back from vacation, Judy Byrne has graciously agreed to facilitate this month’s study.  Please remember all women are welcome to come to every study or just as schedules permit.  For your planning purposes, please know the study concludes no later than 2:15 pm.  It is such a joy to study God’s Word together!

PLEASE take a moment to check your church mailbox.

YOUNG LADIES MENTOR GROUP will hold its second meeting on Thursday, August 30th, from 5:30-7:30pm! It’s a “Come and Make Your Own Pizza” meal followed by a discussion facilitated by Judy Byrne on “How to handle peer pressure from a Biblical Prospective”.  Preteens through college age as well as all women of the church are cordially invited to come, enjoy pizza and grow in our Lord as we kick off a brand new school year together!  Please let Siri Rivera, Emily Jury, or Cheryl Lowman (cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com) know if you will be coming so ample pizza supplies are available.  A donation basket will be set out that evening to help offset grocery purchases.   If you find yourself free on that date and have not let us know…come anyway!    

Wednesday Night Worship and Prayer MinistryPrayer at 6:30 pm in the Upper Conference Room – Worship at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Our topic for worship throughout the month of August will be “Heroes of the Faith”. Our hero this coming week: Elisha! 

Rally Day – Sunday, September 9th – One Worship at 9:00am: All are invited to this exciting morning at St. Paul’s as we kick off the education year. The day will include one worship service at 9:00 am with the installation of our Education leaders. At the end of worship we will have coffee fellowship for adults, a meet and greet with Sunday school class leaders for kids, a Bible treasure hunt for all ages, and ice cream!

Changes to Sunday Mornings – Beginning September 16th     Following Rally Day on Sept 9th, we will begin our fall worship and education schedule on Sept 16th.  Worship at 8:00 am and 10:45 am will continue to be more traditional in format with a Children’s Message and Holy Communion at every service, every Sunday.  At 9:45 am, there will be a third worship opportunity in the sanctuary that is more contemporary in nature. It will include a different style of music than our other two worship opportunities, and will include Holy Communion.  At the 10:45 am worship service, we will be implementing a Staffed Nursery Room. While children are always welcome in worship, this option will be available for infants and toddlers to be cared for during the sermon portion of the service if parents so desire.  At 9:30 am each Sunday, we will have an all-church-family opening to our Education Hour in the Lower Fellowship Room. All are invited to grab your coffee and treats, then join together for celebration in Christ.  At 9:45 am the children and youth from PreK – high school will gather for the Bible study and activities portion of the morning and the adults will remain for Bible study.

Sunday School Leaders NeededAs we strive to support parents in their ministry to their children, the Board of Education is looking for volunteers to serve as leaders in our Sunday school this year. All the resources are provided for you to share God’s Word with the kids and youth. Our goal is to have multiple leaders for each age group, so no one has to commit to leading every Sunday. Whether you’ve led Sunday school in the past, or you’ve never done it but are interested, we’d love to talk to you about leading. Please contact Pastor Manor, Greg Kuhr, or Natalie Jury if you have any questions or to express your interest in leading this year.