Bulletin Notices for June 10, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), tea, juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you.   

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>> 

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am.  At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org. 

>>>SUMMER SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE will begin on Sunday, July 1st and continue through Sunday, September 2nd. Bible study will be at 8:00 am, with one worship service beginning at 9:00am.

PHOTO WALL UPDATES: We’d love to have an updated picture of you and your family for our photo wall in the narthex. Kimberly Shank will be leading this update project. Opportunities to have your picture taken will be TODAY (9:15am – 12:15pm) as well as June 23rd and 24th (hours will be posted).  Please try to attend either photo session as Kim would like to get the same background for all photos!  No appointment necessary. Thank you!     

SAVE THE DATE: Worship and church picnic at Brodie Park on Sunday, August 5th, at 10:00am.  Mark your calendar for this time together with your church family and friends.  Details to follow.  

Hygiene Item Collection, June 3rd – 24th 

Help us honor the men and women who fought for our freedom!  Through the Mission Board of St. Paul’s, a collection is being taken for items that will be used to put together “hygiene” kits to be distributed to local homeless veterans and their families. This distribution will take place through the South Park Inn in Hartford as well as through Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) in Waterbury.  Please bring any of the following items to church and place them in the bin in the narthex or in the lower fellowship room:

  • Body wash
  • Shampoo
  • Bar soap
  • Toothbrush w/toothpaste
  • Band-Aids
  • Nail clippers
  • Deodorant
  • Socks
  • Combs (wide tooth)
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Wash cloths and hand towels

All are welcome for a Pizza & Packing Party July 13, 5:30 pm at church, as we assemble all of the donated items to be given to the Glory of God! Please RSVP to Denise Yoreo or Pastor Mongeau if you plan to come for pizza, and let us know your favorite pizza topping! If you have any questions please speak to Mission Board Members: Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin, Dave Hudon, Denise Yoreo, Pastor Mongeau

MITE BOX COLLECTION:  I hope everyone has had a chance to read the LWML mite box info on the bulletin board in the coffee area. We are planning to send our mite box donations to the LWML New England District Treasurer the week of June 25th.  You may leave your filled boxes in the large mite box in the narthex. Thank you, Leslie Denton

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is fast approaching.  Snack needs are listed below and donations would be appreciated.  Please leave them in the back of the church kitchen.

  • Gold fish – big containers
  • 2-3 boxes Fruit Loops cereal
  • 2-3 bags mini pretzel twists
  • 2-3 large bags of M&M’s plain
  • 2-3 bags mini marshmallows
  • 3-4 regular size boxes animal crackers
  • 2-3 large containers powdered lemonade mix
  • 1 bottle Hershey’s syrup chocolate and 1 bottle caramel syrup
  • 1 large container of rainbow sprinkles
  • 1 bag of popping corn kernels

 If you have any questions, email Amy Eversole at amyceversole@gmail.com.  Thank you.

>>>SEWING CIRCLE will not meet this month on June 21st.  Next meeting will be July 19th.

PASTOR MANOR and Council Secretary Brian Tassinari will attend the New England District Convention Thursday, June 14th to Saturday, June 16th.  Please keep our district in your prayers as the pastoral and lay delegates gather to conduct the work of the church for the good of the Gospel.  Pastor Manor will be available by email or phone.

USHER TRAINING: The Board of Elders has recently finished updating the Usher’s Procedure Manual. You are invited to a training and walk through for Ushers on Sunday, June 17th between the worship services. If you are newer to the church and have never ushered before or you are a seasoned veteran, we would love to see you there. If you have any questions or are unable to attend, please contact Travis Lowman at travis.w.lowman@gmail.com or see any of the Elders.

Bulletin Notices for June 3, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), tea, juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you. 

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>> 

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am:  At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org 

SUMMER SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE will begin on Sunday, July 1st and continue through Sunday, September 2nd. Bible study will be at 8:00 am, with one worship service beginning at 9:00 am.

PHOTO WALL UPDATES: We’d love to have an updated picture of you and your family for our photo wall in the narthex. Kimberly Shank will be leading this update project. Opportunities to have your picture taken will be on June 9th (11am – 2pm) and 10th (9:15am – 12:15pm) as well as June 23rd and 24th (hours will be posted).  Please try to attend either photo session as Kim would like to get the same background for all photos!  No appointment necessary. Thank you!

SAVE THE DATE: Worship and church picnic at Brodie Park on Sunday, August 5th, at 10:00am.  Mark your calendar for this this time together with your church family and friends.  Details to follow.

Hygiene Item Collection, June 3rd – 24th 

Help us honor the men and women who fought for our freedom!  Through the Mission Board of St. Paul’s, a collection is being taken for items that will be used to put together “hygiene” kits to be distributed to local homeless veterans and their families. This distribution will take place through the South Park Inn in Hartford as well as through Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) in Waterbury.  Please bring any of the following items to church and place them in the bin in the narthex or in the lower fellowship room:

  • Body wash
  • Shampoo
  • Bar soap
  • Toothbrush w/toothpaste
  • Band-Aids
  • Nail clippers
  • Deodorant
  • Socks
  • Combs (wide tooth)
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Wash cloths and hand towels

All are welcome for a Pizza & Packing Party July 13, 5:30 pm at church, as we assemble all of the donated items to be given to the Glory of God! Please RSVP to Denise Yoreo or Pastor Mongeau if you plan to come for pizza, and let us know your favorite pizza topping! If you have any questions please speak to Mission Board Members: Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin, Dave Hudon, Denise Yoreo, Pastor Mongeau.

MITE BOX COLLECTION:  I hope everyone has had a chance to read the LWML mite box info on the bulletin board in the coffee area. We are planning to send our mite box donations to the LWML New England District Treasurer the week of June 25th.  You may leave your filled boxes in the large mite box in the narthex. Thank you, Leslie Denton

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is fast approaching.  Snack needs are listed below and donations would be appreciated!  Please leave them in the back of the church kitchen:

  • Gold fish – big containers
  • 2-3 boxes Fruit Loops cereal
  • 2-3 bags mini pretzel twists
  • 2-3 large bags of M&M’s plain
  • 2-3 bags mini marshmallows
  • 3-4 regular size boxes animal crackers
  • 2-3 large containers powdered lemonade mix
  • 1 bottle Hershey’s syrup chocolate and 1 bottle caramel syrup
  • 1 large container of rainbow sprinles
  • 1 bag of popping corn kernels

 If you have any questions, email Amy Eversole at amyceversole@gmail.com.  Thank you!

>>>SEWING CIRCLE will not meet this month on June 21st.  Next meeting will be July 19th.


Bulletin Notices for May 27, 2018

Ladies’ Aid Bake Sale…rain or shine, on Sunday, June 3rd, between services.  

Hands of Grace needs…include breakfast cereals, juice (64oz.), tea, coffee, and bread.

Summer Sunday Worship Schedule…will begin on Sunday, July 1st and continue through Sunday, September 2nd. Bible study will be at 8:00 am, with one worship service beginning at 9:00 am.

Save the Date! Worship and Church Picnic at Brodie Park…Sunday, August 5th, at 10:00 am. Mark your calendars for this time together with your church family and friends. More details to come!     

Tag Sale!…will be held at Hands of Grace, 8 Wickett Street in New Hartford, on Saturday, June 2nd from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.  Proceeds will benefit the ministry at Hands of Grace.

Women’s Bible Time…this Wednesday, May 30th at 1:00 pm in the Upper Fellowship Room here at St. Paul’s. All women of the church and their friends are invited to explore God’s Holy Word and ponder all His benefits together!  This Bible Time will be meeting the LAST Wednesday of each month – same time and place, unless otherwise noted. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at cheryl.cassady@yahool.com.    

Occupations Bulletin Board…Have you ever needed to inquire about a household repair problem or decision and wondered if someone in our church family could give you advice or provide the needed service?  Have you ever wondered if someone at St. Paul’s is a carpenter, babysitter, notary, lawyer, welder, cleaning person, caterer, etc…?  The Board of Stewardship would like to establish an Occupations Bulletin Board displaying business cards, flyers, or typed information regarding our members who are self-employed or business owners.  Please leave your cards, flyers, or printed information in Janice’s office and we will arrange the new bulletin board once collected. This is one more way to connect with our church family to receive advice or hire someone for needed services they provide. Thank you, Board of Stewardship.    

Photo Wall Updates…We’d love to have an updated photo of you and your family for our photo wall in the narthex. Kimberly Shank will be leading this update project. She can either take your photo, or receive a photo from you. Opportunities to have your picture taken will be on June 9th and 10th, as well as June 23rd and 24th. Look for more details in next week’s bulletin.

Hygiene Item Collection, June 3rd – 24th

Help us honor the men and women who fought for our freedom!  Through St. Paul’s Board of Missions, a collection is being taken for items that will be used to put together “hygiene” kits to be distributed to local homeless veterans and their families. This distribution will take place through the South Park Inn in Hartford as well as through Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) in Waterbury.  Please bring any of the following items to church and place them in the bin in the narthex or in the lower fellowship room:

Body Wash


Bar soap

Toothbrush w/toothpaste

Band aids

Nail clippers



Combs (wide tooth)

Feminine hygiene products

Wash cloths and hand towels

ALSO….All are welcome for a Pizza & Packing Party July 13, 5:30 pm at church, as we assemble all of the donated items to be given to the Glory of God! Please RSVP to Denise Yoreo or Pastor Mongeau if you plan to come for pizza, and let us know your favorite pizza topping! If you have any questions please speak to Mission Board Members: Deb Burdick, Travis Poudin, Dave Hudon, Denise Yoreo, Pastor Mongeau.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am.  At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more!  Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

Bulletin Notices for May 20, 2018

Hands of Grace needs…include breakfast cereals, juice (64oz.), tea, coffee, and bread.

Summer Sunday Worship Schedule…will begin on Sunday, July 1st and continue through Sunday, September 2nd. Bible study will be at 8:00 am, with one worship service beginning at 9:00 am.

Save the Date! Worship and Church Picnic at Brodie Park…Sunday, August 5th, at 10:00 am. Mark your calendars for this time together with your church family and friends. More details to come!     

Ladies’ Aid Bake Sale…rain or shine, on Sunday, June 3rd, between services.

Tag Sale!…will be held at Hands of Grace, 8 Wickett Street in New Hartford, on Saturday, June 2nd from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.  Proceeds will benefit the ministry at Hands of Grace.

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! 

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

Women’s Bible Time…Wednesday, May 30th at 1:00 pm in the Upper Fellowship Room here at St. Paul’s. All women of the church and their friends are invited to explore God’s Holy Word and ponder all His benefits together!  This Bible Time will be meeting the LAST Wednesday of each month – same time and place, unless otherwise noted.  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at cheryl.cassady@yahool.com 

Altar Guildis in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship.  Training is provided.  Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving.     

Occupations Bulletin Board…Have you ever needed to inquire about a household repair problem or decision and wondered if someone in our church family could give you advice or provide the needed service?  Have you ever wondered if someone at St. Paul’s is a carpenter, babysitter, notary, lawyer, welder, cleaning person, caterer, etc…?  The Board of Stewardship would like to establish an Occupations Bulletin Board displaying business cards, flyers, or typed information regarding our members who are self-employed or business owners.  Please leave your cards, flyers, or printed information in Janice’s office and we will arrange the new bulletin board once collected. This is one more way to connect with our church family to receive advice or hire someone for needed services they provide. Thank you, Stewardship Board.


Bulletin Notices for May 13, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you.  

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>> 

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.


>>>ALTAR GUILD…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship.  Training is provided.  Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving.


>>>WOMEN’S BIBLE TIME…  Wednesday, May 30th, at 1:00pm in the Upper Fellowship Room here at St. Paul’s.  All women of the church and their friends are invited to explore God’s Holy Word and ponder all His benefits together!  This Bible Time will be meeting the LAST Wednesday of each month – same time and place, unless otherwise noted.  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at  cheryl.cassady@yahool.com.   

>>>PLEASE check your mailbox.  

LADIES’ AID BAKE SALE, rain or shine, on Sunday, June 3rd, between services.

PHOTO WALL UPDATES…What a blessing it is to look at the photo wall in the narthex and get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ by name!  But some of you may look a little different now, or perhaps you’ve added to your family.  We’re looking for someone to lead the charge of updating our photo wall with current pictures.  This would include encouraging members to submit photos or to have them taken here at church for us to print, labeling those photos, and positing them on the photo wall.  If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Pastor Manor at pastor.manor@gmail.com

SEWING/CRAFT CIRCLE meeting is Thursday, May 17th, at 7pm in the Upper Fellowship Room.  Please feel free to join us as we sit in fellowship and crochet blankets and prayer shawls. If crocheting/knitting isn’t your thing but you would like to donate toward yarn that would be great as well.  Any questions please email Tami Weeks at  gsmama62@att.net.

HAVE YOU EVER needed to inquire about a household repair problem or decision and wondered if someone in our church family could give you advice or a needed service?  Have you ever wondered if someone at St. Paul’s is a carpenter, babysitter, notary, lawyer, welder, cleaning person, caterer, etc…?   Stewardship Board would like to establish an OCCUPATIONS BULLETIN BOARD displaying business cards, flyers or typed information regarding our members who are self-employed or business owners.  Please leave your cards, flyers, printed information in Janice’s office and we will arrange the new bulletin board once collected.  This is one more way to connect with our church family and, if needed, ask advice or hire for needed services they provide.

Thank you, Stewardship Board

Bulletin Notices for May 6, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you.

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>>

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

>>>ALTAR GUILD…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship.  Training is provided.  Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving.

PHOTO WALL UPDATES…What a blessing it is to look at the photo wall in the narthex and get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ by name!  But some of you may look a little different now, or perhaps you’ve added to your family.  We’re looking for someone to lead the charge of updating our photo wall with current pictures.  This would include encouraging members to submit photos or to have them taken here at church for us to print, labeling those photos, and positing them on the photo wall.  If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Pastor Manor.

CHURCH GROUNDS CLEAN-UP DAY is Saturday,  May 12th, at 9am.  Please bring rakes, tarps, leaf blowers, shovels, etc… Thank you, Don Eddy 

SEWING/CRAFT CIRCLE meeting is Thursday, May 17th, at 7pm in the Upper Fellowship Room.  Please feel free to join us as we sit in fellowship and crochet blankets and prayer shawls. If crocheting/knitting isn’t your thing but you would like to donate toward yarn that would be great as well.  Any questions please see Tami Weeks or email her at gsmama62@att.net.

HAVE YOU EVER needed to inquire about a household repair problem or decision and wondered if someone in our church family could give you advice or a needed service?  Have you ever wondered if someone at St. Paul’s is a carpenter, babysitter, notary, lawyer, welder, cleaning person, caterer, etc…?   Stewardship Board would like to establish an OCCUPATIONS BULLETIN BOARD displaying business cards, flyers or typed information regarding our members who are self-employed or business owners.  Please leave your cards, flyers, printed information in Janice’s office and we will arrange the new bulletin board once collected.  This is one more way to connect with our church family and, if needed, ask advice or hire for needed services they provide.

Thank you, Stewardship Board

Bulletin Notices for April 29, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you.   

National Day of Prayer…will be observed here at St. Paul’s on Thursday, May 3rd. The church will be open to all in the community for personal prayer and meditation from 7:00am to 7:00pm. All are invited to close the day with a service of Prayer, Scripture and Music at 7:00pm. We would love to have church family members volunteer to serve as hosts that day, welcoming people to the church, directing them around the building, etc.  Information and a sign-up sheet for one hour blocks of time to host is on the table in the narthex.  Please consider being a part of this day of prayer across our nation, as either a host or participant. Please see Denise Yoreo, Cheryl Lowman, or Pastor Mongeau for more information or to volunteer.

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>>  

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

>>>ALTAR GUILD…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship.  Training is provided.  Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving.

PASTOR MANOR ON VACATION….I will be away from Sunday, April 15th through Wednesday, May 2nd as Deaconess and I are blessed to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary that is coming in June.  I am grateful to Pastor Mongeau for leading all the worship services and Bible studies while I am away, and to the Church Council for granting me this time away.  If you are in need of pastoral care during my vacation time, please contact Pastor Mongeau at 860-480-5357.  You can also contact the church office at 860-379-3172, or Elder Travis Lowman at 860-806-1285 and they will assist you.  In Christ, Pastor Manor

PHOTO WALL UPDATES…What a blessing it is to look at the photo wall in the narthex and get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ by name!  But some of you may look a little different now, or perhaps you’ve added to your family.  We’re looking for someone to lead the charge of updating our photo wall with current pictures.  This would include encouraging members to submit photos or to have them taken here at church for us to print, labeling those photos, and positing them on the photo wall.  If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Pastor Manor.

HAVE YOU EVER needed to inquire about a household repair problem or decision and wondered if someone in our church family could give you advice or a needed service?  Have you ever wondered if someone at St. Paul’s is a carpenter, babysitter, notary, lawyer, welder, cleaning person, caterer, etc…?   Stewardship Board would like to establish an OCCUPATIONS BULLETIN BOARD displaying business cards, flyers or typed information regarding our members who are self-employed or business owners.  Please leave your cards, flyers, printed information in Janice’s office and we will arrange the new bulletin board once collected.  This is one more way to connect with our church family and, if needed, ask advice or hire for needed services they provide.  Thank you, Stewardship Board

IF YOU gave a donation to Altar Guild for an Easter flower please take it home today.

Bulletin Notices for April 22, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you.   

National Day of Prayer…will be observed here at St. Paul’s on Thursday, May 3rd. The church will be open to all in the community for personal prayer and meditation from 7:00am to 7:00pm. All are invited to close the day with a service of Prayer, Scripture and Music at 7:00pm. We would love to have church family members volunteer to serve as hosts that day, welcoming people to the church, directing them around the building, etc. Information and a sign-up for one hour blocks of time to host is on the table in the narthex.  Please consider being a part of this day of prayer across our nation, as either a host or participant. Please see Denise Yoreo, Cheryl Lowman, or one of the pastors for more information or to volunteer.   

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>>

Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am

At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

PASTOR MANOR ON VACATION….I will be away from Sunday, April 15th through Wednesday, May 2nd as Deaconess and I are blessed to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary that is coming in June.  I am grateful to Pastor Mongeau for leading all the worship services and Bible studies while I am away, and to the Church Council for granting me this time away.  If you are in need of pastoral care during my vacation time, please contact Pastor Mongeau at 860-480-5357.  You can also contact the church office at 860-379-3172, or Elder Travis Lowman at 860-806-1285 and they will assist you.  In Christ, Pastor Manor 

>>>NEW….WOMEN’S BIBLE TIME… Wednesday, April 25th,  at 1:00pm in the Upper Fellowship Room here at St. Paul’s.  All women of the church and their friends are invited to explore God’s Holy Word and ponder all His benefits together!  This Bible Time will be meeting the LAST Wednesday of each month – same time and place, unless otherwise noted.  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at cheryl.cassady@yahool.com.    

PHOTO WALL UPDATES…What a blessing it is to look at the photo wall in the narthex and get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ by name!  But some of you may look a little different now, or perhaps you’ve added to your family.  We’re looking for someone to lead the charge of updating our photo wall with current pictures.  This would include encouraging members to submit photos or to have them taken here at church for us to print, labeling those photos, and positing them on the photo wall.  If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Pastor Manor.

IF YOU gave a donation to Altar Guild for an Easter flower you may take it home today.

I WOULD like to thank everyone that came out to the kickoff of our new sewing circle.  We will begin regular monthly get-togethers starting Thursday, May 17th, at 7pm in the Upper Fellowship Room.  Please feel free to join us as we sit in fellowship and crochet blankets and prayer shawls.  If crocheting/knitting isn’t your thing but you would like to donate toward yarn that would be great as well.  Any questions please email me at gsmama62@att.net.  Tami Weeks

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.

Bulletin Notices for April 15, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you.   

“Family Lunch” – Let’s talk about Christian Education!   We want your input! What would the Sunday Education Hour look like that best serves your children and family? Is there something we can do to improve or encourage your participation in Sunday school and Bible study?  What do you feel is missing from what we currently offer for our Christian education times?  TODAY at 12:00pm, we want to hear from you – parents, youth, children, grandparents too! Come downstairs after church for a light lunch, and join in a casual brain-storming conversation centered around Christian Education here at St. Paul’s. We’ll have small-group discussion time followed by time to share with the large group all of your ideas. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please see Dave Yoreo (Council president), Nathanael Bugbee (Board of Christian Ed. chair), or Pastor Mongeau.

National Day of Prayer…will be observed here at St. Paul’s on Thursday, May 3rd. The church will be open to all in the community for personal prayer and meditation from 7:00am to 7:00pm. All are invited to close the day with a service of Prayer, Scripture and Music at 7:00pm. We would love to have church family members volunteer to serve as hosts that day, welcoming people to the church, directing them around the building, etc. There will be information in the narthex soon to allow sign-ups for one hour blocks of time to host. Please consider being a part of this day of prayer across our nation, as either a host or participant. Please see Denise Yoreo, Cheryl Lowman, or Pastor Mongeau for more information or to volunteer.   

PLEASE check your mailbox!

PASTOR MANOR ON VACATION….I will be away from Sunday, April 15th through Wednesday, May 2nd as Deaconess and I are blessed to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary that is coming in June.  I am grateful to Pastor Mongeau for leading all the worship services and Bible studies while I am away, and to the Church Council for granting me this time away.  If you are in need of pastoral care during my vacation time, please contact Pastor Mongeau at 860-480-5357.  You can also contact the church office at 860-379-3172, or Elder Travis Lowman at 860-806-1285 and they will assist you.  In Christ, Pastor Manor

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>>  Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am.  At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

>>>NEW….WOMEN’S BIBLE TIME… Wednesday, April 25th, at 1:00pm in the Upper Fellowship Room here at St. Paul’s.  All women of the church and their friends are invited to explore God’s Holy Word and ponder all His benefits together!  This Bible Time will be meeting the LAST Wednesday of each month – same time, same place, unless otherwise noted.  If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Lowman at cheryl.cassady@yahool.com.   

PHOTO WALL UPDATES…What a blessing it is to look at the photo wall in the narthex and get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ by name!  But some of you may look a little different now, or perhaps you’ve added to your family.  We’re looking for someone to lead the charge of updating our photo wall with current pictures.  This would include encouraging members to submit photos or to have them taken here at church for us to print, labeling those photos, and positing them on the photo wall.  If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Pastor Manor.

Bulletin Notices for April 8, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, sliced white bread, cookies, jam/jelly (except grape), coffee (12oz. size), juice bottles (except grape), flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, pasta, toothpaste, and bar soap.  Thank you.

Sunday Morning Bible Study….“Who am I? What am I doing here?”   All are welcome to gather for this six week Bible study that will examine the nature and role of man. It will include short video segments by Dr. Joel Biermann, professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, as well as discussion around God’s Word and the video presentations.  This study will challenge modern notions that question the primacy of God’s authority and put into sharp perspective how our lives are really God’s lives, and we are to live as His creatures.  This week: “Two Taboo Topics – With a Twist”

Crafters/Sewers…are invited to help knit/crochet baby blankets for Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas. This outreach will continue to other groups that are looking for blankets for children and the elderly, as well as prayer shawls in various locations in our community, nation, and world. Come to see what this is all about at our kickoff on Saturday, April 14th at 10:00 am in the upper fellowship room.  Bring patterns to share for 40” square blankets. If you have extra yarn to share, bring that as well.  If you have questions, please call Tami Weeks at GSmama62@att.net.  Hope to see many of you there.

<<<Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! >>>  Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th ~ 9am – 11:45am  At VBS this year, strap on your life jacket and get ready to be swept away by God’s promises in Jesus on this rip-roaring river ride with Splash Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Registration for participants and volunteers is at www.StPaulsNewHartford.org.

“Family Lunch” – Let’s talk about Christian Education!   We want your input! What would the Sunday Education Hour look like that best serves your children and family? Is there something we can do to improve or encourage your participation in Sunday school and Bible study?  What do you feel is missing from what we currently offer for our Christian education times?  On Sunday, April 15th at 12:00 pm, we want to hear from you – parents, youth, children, grandparents too! Come downstairs after church for a light lunch, and join in a casual brain-storming conversation centered around Christian Education here at St. Paul’s. We’ll have small-group discussion time followed by time to share with the large group all of your ideas.  If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Dave Yoreo  (Council president) at dayoreo@gmail.com, Nathanael Bugbee (Board of Christian Ed. chair) at  nathanaelbugbee45@gmail.com, or one of our pastors.

National Day of Prayer…will be observed here at St. Paul’s on Thursday, May 3rd. The church will be open to all in the community for personal prayer and meditation from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. All are invited to close the day with a service of Prayer, Scripture and Music at 7:00 pm. We would love to have church family members volunteer to serve as hosts that day, welcoming people to the church, directing them around the building, etc. There will be information in the narthex soon to allow sign-ups for one hour blocks of time to host. Please consider being a part of this day of prayer across our nation, as either a host or participant. Please see Denise Yoreo, Cheryl Lowman, or one of the pastors for more information or to volunteer

2018 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – New England District Convention…… Theme: “God’s Jewels”  Malachi 3:17 KJV “And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.”  When: April 13-14th.  Where: Holiday Inn, Enfield, CT.  Hotel: $110/night – up to 4 persons in room – includes hot buffet breakfast.  Delegate/Guest Registration Fee: $110.  Questions, please contact Leslie Denton @ lsdenton123@gmail.com