Bulletin Notices for January 21, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, jam/jelly (except grape), toothpaste, juice bottles (except grape), and soap (Dial, Zest, Dove, etc…).  Thank you. 

>>>Voters’ Assembly Meeting…TODAY at noon.  A light lunch will be provided. All church family members are encouraged to be a part of this informational and decision making meeting. Agenda items include, but are not limited to:

  • – Presentations of the summary reports and upcoming year plans.
  • – Presentation for approval, of the proposed church budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
  • – Election of candidates to fill openings for church offices and boards.
  • – Other business as required.

Thank you!  Dave Yoreo 

FROM HANDS OF GRACE…. We are celebrating 6 years of ministry with a Chili and Cornbread Dinner, Friday, January 26th, 6pm, at Hands of Grace, 8 Wickett St.,  Pine Meadow.  Everything will be provided. Please rsvp to Pastor Mongeau at 860-738-0299 by TODAY.

Personal Faith Sharing Workshop: Sponsored by the Mission Board and Hands of Grace. Are you comfortable sharing your faith? Does it seem like there are some people you can connect with and others not so much? Would you like to improve your witnessing? We will look at areas such as – Disciples making Disciples, What type of disciple are you? Gospel Conversations and more! Join us for an interactive workshop of learning and fellowship led by Pastor Mongeau on Saturday, February 3rd, 8:30am – 2:15pm at St. Paul’s.  Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Pastor Mongeau: handsofgracect@gmail.com, 860-738-0299 or Denise Yoreo at (deyoreo@gmail.com).

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 10th, 5-7pm for the Annual Special Adult Valentine Dinner! Singles and couples welcomed! Please consider what Italian meat, pasta, or vegetable dish you would like to bring. District President Timothy Yeadon will be our guest speaker and let’s just say the topic is VERY related to VALENTINE’S DAY! It’s going to be a very Valentine special church gathering! As we regularly like to do, please pray about inviting your neighbor or friend. Would you like to be on the special dinner team? See Cheryl Lowman or Laura Snell after the 10:45am Service if you will be attending and if you would like to help.

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.

IF YOU made a donation for a Christmas flower, please take it home today.   Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

Choir Rehearsals for Ash Wednesday singing…will be on Sunday mornings between the 8:00 am worship service and the Christian Education Hour at 9:30 am, STARTING TODAY! If you love to sing, you’re invited to join this festival choir. Please see Director of Music Ruth Yeadon if you have any questions.

Bulletin Notices for January 14, 2018

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, jam/jelly (except grape), toothpaste, juice bottles (except grape), and soap (Dial, Zest, Dove, etc…).  Thank you.

St. Paul’s Men’s Breakfast, Saturday, January 20th, 8:00-9:30am. Please rsvp to Charlie Burk at chazburk@aol.com, or see him after Sunday service. 

Voters’ Assembly Meeting…will be held on Sunday, January 21st, at noon.  A light lunch will be provided. All church family members are encouraged to be a part of this informational and decision making meeting. Agenda items include, but are not limited to: Annual Reports from church leaders – Presentation of the 2018 budget for approval – Election of church leaders.   

FROM HANDS OF GRACE…. We are celebrating 6 years of ministry with a Chili and Cornbread Dinner, Friday, January 26th, 6pm, at Hands of Grace, 8 Wickett St., Pine Meadow!  Everything will be provided!! Please rsvp to Pastor Mongeau at 860-738-0299 by January 21st.

Personal Faith Sharing Workshop: Sponsored by the Mission Board and Hands of Grace.  Are you comfortable sharing your faith?  Does it seem like there are some people you can connect with and others not so much?  Would you like to improve your witnessing?  We will look at areas such as – Disciples making Disciples, What type of disciple are you? Gospel Conversations and more!  Join us for an interactive workshop of learning and fellowship led by Pastor Mongeau on Saturday, February 3rd, 8:30am – 2:15pm at St. Paul’s.  Lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP to Pastor Mongeau, handsofgracect@gmail.com, 860-738-0299 or Denise Yoreo (deyoreo@gmail.com)

SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday, February 10th, 5-7pm for the Annual Special Adult Valentine Dinner! Singles and couples welcomed!  Please consider what Italian meat, pasta, or vegetable dish you would like to bring.  District President Timothy Yeadon will be our guest speaker and let’s just say ….the topic is VERY related to VALENTINE’S DAY!  It’s going to be a very Valentine special church gathering!  As we regularly like to do, please pray about inviting your neighbor or friend.  Would you like to be on the special dinner team?  See Cheryl Lowman after church or email her at cheryl.cassady@yahoo.com.

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.

Bulletin Notices for January 7, 2018

The Giving Tree…items are due in today! Underwear (male and female, all sizes), NEW adult shoes for practical, every day wear (all sizes – check out the sale racks!), winter hats & gloves for MEN. Contact Denise Yoreo or Pastor Kevin with questions.


“Bring a Friend” Ladies Tea…this coming Saturday, January 13th, 10:00 – 11:30 am.

Please contact Cheryl Lowman for more information.


St. Paul’s Mens’ Breakfast…Saturday January 20th, 8:00 – 9:30 am. Please RSVP to Charlie Burk, or see him after Sunday services.


Voters’ Assembly Meeting…will be held on Sunday, January 21st, at noon.  A light lunch will be provided. All church family members are encouraged to be a part of this informational and decision making meeting. Agenda items include, but are not limited to: Annual Reports from church leaders – Presentation of the 2018 budget for approval – Election of church leaders.


Hands of Grace…is celebrating 6 years of ministry with a Chili and Cornbread Dinner, Friday, January 26th, 6pm, at Hands of Grace, 8 Wickett St., Pine Meadow!  Everything will be provided!! Please rsvp to Pastor Mongeau at 860-738-0299 by January 21st.


Personal Faith Sharing Workshop…Are you comfortable sharing your faith? Does it seem like there are some people you can connect with and others not so much? Would you like to improve your witnessing? All are welcome for this workshop sponsored by the Board of Missions and Hands of Grace. We will look at areas such as – Disciples making Disciples, What type of disciple are you? Gospel Conversations and more!

All are invited for this interactive workshop of learning and fellowship led by

Pastor Mongeau on Saturday, February 3, 8:30 am – 2:15 pm here at St. Paul’s.

Lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP to Pastor Mongeau at 860-738-0299 or handsofgracect@gmail.com, or to Denise Yoreo at deyoreo@gmail.com.


Hands of Grace…is in need of crackers, jam/jelly (except grape), toothpaste,

juice bottles (except grape), and soap (Dial, Zest, Dove, etc.).  Thank you.


Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes…are on their way. I found out that the ones I registered on “track your box” went to Kenya and Malawi! Where did your box go?  Please let us know!  It will be fun to see how far St. Paul’s boxes have traveled.  Please continue to pray for the child who will open your box, and that they will be touched with the message of Jesus’ love.  Such joy to share the Gospel of Jesus in the world!  To God be praise!  Denise Yoreo, Mission Board Chair.

Monday Night Bible Study…resumes tomorrow night as we begin a new study on the book of 1 Corinthians. Come and explore the relevance of Paul’s words to the church at Corinth to the contemporary church today, especially the remarkable similarities between the cultural and religious situations of then and now. We will see together how Paul promotes unity in the church and in Christ-centered faith – a faith that is active in love.


2018 Offering Envelopes…are in your church mailbox. Please use these envelopes only in 2018. If your address has changed, please let Janice know.

Bulletin Notices for February 11, 2018

St. Paul’s Lenten Journey 2018

Here comes Lent, and the Savior in the Psalms!  This yearly 40 day journey of reflection and contemplation enables us to pause and reflect on our sins, our need for a Savior, and the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Throughout the six Wednesdays of Lent this year (Feb 14 – March 21), I invite you to join with your church family in worship as we look to the book of Psalms to answer questions like these:

  • Is Jesus there in the Psalms?
  • Did Jesus pray the Psalms?
  • How does praying the Psalms strengthen us to follow the words of the Savior, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23


Worship Theme: The Savior in the Psalms


2/14 – Ash Wed.:     The Soul Laid Bare
2/21 – Midweek 2:  Jesus Suffers for His Love
2/28 – Midweek 3:  Yes, It Was as They Said
3/07 – Midweek 4:  Kings Conspire to Kill Christ

3/14 – Midweek 5:  View the Passion from the Cross

3/21 – Midweek 6:  Christ is the Savior the Father Wanted


Lenten Dinners… Come enjoy food and fellowship at 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights, beginning Ash Wednesday, February 14th. Soup, salad, bread, dessert and drinks will be provided. Also peanut butter and jelly for sandwiches. Come as you are – no need to bring anything – just join with the church family for this meal together before Lenten worship at 7:00 pm.

If you would like to provide soup or dessert, please write your name on the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. 


Daily Reading of the Psalms… As our Lenten journey begins I encourage you to spend some time each day in contemplative reflection, reading through all 150 of the Psalms, together with your church family, over these 40 days.  Bookmarks with all 40 days of Psalms readings are available on the table in the Narthex.

Look also for your daily email, beginning Feb. 14th, with the Psalm reading, prayer and hymn verse.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of crackers, jam/jelly (except grape), toothpaste, coffee (12oz. size), juice bottles (except grape), and soap (Dial, Zest, Dove, etc…).  Thank you.


>>>ST. PAUL’S is hosting a Hands Only CPR Course on Saturday, February 17th, at 9:00am – 11:30am:

Open to the public. Bring a friend or neighbor.

Instructors are New Hartford Ambulance Association (NHAA) certified.

Cost: No charge, a donation to NHAA is suggested.

Required:  RSVP to St. Paul’s church office: 860-379-3172 or email to slutheranchurch@snet.net as soon as possible!!

This course will cover the topics of a full CPR certification class in an abbreviated format including: Hands Only CPR, First Aid and Defibrillator (AED) use.  Length of class will be approximately 2 hours. (Note: Due to the abbreviated format a CPR certificate cannot be granted).   Thank you,  John Burdick


2017 year-end giving statements have been mailed out.  If you did not receive yours, please contact the church office:  860-379-3172 or email Janice at slutheranchurch@snet.net.


ALTAR GUILD…is in need of volunteers to care for the Lord’s altar by setting up Holy Communion before worship and cleaning the communion ware after worship.  Training is provided.  Please contact Cynthia Boyle or Sally Wabrek if you are interested in serving as an individual, a couple, or a family.


Choir Rehearsals for Lent and Holy Week singing…will be on Sunday mornings between the 8:00 am worship service and the Christian Education Hour at 9:30 am. If you love to sing, you’re invited to join this festival choir. Please see Director of Music Ruth Yeadon if you have any questions.

Bulletin Notices for July 9, 2017

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is fast approaching.  Snack needs are listed below and donations would be appreciated!  Please leave them in the back of the church kitchen.  If you have questions, please contact Amy Eversole at 860-921-7947 or aanop@aol.com.  Thank you.

  • Gold fish (kids really enjoy these).
  • 2-3 boxes of Fruit Loops Cereal.
  • 2-3 bags of mini pretzel twists.
  • 2-3 large bags of M&M’s plain.
  • 2-3 bags of mini marshmallows.
  • 3-4 regular size boxes of animal crackers.
  • 2-3 large containers of powdered lemonade drink mix.
  • 1 bottle Hershey’s chocolate syrup and 1 bottle caramel syrup.
  • 3 Whipped cream in the can (Redi-Whip).
  • 2-3 small jars of Maraschino cherries.
  • 1 large container of rainbow sprinkles.

1 bag of popping corn kernels.

PLEASE CHECK your mailbox.

Update from Rev. Dr. Timothy Quill regarding the International Student Project:  The Schwan Foundation is now matching your gifts dollar for dollar up to $67,000.   ALL donations will go into the International Student Fund and go to the students.  Please make checks out to: “CTS” or “Concordia Theological Seminary” and in the memo line please note “International Student Fund.”  Mail to Advancement Office, Concordia Theological Seminary, 6600 N Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46897-2634.  The deadline is October 14, 2017.  Thank you.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR!  Hot Dog Picnic at St. Paul’s, Saturday, July 22nd, 5 – 7:30pm, rain or shine!!  Hot dogs, rolls, ice cream, and beverages provided.  Please bring a dish to share.  Volunteers needed to help set up.  If you have any questions, please contact Denise Yoreo at deyoreo@gmail.com.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, tea & toothpaste.  Thank you.

COFFEE HOUR hosts/hostesses needed!  Please contact Janice Becker for more information @ 860-379-3172 or slutheranchurch@snet.net .

 Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s! Monday, July 17th – Friday, July 21st ~ 9am – 11:45am “Mighty Fortress VBS,” kids learn that God is their refuge and strength. They may not ace the test or make the team, but God promises to be their rock and their salvation – their fortress and sure defense. In Jesus, the victory is won! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Contact Marissa Manor atmmanor17@gmail.com or Pastor Manor for more information.  Registration for participants and volunteers is available now atwww.vbsmate.com/SPLCNewHartford.

Bulletin Notices for July 2, 2017

MARK YOUR CALENDAR!  Hot Dog Picnic at St. Paul’s, Saturday, July 22nd, 5 – 7:30pm, rain or shine!!  Hot dogs, rolls, ice cream, and beverages provided. Please bring a dish to share. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Yoreo at deyoreo@gmail.com.  

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of  tea & toothpaste.  Thank you.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is fast approaching.  Snack needs are listed below and donations would be appreciated!  Please leave them in the back of the church kitchen.  If you have questions, please contact Amy Eversole at 860-921-7947 or aanop@aol.comThank you. 

  • Gold fish (kids really enjoy these).
  • 2-3 boxes of Fruit Loops Cereal.
  • 2-3 bags of mini pretzel twists.
  • 2-3 large bags of M&M’s plain.
  • 2-3 bags of mini marshmallows.
  • 3-4 regular size boxes of animal crackers.
  • 2-3 large containers of powdered lemonade drink mix.
  • 1 bottle Hershey’s chocolate syrup and 1 bottle caramel syrup.
  • 3 Whipped cream in the can (Redi-Whip).
  • 2-3 small jars of Maraschino cherries.
  • 1 large container of rainbow sprinkles.
  • 1 bag of popping corn kernels. 

Vacation Bible School at St. Paul’s!  Monday, July 17th – Friday, July 21st ~ 9am – 11:45am.  “Mighty Fortress VBS,” kids learn that God is their refuge and strength. They may not ace the test or make the team, but God promises to be their rock and their salvation – their fortress and sure defense. In Jesus, the victory is won! Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more! Contact Marissa Manor at mmanor17@gmail.com or Pastor Manor for more information.

Registration for participants and volunteers is available now at www.vbsmate.com/SPLCNewHartford.

>>>>FROM THE CHURCH TREASURER:  please use 2017 offering envelopes only!   

Pastor Manor and Pastor Mongeau are on vacation…throughout this week. They will return to the office and to Hands of Grace on Monday, July 10th. While they are away, if you are in need of pastoral care, please contact Elder Chairman Travis Lowman at 

860-806-1285 (any time) or Janice Becker at the church office at 860-379-3172 (Monday – Thursday mornings). District President Timothy Yeadon will lead worship and the Bible study time on Sunday, July 9th.