Notices for December 4, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, winter hats, mitten, and gloves, especially for men., Thank you.

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, December 13th, from 1:00-2:30pm, at St. Paul’s. We will be studying Mary Magdalene. Please bring ideas for our next study. Thank you. 

NEXT Sunday, DECEMBER 11th, our St. Paul’s Fellowship Board (plus other helpers) will Host CHRISTMAS COFFEE HOURS following BOTH WORSHIP SERVICES!  ALSO ON THE SAME SUNDAY, 15 minutes after the end of the Second Service, we will meet in the parking lot to go CAROLING to our IN-HOME SAINTS!  We will carpool and head out in two groups with a couple stops for each.    This is a very special way to bless and encourage those who are no longer able to attend services.    If you have any questions, please see Cheryl Lowman or email her at  Also please DRESS WARMLY as we may be singing outside!

THANK YOU to all who donated time and goods to Ladies Aid Christmas Fair.  It was another successful year!  

FROM THE MISSIONS BOARD:  Thank you for your participation in our Operation Christmas Child project!

The total number of boxes collected from St Paul’s was 155!  112 boxes were packed through proceeds from the winter tag sale and monetary donations!  Many thanks to all who contributed, donated, made boxes, encouraged and prayed!  Our regional Drop Off Collection Site, located at Hands of Grace, collected 701 Gospel Opportunities! Throughout the week, we were blessed to visit with many individual donors and neighboring churches.  Thanks to the volunteers who helped through the week and especially to Bob and Pat Brown, and Dave Yoreo who committed working the entire week.  Now the nation’s Shoebox Gospel Opportunities are loaded in trucks ready to go to Processing Centers around the country.  Within a few weeks we will know what locations the boxes are being sent to. Please keep the missionaries and the children in your prayers as the Gospel message is being taken “To the ends of the earth!   To God be the Glory!

Holiday Schedule

Midweek Advent Services

December 7th, 14th, and 21st.

Christmas Eve Services

Saturday, December 24th – 12Noon and 7:00pm

Christmas Day Service

Sunday, December 25th, – 9:00am, with Holy Communion

Notices for November 27, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

A BASIC SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS is being held at St. Paul’s on Friday evenings in the lower fellowship hall at 6:30pm.  There is no cost. Contact Dave Yoreo to enroll:

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, December 13th, from 1:00-2:30pm, at St. Paul’s. We will be studying Mary Magdalene. Please bring ideas for our next study. Thank you. 

LADIES AID Christmas Fair, Saturday, December 3rd, 9:00am to 2:00pm.  We would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate name of cookie and if  it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, gluten/dairy free, etc..

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, cake, breads, securely wrapped.

~Knitted/sewn items. Handmade crafts.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.

Fair set-up is Friday, December 2nd, after 10:00am.  Please feel free to bring in your arts and crafts for the Fair during the week.

FROM THE MISSIONS BOARD:  Thank you for your participation in our Operation Christmas Child project! The total number of boxes collected from St Paul’s was 155!  112 boxes were packed through proceeds from the winter tag sale and monetary donations!  Many thanks to all who contributed, donated, made boxes, encouraged and prayed!  

Our regional Drop Off Collection Site, located at Hands of Grace, collected 701 Gospel Opportunities! Throughout the week, we were blessed to visit with many individual donors and neighboring churches.  Thanks to the volunteers who helped through the week and especially to Bob and Pat Brown, and Dave Yoreo who committed working the entire week.  Now the nation’s Shoebox Gospel Opportunities are loaded in trucks ready to go to Processing Centers around the country.  Within a few weeks we will know what locations the boxes are being sent to. Please keep the missionaries and the children in your prayers as the Gospel message is being taken “To the ends of the earth!  

To God be the Glory!

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES:  Saturday, December 24th, 12Noon and 7:00pm. 

CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE: Sunday, December 25th,


Notices for November 20, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

THANKSGIVING EVE Service- 7:00pm Wednesday, November 23rd.

COUNCIL MEETING minutes for review are in the wall rack in the narthex.

REMINDER: Sons of Thunder bottle/can collection next Sunday between services.

A BASIC SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS is being held at St. Paul’s on Friday evenings in the lower fellowship hall at 6:30pm.  There is no cost. Contact Dave Yoreo to enroll:

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting this Sunday, November 20th from 2:00 – 3:30pm at St. Paul’s.  We will be studying the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Please let me know if you will be coming or not. Please contact Judy Byrne. Remember, friends are always welcome.

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, December 13th, from 1:00-2:30pm, at St. Paul’s. We will be studying Mary Magdalene. Please bring ideas for our next study. Thank you. 

WREATH MAKING is next Sunday after the 10:30am Service in the lower fellowship room.  GREENS ARE NEEDED (no hemlock) and can be left outside the back kitchen door.  Please bring gloves and garden clippers.       

Notices for November 13, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

Hands of Grace is preparing for our Thanksgiving meal offering. We are receiving 40 turkeys from the CT Food Bank. We have sufficient inventory of most of the canned goods we distribute. Following is a list of items that we do need:  canned pumpkin (4), frosting (22), French’s fried onions (33), and pie Crusts (38). Thank you for your help feeding less fortunate families.

FESTIVAL CHOIR practices are held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes.  Come join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information. 

A BASIC SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS will be held at St. Paul’s on Friday evenings in the lower fellowship hall at 6:30pm beginning November 18th.  The class will be limited to 20 people. There is no cost. Contact Dave Yoreo to enroll:

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet on November 17th, 6:00pm, at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church are welcome.

Lift up in prayer….. Bob and Pat Mallory at the passing of Pat’s mother, Virginia Hawley, on Wednesday.


  • Sons of Thunder bottle/can collection Sunday, November 27th.
  • New member class meets Monday, November 14th, 7:00pm.
  • Vespers and Bible Study, Wednesday, November 16th, 7:00pm.

The Christmas Fair is approaching.  We will be making wreaths for

The Fair on Sunday, November 27th, in the lower fellowship room after the 10:30am Service.  All are welcome to attend.

Greens will be needed (good amount!) and can be left outside the back    kitchen door:

                        ~Red/white pine.

                        ~Spruce, Balsam


                        ~Mountain Laurel


                        ~NO hemlock~

                        Please bring gloves and garden clippers.

For the Fair, we would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate name of cookie and if       it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, gluten/dairy free, etc..

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, cake, breads, securely wrapped.

~Knitted/sewn items. Handmade crafts.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.

FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 2nd, after 10:00am.  Please feel free to bring in your arts and crafts for the Fair during the week.

Thank you!     

Notices for November 6, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

Hands of Grace is preparing for our Thanksgiving meal offering. We are receiving 40 turkeys from the CT Food Bank. We have sufficient inventory of most of the canned goods we distribute. Following is a list of items that we do need:  cake mixes (12), frosting (32), French’s fried onions (40), and pie Crusts (40). Thank you for your help feeding less fortunate families.

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet November 17th, 6:00pm at Hands of Grace. All men of the church welcome.

FESTIVAL CHOIR practices are held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes.  Come join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information. 

CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Tuesday, November 8th, at 7:00pm. All welcome to attend. 

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting this Tuesday, November 8th from 1:00 to 2:30pm. We will be studying Mary and Martha. Friends and family are always welcome.

A BASIC SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS will be held at St. Paul’s on Friday evenings in the lower fellowship hall at 6:30pm beginning November 18th.  The class will be limited to 20 people. There is no cost. Contact Dave Yoreo to enroll:

REMINDER: NEW MEMBER CLASS meets Monday at 7:00pm. 

THE CHRISTMAS FAIR is approaching.  We will be making wreaths for The Fair on Sunday, November 27th, in the lower fellowship room after the 10:30am Service.  All are welcome to attend. Greens will be needed (good amount!) and can be left outside the kitchen door:

                        ~Red/white pine.

                        ~Spruce, Balsam


                        ~Mountain Laurel


                        ~NO hemlock~

                        Please bring gloves and garden clippers.

For the Fair, we would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate name of cookie and if       it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, gluten/dairy free, etc..

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, cake, breads, securely wrapped.

~Knitted/sewn items. Handmade crafts.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.

FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 2nd, after 10:00am.  Please feel free to bring in your arts and crafts for the Fair during the week.

Thank you!     

Notices for October 30, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

Hands of Grace is preparing for our Thanksgiving meal offering. We are receiving 40 turkeys from the CT Food Bank. We have sufficient inventory of most of the canned goods we distribute. Following is a list of items that we do need:  cake mixes (20), frosting (40), French’s fried onions (40), and pie Crusts (40). Thank you for your help feeding less fortunate families.

FESTIVAL CHOIR practices are held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes.  Come join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information. 

NEW MEMBER CLASS – Thank you to everyone who reached out to me to share your interest in a membership class.

New Member Class Schedule: 

NO CLASS on Monday, October 31st.  Next class is Monday, Nov. 7th.   

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I look forward to seeing you!

Pastor Mandile

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting today, Sunday, October 30th from 2:00 to 3:30pm for ice cream sundaes, brownies, fellowship and to study the life of Hannah. All “daughters” age 16 years of age and older are invited to join us on Sunday. We are studying the book, Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible. We have two books available if you’d like to study these extraordinary women with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Judy Byrne.

WINDOWS OF JOY Singles Women’s Group will meet November 5th at 2:00pm at Linda Pekrul’s home.  This meeting will be a combined October and November gathering.  There will not be a meeting in December due to the busy church schedule.  It will be a wonderful time of warm Christian fellowship.   If you would like more information, please contact Linda.

REMINDER from the Mission Board: On Friday, November 4th, 6:30pm, in the lower fellowship hall, we will be packing the congregation’s Operation Christmas Child boxes.  All are welcome to participate. 

REMINDER:  Vespers and Bible study Wednesday nights at 7:00pm.     

CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Tuesday, November 8th, at 7:00pm. All welcome to attend. 


Notices for October 23, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

Hands of Grace is preparing for our Thanksgiving meal offering. We are receiving 40 turkeys from the CT Food Bank. We have sufficient inventory of most of the canned goods we distribute. Following is a list of items that we do need:  cake mixes (20), frosting (40), French’s fried onions (40), and pie Crusts (40). Thank you for your help feeding less fortunate families.

FESTIVAL CHOIR practices are held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes.  Come join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information. 

NEW MEMBER CLASS – Thank you to everyone who reached out to me to share your interest in a membership class.

New Member Class Schedule: 

Monday, Oct. 24 – First Session – 7:00pm. Ten Commandments.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I look forward to seeing you!

Pastor Mandile

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting on Sunday, October 30th from 2:00 to 3:30pm for ice cream sundaes, brownies, fellowship and to study the life of Hannah. All “daughters” age 16 years of age and older are invited to join us on Sunday. We are studying the book, Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible. We have two books available if you’d like to study these extraordinary women with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Judy Byrne.

WINDOWS OF JOY Singles Women’s Group will meet November 5th at 2:00pm at Linda Pekrul’s home.  This meeting will be a combined October and November gathering.  There will not be a meeting in December due to the busy church schedule.  It will be a wonderful time of warm Christian fellowship.   If you would like more information, please contact Linda.  

LADIES AID Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 3rd, 9:00am – 2:00pm.  Please consider what you can do to support the Fair! We would appreciate Christmas crafts, stocking stuffers, knitted goods/sewn items, Christmas ornaments, baked goods, etc….We will be making Christmas wreaths on Sunday, November 27th.  See insert for more information.    

SONS OF THUNDER will be collecting clean empty plastic bottles and cans next Sunday between services. 

Notices for October 16, 202

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

Hands of Grace is preparing for our Thanksgiving meal offering. We are receiving 40 turkeys from the CT Food Bank. We have sufficient inventory of most of the canned goods we distribute. Following is a list of items that we do need:  cake mixes (20), frosting (40), French’s fried onions (40), and pie Crusts (40). Thank you for your help feeding less fortunate families.

FESTIVAL CHOIR practices are held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes.  Come join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information. 

NEW MEMBER CLASS – Thank you to everyone who reached out to me to share your interest in a membership class.

New Member Class Schedule: 

Oct. 17 – No class (Pastor will be away at the New England District Conference)

Oct. 24 – First Session – 7:00pm. Ten Commandments.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I look forward to seeing you!

Pastor Mandile

PLEASE check your church mailbox.

Celebrating our Youth… Please join us for a potluck dinner Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00pm. Sara Shermer and Emily Jury will give a presentation about their experience attending the National Youth Gathering this summer. A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex—we would love to see you there!

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting on Sunday, October 30th from 2:00 to 3:30pm for ice cream sundaes, brownies, fellowship and to study the life of Hannah. All “daughters” age 16 years of age and older are invited to join us on Sunday. We are studying the book, Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible. We have two books available if you’d like to study these extraordinary women with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Judy Byrne.

Judy and Ken would like to express their appreciation to our brothers and sisters at St. Paul’s. Thank you for your prayers and support; thank you for your warm hugs and encouraging words; thank you for the delicious dinners, phone calls, texts and cards. We are so grateful to be a member of the family of God at St. Paul’s. May God abundantly bless you all.

REMINDER:  Third Thursday Thing will meet October 20th, 6:00pm, at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church welcome. 

LADIES AID Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 3rd, 9:00am – 2:00pm.  Please consider what you can do to support the Fair! We would appreciate Christmas crafts, stocking stuffers, knitted goods/sewn items, Christmas ornaments, baked goods, etc….We will be making Christmas wreaths on Sunday, November 27th.  Details to come. 

WINDOWS OF JOY Singles Women’s Group will meet November 5th at 2:00pm at Linda Pekrul’s home.  This meeting will be a combined October and November gathering.  There will not be a meeting in December due to the busy church schedule.  It will be a wonderful time of warm Christian fellowship.   If you would like more information, please contact Linda.  

Notices for October 9, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

FESTIVAL CHOIR practices are held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes.  Come join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information. 

NEW MEMBER CLASS – Thank you to everyone who reached out to me to share your interest in a membership class. We will begin this Monday, October 10th, at 7:00pm. New Member Class Schedule: 

Oct. 10 – Introduction – 7:00pm

Oct. 17 – No class (Pastor will be away at the New England District Conference)

Oct. 24 – First Session – 7:00pm

I encourage everyone interested in attending to read through the introduction to Luther’s Small Catechism and to look at the contents of the three chief parts: the Ten Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer. It is available online: Please feel free to reach out with any questions. I look forward to seeing you! Pastor Mandile

Celebrating our Youth… Please join us for a potluck dinner Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00pm. Sara Shermer and Emily Jury will give a presentation about their experience attending the National Youth Gathering this summer. A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex—we would love to see you there!

LADIES AID Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 3rd, 9:00am – 2:00pm.  Please consider what you can do to support the Fair! We would appreciate Christmas crafts, stocking stuffers, knitted goods/sewn items, Christmas ornaments, baked goods, etc….We will be making Christmas wreaths on Sunday, November 27th.  Details to come. 

WOMEN OF THE WORD will not be having a luncheon this month, but we will be meeting at the church on Tuesday, October 11th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be studying the Samaritan Woman. Remember, family, friends and neighbors are always welcome.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting on Sunday, October 30th from 2:00 to 3:30pm for ice cream sundaes, brownies, fellowship and to study the life of Hannah. All “daughters” age 16 years of age and older are invited to join us on Sunday. We are studying the book, Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible. We have two books available if you’d like to study these extraordinary women with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Judy Byrne.

Judy and Ken would like to express their appreciation to our brothers and sisters at St. Paul’s. Thank you for your prayers and support; thank you for your warm hugs and encouraging words; thank you for the delicious dinners, phone calls, texts and cards. We are so grateful to be a member of the family of God at St. Paul’s. May God abundantly bless you all.

REMINDER:  Third Thursday Thing will meet October 20th, 6:00pm, at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church welcome. 

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox. 

SHOWER OF CARDS!  Longtime member, Virginia Hawley, will celebrate her 99th birthday on Tuesday, October 11th!!  Cards may be sent to her, c/o Pat Mallory, at P.O. Box 56, New Hartford, CT  06057.  Thank you!

Notices for October 2, 2022

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.

FESTIVAL CHOIR practices will be held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes.  Come join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information. 

NEW MEMBER CLASS: Pastor Mandile will be starting a new member’s class. The class will be open to anyone interested in membership as well as members of St. Paul’s who are interested in a review of the fundamentals of our faith. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Mandile as soon as possible so he can determine the best day and time to schedule the class. 

Celebrating our Youth… Please join us for a potluck dinner Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00pm. Sara Shermer and Emily Jury will give a presentation about their experience attending the National Youth Gathering this summer. A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex—we would love to see you there

LADIES AID CHRISTMAS FAIR is Saturday, December 3rd, 9:00am-2:00pm.  Please consider what you can do to support the Fair.  Baked goods, candy, knitted items, arts & crafts, etc…are always appreciated!  Details to follow.  Thank you!

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.