Opportunities to serve through St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
- Altar Guild – is responsible for the care of Altar paraments, linens, communion vessels and candles. The Altar Guild sets up the Altar area for Holy Communion, changes the paraments seasonally, assists with the purchase of new worship vessels, and prepares the altar area for baptisms, washing and cleansing all vessels at the completion of their use.
- Usher – men, women and youth greet people at worship, collect the offering, escort worshipers to Communion, and assist all worshipers in their needs.
- Acolyte – youth are welcome to serve as acolytes, assisting the Pastor in worship, lighting the candles, helping the ushers to gather offering, and extinguishing the candles at the end of worship. They also have specific roles in seasonal activities appropriate for acolytes.
- Music – volunteer musicians of all ages share their gifts and enhance the worship service through vocal solos, ensembles, and choirs. Volunteer instrumental musicians provide solos and ensemble musical arrangements and accompaniment.
- Sunday School – adults provide activities for the Sunday School children, serve as teachers and guides.
- Vacation Bible School – this annual program is staffed by volunteers in the areas of administration, recreation, snacks, teachers, crafts, music, decoration and assisting children
Community Outreach
- Hands of Grace – volunteers serve in administrative roles, assist with acquiring and stocking the materials goods, and provide spiritual care to clients.
- Technology Support – volunteers assist in worship services with the technology displays and support the administrative technological functions of the church.
- Ladies Aid Society – serves the local community by support of social service organizations, and is active in mission support. This society is connected to the international ministry of the LWML-Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
- Congregation committees and boards – members of the congregation serve in elected and appointed roles on the Church Council, as Elders and Trustees, and the areas of Stewardship, Finance, Fellowship, and Mission Education