Notices for October 25,2020

ST. PAUL’S AND HANDS OF GRACE are participating in a Thrivent Financial challenge!!   Collect 500 food items from now until October 30th.  The first 100 entries to collect 500 items will receive $500.00 from Thrivent which will be given to Hands of Grace!  Items may be brought to St. Paul’s and left in the bins in the narthex.  We will count as we collect and a tally will be sent to Thrivent Financial.  If you have any questions, please contact Marge Veronesi.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX COLLECTION is well underway.  It’s exciting to think that each shoebox recipient will have an opportunity to hear about Jesus!  Shoeboxes are due back by, next Sunday, November 1st.  A collection box is located in the narthex.  To pack a shoebox online, use this link:  How close to our goal of 140 shoebox Gospel opportunities will we be? 

TAG SALE at HANDS OF GRACE, Saturday, October 31st, 9:00am to 1:00pm.

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