Notices for September 17, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of the following food items:
Cans of Spaghettios and Beefaroni. Canned fruit: applesauce, peaches, pears, pineapple, etc. 64 oz. Bottles of juice:  Apple, Grape, Fruit Punch are preferred.  Thank you for your help providing food for our brothers and sisters in need.

 VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED!   The Board of Christian Education is looking for multiple congregation members to volunteer to sign up for teaching Children’s Sunday school. Volunteers will be on a rotating sign-up schedule. Slots are still available.   All curriculum and materials will be provided. A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex if you are willing to help fill this need. Please contact Erin Shimkus with any additional questions. 

LADIES AID MEETING is Sunday, September 24th, after service.  All women of the church are welcome to attend. 

ANNUAL LADIES AID CHRISTMAS FAIR is Saturday, December 2nd.  Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!  We are asking for ARTS AND CRAFTS, decorations, baked goods, and COOKIES, COOKIES, & COOKIES!  Have a question?  Contact Janice at 860-379-3172 or Thank you.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH HAVE CHANGED!!   Daughters of Faith started five years ago as a mentoring and support group for our teenage girls. We meet on the last Sunday of the month from 1:00 – 2:30pm at the home of Judy Byrne. Our meetings offer Bible study, prayer, and fellowship in a space where we can share our experiences, grow in faith and develop lasting friendships. 

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet September 21st, 6:00pm, at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church are welcomed.  Hope to see you, Pastor Mongeau

HANDS OF GRACE, 8 Wickett St., New Hartford is celebrating 12 years of doing the Lord’s work.  Come join us for an Open House on Sunday September 24th from 2-4:00pm.  Have some finger foods and fellowship and join the celebration!  Come and see what the Lord has done.  Feel free to bring family and friends.  Pastor Kevin

Mission Board Update:


  • Please return the Completed Adopted Gospel Opportunity Shoeboxes to the display box in the narthex.
  • 9/24 Additional Adopt a Box(es) will be available
  • 9/24 Pick up an empty box to fill 
  • 10/22 Return all completed boxes 

Donations for Operation Christmas Child are appreciated.  Please make checks payable to St. Paul’s and designate to Operation Christmas Child on the memo line. 

Hands of Grace Seasonal Clothing Change!  Friday, September 29th, 5:30pm. Come and help us with our biannual chore!  Enjoy a light supper and fellowship. RSVP to Pastor Mongeau or Denise Yoreo if you plan to attend.

Thank you!


CAPSTONE MINISTRY: Sunday, November 5th, Pastor Dan and Patty Schmelzer will visit.  At 10:30am we will enjoy a Potluck Brunch while they give us a Capstone Ministry update and presentation.  

Mission Board:  Denise Yoreo, Ken and Judy Byrne, Cynde Corthouts, Pastor Kevin Mongeau

SONS OF THUNDER bottle collection is postponed until Sunday, October 1st, between services.    

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