Notices for March 2, 2025

TO EXTEND our sincere gratitude to Pastor Mandile and Michala, Fellowship and Ladies Aid will be hosting a special coffee hour today, immediately following service in the Lower Fellowship Room.  After almost three years of dedicated service to St. Paul’s they will begin the next chapter of their lives as they move to Ohio.  All are welcome to join us to thank them and wish them well.

Blessings, Ladies Aid and Fellowship Board

LADIES AID ANNUAL SOUP SALE:  today is the last day to purchase soup!! Sale is going on in the Upper fellowship room.  Pick up date is next Sunday, March 9th.      

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste. Thank you!

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS:  Recently, the Sunday School children shared God’s love while making handmade Valentine cards for our shut-ins.  Markers, pencils, stickers and glue were used to make these, one-of-a-kind, I love you.  As our dear church family members received their surprise in the mail, we hope they felt the love of Christ along with the love from our children.


March 5th – Ash Wednesday – Service at Noon and 7:00pm.

Please join us for fellowship during Lent.  Starting on Wednesday, March 12th we will have a casual fellowship dinner at 6:00pm prior to our midweek service.

Come as you are. Bring a dish to share if you would like.  We will start out with a large grinder or two provided for us as well as some drinks and we will go from there.

Everyone is invited! Feel free to bring a friend!

March 12th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Heal”

March 19th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Provide”

March 26th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Pray”

April 2nd at 7:00pm – “Hands that Resurrect”

April 9th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Protect”

April 17th at 7:00pm – Maundy Thursday with communion.

April 18th – Good Friday – Service at noon and 7:00pm.

Notices for February 23, 2025

TO EXTEND our sincere gratitude to Pastor Mandile and Michala, Fellowship and Ladies Aid will be hosting a special coffee hour on Sunday, March 2nd, immediately following service in the Lower Fellowship Room.  After almost three years of dedicated service to St. Paul’s they will begin the next chapter of their lives as they move to Ohio.  All are welcome to join us to thank them and wish them well.

Blessings, Ladies Aid and Fellowship Board

LADIES AID ANNUAL SOUP SALE is extended to March 2nd!  Pick up date of March 9th remains the same. 

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste. Thank you!

REGISTRATION FORM for the 2025 LWML Spring Rally is on the table in the narthex.

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS:  Recently, the Sunday School children shared God’s love while making handmade Valentine cards for our shut-ins.  Markers, pencils, stickers and glue were used to make these, one-of-a-kind, I love you.  As our dear church family members received their surprise in the mail, we hope they felt the love of Christ along with the love from our children.

FROM FRED & SALLY WABREK….thank you very much for your cards, thoughts, and prayers.  We are blessed to have a wonderful church family.


March 5th – Ash Wednesday – Service at noon and 7:00pm.

Please join us for fellowship during Lent.  Starting on Wednesday, March 12th we will have a casual fellowship dinner at 6:00pm prior to our midweek service.

Come as you are. Bring a dish to share if you would like.  We will start out with a large grinder or two provided for us as well as some drinks and we will go from there.

Everyone is invited! Feel free to bring a friend!

March 12th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Heal”

March 19th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Provide”

March 26th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Pray”

April 2nd at 7:00pm – “Hands that Resurrect”

April 9th at 7:00pm – “Hands that Protect”

April 17th at 7:00pm – Maundy Thursday with communion.

April 18th – Good Friday – Service at noon and 7:00pm.

Notices for February 16, 2025

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste. Thank you!

REGISTRATION FORM for the 2025 LWML Spring Rally is on the table in the narthex.

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS:  Over the past two weeks, the Sunday School childrenshared God’s love while making handmade Valentine cards for our shut-ins.  Markers, pencils, stickers and glue were used to make these, one-of-a-kind, I love you.  As our dear church family members received their surprise in the mail, we hope they felt the love of Christ along with the love from our children.

FROM FRED & SALLY WABREK….thank you very much for your cards, thoughts, and prayers.  We are blessed to have a wonderful church family. 

Notices for February 9, 2025

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste. Thank you!

EXTENDED/DETAILED version of the 2025 budget is in the wall box opposite the photo wall in the narthex.   

REGISTRATION FORM for the 2025 LWML Spring Rally is on the table in the narthex.

FOR THOSE of you who requested a 2024 year-end statement, they’re done and are in your church mailbox.  Thank you, Allison 

Notices for February 2, 2025

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee, men’s and women’s shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste. Thank you!

LADIES AID will meet TODAY in the conference room behind Pastor’s office. 

IF YOU donated to Altar Guild for a Christmas flower you may take it home today.  Please leave the plastic dish.   Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

EXTENDED/DETAILED version of the 2025 budget is in the wall box opposite the photo wall in the narthex.   

REGISTRATION FORM for the 2025 LWML Spring Rally is on the table in the narthex.

FOR THOSE of you who requested a 2024 year-end statement, they’re done and are in your church mailbox.  Thank you, Allison 

Notices for January 26, 2025

IF YOU would like a 2024 year-end offering statement, call Allison Mongeau at 860-489-3685 and leave a message.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of, coffee, men’s and women’s shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and Dove bar soap.  Thank you!

LADIES AID will meet Sunday, February 2nd, in the conference room behind Pastor’s office. 

IF YOU donated to Altar Guild for a Christmas flower you may take it home today.  Please leave the plastic dish.   Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

EXTENDED/DETAILED version of the 2025 budget is in the wall box opposite the photo wall in the narthex.    

WINDOW OF JOY, Christian Womens’ Singles Group, will meet Saturday,  Feb. 1st, 1:00pm here at St. Paul’s.  Come join us for fellowship, refreshments, devotions, and encouragement from God’s Word.  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

Notices for January 19, 2025

IF YOU would like a 2024 year-end offering statement, contact Allison Mongeau.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hand and bath towels, coffee, men’s and women’s shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and Dove bar soap.  Thank you!

VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY MEETING TODAY following the service.

LADIES AID will meet Sunday, February 2nd, in the conference room behind Pastor’s office. 

IF YOU donated to Altar Guild for a Christmas flower you may take it home today.  Please leave the plastic dish.   Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

Notices for January 5, 2025

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hand and bath towels, coffee, men’s and women’s shampoo, deodorant, and Dove bar soap.  Thank you!

2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES are on the table in the narthex.

VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY MEETING Sunday, January 19th, immediately following the service.

Notices for December 29, 2024

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hand and bath towels, coffee, men’s and women’s shampoo, deodorant, and Dove bar soap.  Thank you!

2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES are on the table in the narthex.  Please pick yours up today!

HANDS OF GRACE would like to say Thank You!  We were blessed at Thanksgiving and were able to provide 62 Thanksgiving meals as well as 11 emergency food boxes to people in need thanks to your donations.  Thanks to you, Hands of Grace touches many lives with food for the body as well as the much needed food for the soul through God’s Word.

You are all a blessing, Pastor K

Notices for December 22, 2024

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES…. are Tuesday, December 24th, at 12:00pm, 7:00pm, and 11:00pm.  Christmas Day Service is Wednesday, December 25th, at 9:00am.                                                      

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hand and bath towels, coffee, men’s and women’s shampoo, deodorant, and Dove bar soap.  Thank you!

LADIES AID is collecting items for The Gathering Place in Torrington which supports veterans.  Donations may be left in the wrapped boxes under the Christmas tree.  Suggestions include socks, gloves and thermal clothing (tops and bottoms, sizes medium and large).  Items may be left until December 25th.  Thank you!

2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES are on the table in the narthex.  Please pick yours up today!

HANDS OF GRACE would like to say Thank You!  We were blessed at Thanksgiving and were able to provide 62 Thanksgiving meals as well as 11 emergency food boxes to people in need thanks to your donations.  Thanks to you, Hands of Grace touches many lives with food for the body as well as the much needed food for the soul through God’s Word.

You are all a blessing, Pastor K