HANDS OF GRACE is in need of apple juice, 15oz. cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, spaghettios with meatballs, spaghettios with franks, etc., Thank you.
VESPERS AND BIBLE STUDY – Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 7:00pm. I encourage you to join us for a prayer service and Bible study on Wednesday evenings starting on September 14th. We will meet in the sanctuary. If you are not familiar with the order of Vespers, I encourage you to come and learn it with us! Pastor Mandile
WOMEN OF THE WORD will be back to meeting on Tuesday, September 20th, from 12:00noon to 2:30pm for a salad luncheon at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne, 30 Country Lane, Collinsville. We will be discussing, chapter 8, the Samaritan Woman. Friends are always welcome to join the Bible study.
DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will resume meeting on Sunday, September 18th, from 2:00-3:30pm. We’ll be discussing chapter 5, Hannah. Friends are always welcome to join us. PLEASE RSVP Mrs. Judy if you are coming: jbyrnsie@gmail.com.
HANDS OF GRACE is looking for the following travel size items by September 11th. These will be used to provide hygiene bags to our veterans during the Stand Down day in September. Items needed are toothpaste, dental floss, shampoo, soap, hand sanitizer, and a standard washcloth. Please leave them in the Hands of Grace bins in the narthex. Thank you!
MISSIONS: Are you packing your Gospel Opportunity Box? As you pack, pray for the child who will receive your box. God knows exactly who will receive your box. Children’s summer clothing items are on sale. Also look for sales on flip flops or sneakers. School supplies are also on sale. If you buy extras, we will use them in our church packed boxes. If you are on Facebook, join the Shoebox Nation group. You will get some usable ideas and be encouraged to shop. “Lord we pray that we, Your people Who Your gift’s unnumbered claim, Through the sharing of Your blessings May bring glory to Your name” Refrain from hymn, Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings # 782 Lutheran Service Book
Help us kick off an exciting Sunday school year with our RALLY DAY CHURCH PICNIC hosted by your St. Paul’s Church Council – Sunday, September 11th, following 10:30 Service! Please find clipboards in the Narthex and also in the Coffee Hour Room to let us know what side dish you would like to bring! We’ll provide beverages and hot dogs from the grill! Please bring folding lawn chairs, if you have them. You can sit on the lawn or enjoy the lower fellowship hall. This will be a wonderful, relaxed time of Fellowship and an opportunity for Pastor Mandile and Michala to get to know our church family more! PLUS, with Christian Education RALLY DAY this same day….what a great opportunity to invite our friends or neighbors! Let’s ALL come and be together! We have so much to celebrate in our Lord! Cheryl Lowman
SUNDAY, September 25th, marks the eleventh year of the Hands of Grace ministry. Please join us for a celebration of this ministry on Sunday, September 25th, at 1:00pm at Hands of Grace for this celebration and re-dedication. Hope to see you there. Blessings, Pastor Mongeau
LADIES AID will meet Saturday, September 24th, at 12Noon for a potluck lunch at church. We will be discussing/planning our upcoming Christmas Fair. All women of the church are welcome! Please rsvp to Janice at slutheranchurch@snet.net or 860-379-3172 if you plan to come. Thank you!
FESTIVAL CHOIR will begin rehearsals for the fall the week of September 18th. Open to teens and adults of all ages, practices will be held immediately after the first service and/or immediately after Wednesday prayer/Bible study, and will last about 20-30 minutes. Come join us! See Ruth Yeadon for more information.