Notices for December 10, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

OPPORTUNITIES to serve God and the people of St. Paul’s are available by joining the Christian Education Board, Trustees Board, and Fellowship Board.  Prayerfully consider using your time to share your faith and the love of our savior Jesus Christ with fellow members of St. Paul’s and the community around us. Contact Sara Shermer at

THE VERY FIRST class of the “Every One His Witness” Bible study is today in the Lower Fellowship Room.  Please join us!

LADIES AID is collecting personal hygiene goods (for men, women, and children) until December 31st.  Donations may be left in the boxes under the Christmas tree or in the narthex and will go to Susan B. Anthony and FISH in Torrington. If you would like to contribute, a complete list needs is on the donation box in the narthex.   Thank you.

Notices for December 3, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

LADIES AID would like to thank all the saints who donated time and goods to the Fair.  It was a success!! The Fair is still going on today in the Lower Fellowship Room.   

OPPORTUNITIES to serve God and the people of St. Paul’s are available by joining the Christian Education Board, Trustees Board, and Fellowship Board.  Prayerfully consider using your time to share your faith and the love of our savior Jesus Christ with fellow members of St. Paul’s and the community around us. Contact Sara Shermer.

THE VERY FIRST class of the “Every One His Witness” Bible study will be postponed until Dec. 10th (Advent 2). There will be no Bible study on Dec. 3rd (Advent 1). The Ladies Aid Christmas Fair will still be set up downstairs in the lower fellowship room. Please come downstairs to look through what they have and for fellowship together in celebration of the beginning of a new church year. 

Notices for November 26, 2023

REMINDER: Sons of Thunder will not be collecting empty cans and plastic bottles today.  We will resume December 31st

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

HANDS OF GRACE would like to thank everyone for your generous donations toward providing 50 families with a Thanksgiving meal.  God’s blessings to all for your continued support of our mission to share the Gospel message and provide food, clothing and household items to those in need.

WREATH MAKING TODAY after Service in the Lower Fellowship Room. 

REMINDER: Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 2nd.  Ladies Aid would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate name of cookie and   if it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, gluten/dairy free, etc..         

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, cake, quick breads, securely wrapped.

~Knitted/sewn items. Handmade crafts.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.


FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 1st, after 10:00am, goods may be brought in then.  Also, please feel free to bring in your arts and crafts for the Fair this week during the morning. 

Thank you

Notices for November 12, 2023

To date we have collected 94 Gospel Opportunity Shoeboxes.  Additional boxes may be dropped off at Hands of Grace during the scheduled hours.  

  • Nov 13: 4:00 PM -7:00 PM
  • Nov 14: 4:00 PM -7:00 PM
  • Nov 15: 9;00 AM-12;00 PM
  • Nov 16: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • Nov 17: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  • Nov 18: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Nov 19: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
  • Nov 20: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

If you have any questions, please speak with Denise Yoreo

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting at the church on Tuesday, November 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Jonah. Friends and family are always welcome. Please RSVP Judy.

HANDS OF GRACE is making plans for our Thanksgiving food collection.  We will be giving 24 Turkey dinners. The turkeys are being provided by Foodshare. The following items are needed to complete the meal:

Cranberry sauce, 15 oz cans

French style green beans 15 oz cans

Cream of mushroom soup, @10 oz cans

French fried onions


Thank you.

FESTIVAL CHOIR is practicing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services. We meet directly following the service for 10-15 minutes.  Open to singers of all ages and abilities.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

CHRISTMAS FAIR:  we will be making wreaths for the Christmas Fair after Service on November 26th.   Also, baked goods and crafts would be appreciated!  Please see the Christmas Fair insert in the bulletin for more information.       

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

Notices for November 19, 2023

THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE is Wednesday, November 22nd, at 7:00pm.

REMINDER: Sons of Thunder will be collecting empty cans and plastic bottles next Sunday.

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

HANDS OF GRACE would like to thank everyone for your generous donations toward providing 50 families with a Thanksgiving meal.  God’s blessings to all for your continued support of our mission to share the Gospel message and provide food, clothing and household items to those in need.

Notices for November 5, 2023

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting at the church on Tuesday, November 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Jonah. Friends and family are always welcome. Please RSVP Judy if you are unable to come.

From the Missions Board:

Operation Christmas Child

  • Monetary donations to Operation Christmas Child are appreciated!  All donations made after 10/22 will be used for the shipping cost.  Please make donations payable to St Paul’s and designate to OCC.
  • Gospel Opportunity boxes can be made until November 20th.  National Shoebox Collection week is Nov 13-20.  We will be hosting the local drop off collection center at Hands of Grace.  Please see Denise Yoreo if you’d like to help.

Capstone Ministry

Today, Pastor Dan and Patty Schmelzer will visit.  Pastor Schmelzer will be preaching during our worship service and Patty will do a presentation at 10:30 during our education hour. 

Mission Board Members, Denise Yoreo, Judy and Ken Byrne, Cynde Corthouts

HANDS OF GRACE is making plans for our Thanksgiving food collection.  We will be giving 24 Turkey dinners. The turkeys are being provided by Foodshare. The following items are needed to complete the meal:

Cranberry sauce, 15 oz cans

French style green beans 15 oz cans

Cream of mushroom soup, @10 oz cans

French fried onions


Thank you.

ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THRIVENT FINANCIAL?  If so, check out the Thrivent Choice program, where you can make personal donations to causes your care about with no processing fees.  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, New Hartford, CT is enrolled in the program.  Eligible clients with membership can have a say in how Thrivent distributes some of its charitable funding by directing Choice Dollars.  For more information, go to

FESTIVAL CHOIR has begun practicing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services. We meet directly following the service for 10-15 minutes.  Open to singers of all ages and abilities.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

Notices for October 29, 2023

TODAY we will have a Pastor Appreciation Special Coffee Hour for both Pastor Mandile and Pastor Mongeau!  This special time of Fellowship and Appreciation will take place following our worship service during the time that the Adult Sunday School usually takes place.  This is also Cheryl Lowman’s last Sunday and it will be a chance to say “Bye for now”.  Cheryl will be moving by two of her daughters and 11 grandchildren in the Saugerties, New York area.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meet today, October 29th from 1:00 – 2::30pm at the home of Judy Byrne. We will be starting our new book, JESUS SAID WHAT? Please take a look at the Daughters of Faith Bulletin board downstairs next to the children’s Sunday school room. Friends and family are always welcome. Please RSVP Judy.  

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting at the church on Tuesday, November 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Jonah. Friends and family are always welcome. Please RSVP Judy if you are unable to come.

From the Missions Board:

Operation Christmas Child

  • Monetary donations to Operation Christmas Child are appreciated!  All donations made after 10/22 will be used for the shipping cost.  Please make donations payable to St Paul’s and designate to OCC.
  • Gospel Opportunity boxes can be made until November 20th.  National Shoebox Collection week is Nov 13-20.  We will be hosting the local drop off collection center at Hands of Grace.  Please see Denise Yoreo if you’d like to help.

Capstone Ministry

November 5th, Pastor Dan and Patty Schmelzer will visit.  Pastor Schmelzer will be preaching during our worship service and Patty will do a presentation at 10:30 during our education hour.  We will have a Potluck Brunch. Please bring a dish to share!

Mission Board Members, Denise Yoreo, Judy and Ken Byrne, Cynde Courthouts

HANDS OF GRACE is making plans for our Thanksgiving food collection.  We will be giving 24 Turkey dinners. The turkeys are being provided by Foodshare. The following items are needed to complete the meal:

Cranberry sauce, 15 oz cans

French style green beans 15 oz cans

Cream of mushroom soup, @10 oz cans

French fried onions


Thank you.

ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THRIVENT FINANCIAL?  If so, check out the Thrivent Choice program, where you can make personal donations to causes your care about with no processing fees.  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, New Hartford, CT is enrolled in the program.  Eligible clients with membership can have a say in how Thrivent distributes some of its charitable funding by directing Choice Dollars.  For more information, go to

FESTIVAL CHOIR has begun practicing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services. We meet directly following the service for 10-15 minutes.  Open to singers of all ages and abilities.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

WINDOWS OF JOY INVITES all women of St. Paul’s to join them for their November meeting, which will be next Saturday, November 4th.  We will be attending the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League New England District Retreat on Saturday, from 9am to 3pm.  Details are on the insert in this bulletin.  Registration forms are in the narthex.  We are hoping to meet at St. Paul’s early on Saturday and carpool together. Please contact Ruth Yeadon if you are interested. 

Notices for October 22, 2023

ONE WEEK FROM TODAY (OCTOBER 29th) we will have a Pastor Appreciation Special Coffee Hour for both Pastor Mandile and Pastor Mongeau!  This special time of Fellowship and Appreciation will take place following our worship service during the time that the Adult Sunday School usually takes place.  This is also Cheryl Lowman’s last Sunday and it will be a chance to say “Bye for now”.  Cheryl will be moving by two of her daughters and 11 grandchildren in the Saugerties, New York area.

SONS OF THUNDER will be collecting empty cans and plastic bottles next Sunday after service.

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting on Sunday, October 29th from 1:00 – 2::30pm at the home of Judy Byrne. We will be starting our new book, JESUS SAID WHAT? Please take a look at the Daughters of Faith Bulletin board downstairs next to the children’s Sunday school room. Friends and family are always welcome. Please RSVP Judy.  

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting at the church on Tuesday, November 14th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. We will be discussing our Unlikely Hero, Jonah. Friends and family are always welcome. Please RSVP Judy. if you are unable to come.

From the Missions Board:

Operation Christmas Child

  • Please return completed Gospel Opportunity shoeboxes by October 22.
  • Additional partially completed boxes are still available.  Please ask a Mission Board member to obtain one.
  • Monetary donations to Operation Christmas Child are appreciated!  All donations made after 10/22 will be used for the shipping cost.  Please make donations payable to St Paul’s and designate to OCC.
  • Gospel Opportunity boxes can be made until November 20th.  National Shoebox Collection week is Nov 13-20.  We will be hosting the local drop off collection center at Hands of Grace.  Please see Denise Yoreo if you’d like to help.

Capstone Ministry

November 5th, Pastor Dan and Patty Schmelzer will visit.  Pastor Schmelzer will be preaching during our worship service and Patty will do a presentation at 10:30 during our education hour.  We will have a Potluck Brunch. Please bring a dish to share!

Mission Board Members, Denise Yoreo, Judy and Ken Byrne, Cynde Courthouts

ANNUAL LADIES AID CHRISTMAS FAIR is Saturday, December 2nd.  Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!  We are asking for ARTS AND CRAFTS, decorations, baked goods, ESPECIALLY QUICK BREADS and COOKIES, COOKIES, & COOKIES!  Have a question?  Contact Janice at 860-379-3172 or Thank you.

HANDS OF GRACE is making plans for our Thanksgiving food collection.  We will be giving 24 Turkey dinners. The turkeys are being provided by Foodshare. The following items are needed to complete the meal:

Cranberry sauce, 15 oz cans

French style green beans 15 oz cans

Cream of mushroom soup, @10 oz cans

French fried onions


Thank you.

Thrivent Logo With Names - Thrivent Financial, HD Png Download ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitemARE YOU A MEMBER OF THRIVENT FINANCIAL?  If so, check out the Thrivent Choice program, where you can make personal donations to causes your care about with no processing fees.  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, New Hartford, CT is enrolled in the program.  Eligible clients with membership can have a say in how Thrivent distributes some of its charitable funding by directing Choice Dollars.  For more information, go to

FESTIVAL CHOIR has begun practicing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services. We meet directly following the service for 10-15 minutes.  Open to singers of all ages and abilities.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

WINDOWS OF JOY INVITES all women of St. Paul’s to join them for their November meeting, which will be Saturday, November 4th.  We will be attending the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League New England District Retreat on Saturday, from 9am to 3pm.  Details are on the insert in this bulletin.  Registration forms are in the narthex.  We are hoping to meet at St. Paul’s early on Saturday and carpool together. Please contact Ruth Yeadon if you are interested. 

FOUND in the sanctuary: silver earring with black stone.  If it’s yours, see Janice.

PLEASE check your church mailbox.

Notices for October 15, 2023

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet October 19th, 6:00pm, at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church welcome.   Pastor Mongeau

From the Missions Board:

Operation Christmas Child

  • Please return completed Gospel Opportunity shoeboxes by October 22.
  • Additional partially completed boxes are still available.  Please ask a Mission Board member to obtain one.
  • Monetary donations to Operation Christmas Child are appreciated!  All donations made after 10/22 will be used for the shipping cost.  Please make donations payable to St Paul’s and designate to OCC.
  • Gospel Opportunity boxes can be made until November 20th.  National Shoebox Collection week is Nov 13-20.  We will be hosting the local drop off collection center at Hands of Grace.  Please see Denise Yoreo if you’d like to help.

Capstone Ministry

November 5th, Pastor Dan and Patty Schmelzer will visit.  Pastor Schmelzer will be preaching during our worship service and Patty will do a presentation at 10:30 during our education hour.  We will have a Potluck Brunch. Please bring a dish to share!

Mission Board Members, Denise Yoreo, Judy and Ken Byrne, Cynde Courthouts

ANNUAL LADIES AID CHRISTMAS FAIR is Saturday, December 2nd.  Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!  We are asking for ARTS AND CRAFTS, decorations, baked goods, ESPECIALLY QUICK BREADS and COOKIES, COOKIES, & COOKIES!  Have a question?  Contact Janice at 860-379-3172 or Thank you.

HANDS OF GRACE is making plans for our Thanksgiving food collection.  We will be giving 24 Turkey dinners. The turkeys are being provided by Foodshare. The following items are needed to complete the meal:

Cranberry sauce, 15 oz cans

French style green beans 15 oz cans

Cream of mushroom soup, @10 oz cans

French fried onions


Thank you.

ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THRIVENT FINANCIAL?  If so, check out the Thrivent Choice program, where you can make personal donations to causes your care about with no processing fees.  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, New Hartford, CT is enrolled in the program.  Eligible clients with membership can have a say in how Thrivent distributes some of its charitable funding by directing Choice Dollars.  For more information, go to

FESTIVAL CHOIR will begin practicing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services today, directly following the service for 10-15 minutes.  Open to singers of all ages and abilities.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

WINDOWS OF JOY INVITES all women of St. Paul’s to join them for their November meeting, which will be Saturday, November 4th.  We will be attending the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League New England District Retreat on Saturday, from 9am to 3pm.  Details are on the insert in this bulletin.  Registration forms are in the narthex.  We are hoping to meet at St. Paul’s early on Saturday and carpool together. Please contact Ruth Yeadon if you are interested. 

Notices for October 8, 2023

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting at the church this Tuesday, October 10th from 1:00 – 2:30PM.  We will be discussing our Unknown Hero of the Bible, Jonah. To RSVP, please call or text Judy.


  • Monetary donations to Operation Christmas Child are appreciated.  These donations will be used to pack additional Gospel Opportunity Boxes and pay for the shipping.  Please have all monetary donations made by next Sunday, October 15th.  Make donations payable to St. Paul’s and designate to OCC on the memo line. Please return completed boxes by October 22nd.
  • Additional Gospel Opportunity boxes are available to adopt!  Please come to the upper fellowship room today to pick one up!  

CAPSTONE MINISTRY: Sunday, November 5th, Pastor Dan and Patty Schmelzer will visit.  At 10:30am we will enjoy a Potluck Brunch while they give us a Capstone Ministry update and presentation.  

ANNUAL LADIES AID CHRISTMAS FAIR is Saturday, December 2nd.  Please think of what you can do to support the Fair!  We are asking for ARTS AND CRAFTS, decorations, baked goods, ESPECIALLY QUICK BREADS and COOKIES, COOKIES, & COOKIES!  Have a question?  Contact Janice at 860-379-3172 or Thank you.

HANDS OF GRACE is making plans for our Thanksgiving food collection.  We will be giving 24 Turkey dinners. The turkeys are being provided by Foodshare. The following items are needed to complete the meal:

Cranberry sauce, 15 oz cans

French style green beans 15 oz cans

Cream of mushroom soup, @10 oz cans

French fried onions


Thank you!

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet October 19th, 6:00pm, at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church welcome.   Pastor Mongeau

Thrivent Logo With Names - Thrivent Financial, HD Png Download ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitemARE YOU A MEMBER OF THRIVENT FINANCIAL?  If so, check out the Thrivent Choice program, where you can make personal donations to causes your care about with no processing fees.  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, New Hartford, CT is enrolled in the program.  Eligible clients with membership can have a say in how Thrivent distributes some of its charitable funding by directing Choice Dollars.  For more information, go to

FESTIVAL CHOIR will begin practicing for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve services next Sunday, October 15th, directly following the service for 10-15 minutes.  Open to singers of all ages and abilities.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.