Notices for November 26, 2023

REMINDER: Sons of Thunder will not be collecting empty cans and plastic bottles today.  We will resume December 31st

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

HANDS OF GRACE would like to thank everyone for your generous donations toward providing 50 families with a Thanksgiving meal.  God’s blessings to all for your continued support of our mission to share the Gospel message and provide food, clothing and household items to those in need.

WREATH MAKING TODAY after Service in the Lower Fellowship Room. 

REMINDER: Christmas Fair is Saturday, December 2nd.  Ladies Aid would graciously appreciate any of the following:

~4 dozen cookies: please indicate name of cookie and   if it contains nuts, artificial sweeteners, gluten/dairy free, etc..         

~Baked goods: pies, jams, jellies, candy, cake, quick breads, securely wrapped.

~Knitted/sewn items. Handmade crafts.

~Christmas crafts and ornaments.


FAIR SET UP is Friday, December 1st, after 10:00am, goods may be brought in then.  Also, please feel free to bring in your arts and crafts for the Fair this week during the morning. 

Thank you

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