Notices for December 3, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for men and women.  Donations may be left in the bins in the narthex.  Thank you!

LADIES AID would like to thank all the saints who donated time and goods to the Fair.  It was a success!! The Fair is still going on today in the Lower Fellowship Room.   

OPPORTUNITIES to serve God and the people of St. Paul’s are available by joining the Christian Education Board, Trustees Board, and Fellowship Board.  Prayerfully consider using your time to share your faith and the love of our savior Jesus Christ with fellow members of St. Paul’s and the community around us. Contact Sara Shermer.

THE VERY FIRST class of the “Every One His Witness” Bible study will be postponed until Dec. 10th (Advent 2). There will be no Bible study on Dec. 3rd (Advent 1). The Ladies Aid Christmas Fair will still be set up downstairs in the lower fellowship room. Please come downstairs to look through what they have and for fellowship together in celebration of the beginning of a new church year. 

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