Notices for Sunday, April 30, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, coffee, and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

New Member Class

Monday night at 7:00pm is New Member Class. Non-members and members alike are welcome. Our class will follow the outline of Luther’s Small Catechism.

Monday 5/1 – 7:00pm – The Third and Fourth Commandments

THE NEXT WINDOWS OF JOY gathering will be on SATURDAY, MAY 6th –   2:00PM at Linda Pekrul’s home!   It will be a time to go walking on the Rail Trail!  Please bring a water bottle, personal snack and a lawn chair for fellowship after the walk!  If it is a rainy day, Linda will set-up an inside craft to enjoy together following Devotion time.  Please RSVP to Linda.  

SUNDAY, MAY 7TH , following the second service, there will be a Congregational Information meeting (12:00 Noon) in the lower fellowship hall.  A light lunch will be provided.

SERVICE TIME CHANGE Sunday, June 4 (Holy Trinity Sunday), will be our first Sunday on the new service schedule. We are moving to a single Sunday morning service at 9:00am with fellowship and Bible Study afterwards. Please see Pastor Mandile, Bob Brown (our Head Elder), or any of the Elders if you have any questions or concerns. Our hope is that this service time change blesses you by uniting the whole congregation, by allowing us all to sing together and build one another up, and by providing more time for fellowship together on Sunday mornings.

>>>2023 VBS: God’s Living Water:  Please spread the word! We will be holding a one day Vacation Bible School on Saturday, June 24th from 8:30am-3:30pm. It is our hope that holding VBS on a Saturday will make it easier for families and volunteers to participate. Information for VBS signup will be available soon. Please speak with Natalie Jury and/or Pastor Mandile for more information. 

PLEASE check your church mailbox.

Notices for April 23, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, coffee, and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

LADIES AID MEETING today between services in the conference room behind Pastor’s office.  All women of the church welcome.

>>>2023 VBS: God’s Living Water:  Please spread the word! We will be holding a one day Vacation Bible School on Saturday, June 24th from 8:30am-3:30pm. It is our hope that holding VBS on a Saturday will make it easier for families and volunteers to participate. Information for VBS signup will be available soon. Please speak with Natalie Jury and/or Pastor Mandile for more information. 

Daughters of Faith will be meeting Sunday, April 23rd from 2:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne, 30 Country Lane, Collinsville. Please call or text Judy to let her know if you will be coming. Thank you.

REMINDER:  Sons of Thunder will be collecting clean empty plastic and cans next  Sunday, April 30th, between services.

SUNDAY, MAY 7TH  following the second service there will be a 

Congregational Information meeting (12:00 Noon) in the lower fellowship hall.  A light lunch will be provided.

THE NEXT WINDOWS OF JOY gathering will be on SATURDAY, MAY 6th – 

 2:00PM at Linda Pekrul’s home!   It will be a time to go walking on the Rail Trail!  Please bring a water bottle, personal snack and a lawn chair for fellowship after the walk!  If it is a rainy day, Linda will set-up an inside craft to enjoy together following Devotion time.  Please RSVP to Linda. 

From Pastor Mandile….

New Member Class

Monday night at 7:00pm is New Member Class. Non-members and members alike are welcome. Our class will follow the outline of Luther’s Small Catechism.

Monday 4/24 – 7:00pm (The First and Second Commandments)

Notices for April 16, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, coffee, and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

REMINDER:  Sons of Thunder will be collecting clean empty plastic and cans on Sunday, April 30th, between services.

LADIES AID will meet next Sunday, April 23rd, between services, in the conference room behind Pastor’s office.  All women of the church welcome. 

TOMORROW evening we will begin a new New Member Class. If you are not a confirmed member of St. Paul’s, please consider joining us. If you are a member and would like a refresher of the basics of the Christian Faith, you are also welcome to join us! Our textbook for the class will be Luther’s Small Catechism (2017 edition).

Monday 4/17 – 7:00pm (Introduction to the Small Catechism)

Monday 4/24 – 7:00pm (The Ten Commandments)

Notices for April 9, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, coffee, and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

WOMEN OF THE WORD will be meeting on Tuesday, April 11th from 1:00 to 2:30pm to study our “Unlikely Hero, Joseph”.  Thank you, Judy Byrne

RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS: On April 16th (The First Sunday after Easter), those who have been instructed in the Christian faith will be received in membership. The Rite of Confirmation will take place at the 8:00am service. Please make special effort to attend this service to support them and celebrate with them! If you are interested in becoming a member of St. Paul’s or if you are a member already and would like to attend a refresher course, please speak with Pastor Mandile.

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet March 20th, 6:00pm at Hands of Grace.  All men of the church welcome. 

Notices for April 2, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of juice, coffee, and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

THE SOUP SALE was a success!  Thank you to all who made the tasty soups and supported Ladies Aid.  Also, mark your calendar…we will be holding our Annual Bake Sale Sunday, June 4th

EASTER POTLUCK BREAKFAST:   Church family and guests are invited to share in a breakfast between services. All are welcome!  If you would like to bring a potluck item to share, please do.   Coffee and tea provided.  For more information, see Denise Yoreo or Allison Mongeau.

Immediately following FIRST SERVICE today, you are invited to join us as we drive up Holcomb Hill to Sing Easter Hymns with Inge Nyenhuis and drop off an Easter Goodie Bag!  This will be the only Easter Caroling stop after 8 a.m. service.  Carpooling from the church will be a good option to avoid filling up Inge’s driveway.  Pastor Mongeau and Cheryl will be going on this visit.  PLEASE MEET IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH ENTRY STAIRS.   

Following SECOND SERVICE today, there will be a group going to Granby to visit and sing with Gary, Ruth Yeadon’s Dad.  PLEASE MEET IN THE UPPER FELLOWSHIP ROOM following service.  There will be a few snack items available for those going since it will be around lunchtime.   Pastor Mandile and Ruth will be going on this visit.   Carpooling is encouraged and another great opportunity to spend time in Fellowship coming and going!  Other In-home Saints will receive individual visits and/or goodie bags drop-offs by loving church members. 

Women of the Word will be meeting on Tuesday, April 11th from 1:00 to 2:30pm to study our “Unlikely Hero, Joseph”.  Thank you, Judy Byrne

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL… Please spread the word! Let your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends know that VBS will be June 19th to the 23rd. The website for registration will be up and running shortly. More info to come.

IN NEED OF PRAYER?  St. Paul’s has an active prayer ministry where several of our members have committed to pray for the individual needs of our brothers and sisters in-Christ. If you would like prayer, please send your prayer request to Judy Byrne at where your prayer requests will be kept confidential.

From Pastor Mandile…


-EASTER VIGIL: Saturday, April 8th (the Saturday before Easter Sunday), at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA at 6pm. Address: 60 Broad St., Westfield, MA 01085

-ASCENSION DAY: On May 18th (Thursday), at Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Enfield, CT at 7:00pm. Address: 20 North St., Enfield, CT 06082

RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS: On April 16th (The First Sunday after Easter), those who have been instructed in the Christian faith will be received in membership. The Rite of Confirmation will take place at the 8:00am service. Please make special effort to attend this service to support them and celebrate with them! If you are interested in becoming a member of St. Paul’s or if you are a member already and would like to attend a refresher course, please speak with Pastor Mandile.

LCMS Stewardship Devotion (April 2 – Palm Sunday)

Matthew 21:3 – “If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” Did Jesus really need the donkey? If the man had refused to give the donkey, would the work of salvation have been derailed? Of course not. But what an honor for the man who owned this donkey and foal! Likewise, with us — the Lord needs none of us, but what an honor for God to choose to use our generosity in the work of His church.

Notices for March 26, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 1st, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

PLEASE LET Cheryl Lowman know if you would like to go “Easter Caroling” NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, immediately following Second Service.  We will go to one or possibly two nearby In-Home Saints homes and we will be back to the church by lunchtime!   Please email Cheryl at  Even better, just meet us in the UPPER FELLOWSHIP ROOM after service and we will go from there!  Oh what joy a few familiar Easter songs shared will give!!! 

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will be meeting this Sunday, March 26th from 2:00-3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. We will be studying the extraordinary lives of Mary and Martha. Please let me know if you will be coming so I can plan accordingly. 

EASTER POTLUCK BREAKFAST:   Church family and guests are invited to share in a breakfast between services. All are welcome!  If you would like to bring a potluck item to share, please do.   Coffee and tea provided.  For more information, see Denise Yoreo or Allison Mongeau.

HANDS OF GRACE…… help is needed Friday, March 31st, for the seasonal clothing change over!  Join us for a light supper at 5:30pm at Hands of Grace.  Please let Pastor Mongeau or Denise Yoreo know if you plan to attend.  Many hands make light work and good fellowship!

WINDOWS OF JOY Women’s Group will meet April 1st, 2:00pm, at Linda Pekrul’s home.  Please let Linda know if you will be able to attend.  If you haven’t been able to attend and would like to this time, please be sure to come and enjoy a Devotion and Christian Fellowship.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL… Please spread the word! Let your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends know that VBS will be June 19th to the 23rd. The website for registration will be up and running shortly. More info to come.

IN NEED OF PRAYER?  St. Paul’s has an active prayer ministry where several of our members have committed to pray for the individual needs of our brothers and sisters in-Christ. If you would like prayer, please send your prayer request to Judy Byrne at where your prayer requests will be kept confidential.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

From Pastor Mandile…


-EASTER VIGIL: Saturday, April 8th (the Saturday before Easter Sunday), at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, MA at 6pm. Address: 60 Broad St., Westfield, MA 01085

-ASCENSION DAY: On May 18th (Thursday), at Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Enfield, CT at 7:00pm. Address: 20 North St., Enfield, CT 06082

RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS: On April 16th (The First Sunday after Easter), those who have been instructed in the Christian faith will be received in membership. The Rite of Confirmation will take place at the 8:00am service. Please make special effort to attend this service to support them and celebrate with them! If you are interested in becoming a member of St. Paul’s or if you are a member already and would like to attend a refresher course, please speak with Pastor Mandile.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry – March 26, Lent 5 – Judica

Hebrews 9:12 – “He entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” The only price that could redeem us was the very blood of the Christ. This is the only sacrifice of true worth. His sacrificial giving sets the pattern for our life, for how can we who are redeemed by the self-giving of God not also give of ourselves to His kingdom?

Notices for March 19, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

>>>IT’S TIME….SOUPS ON!  Please pick up your preordered soup today after services in the Lower Fellowship Room.  Thank you for supporting this Ladies Aid fundraiser!

>EASTER POTLUCK BREAKFAST:   Church family and guests are invited to share in a breakfast between services. All are welcome!  If you would like to bring a potluck item to share, please do.   Coffee and tea provided.  For more information, see Denise Yoreo.

HANDS OF GRACE…… help is needed Friday, March 31st, for the seasonal clothing change over!  Join us for a light supper at 5:30pm at Hands of Grace.  Please let Pastor Mongeau or Denise Yoreo know if you plan to attend.  Many hands make light work and good fellowship!

WINDOWS OF JOY Women’s Group will meet April 1st, 2:00pm, at Linda Pekrul’s home.  Please let Linda know if you will be able to attend.  If you haven’t been able to attend and would like to this time, please be sure to come and enjoy a Devotion and Christian Fellowship.

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 1st, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL… Please spread the word! Let your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends know that VBS will be June 19th to the 23rd. The website for registration will be up and running shortly. More info to come.

LENTEN MID-WEEK DINNERS continue and are at 6:00pm followed by service at 7:00pm.  

FESTIVAL CHOIR is practicing for holy Week and the Easter.  Practice is held Sundays from 9:20 – 9:40am.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

IN NEED OF PRAYER?  St. Paul’s has an active prayer ministry where several of our members have committed to pray for the individual needs of our brothers and sisters in-Christ. If you would like prayer, please send your prayer request to Judy Byrne at where your prayer requests will be kept confidential.

SONS OF THUNDER is collecting clean empty cans and plastic bottle between services next Sunday.

From Pastor Mandile…

LCMS STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY March 19th – Lent 4 (Laetare)

John 6:5 – “Jesus said to Philip, ‘Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?’” Of course Jesus knows the answer to that question — He knows how He means to care for His people. The Lord provided, and He still provides. This knowledge frees us for generosity without fear.

Notices for March 12, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of coffee and 15oz cans of spaghettios, beefaroni, ravioli, etc.  Thank you.

MORE SOUP ANYONE?  Because of the many preorders placed last Sunday for the Ladies Aid Soup Sale, some additional people have volunteered to make soup.  We have new soups to offer and will be taking preorders for these soups after both services today in the Upper Fellowship Room.  Containers of soup are $5.00/each and should be picked up after services next Sunday, March 19th

COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, March 14th, 7:00pm.  All welcome to attend.

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet at Hands of Grace on March 16th, at 6:00pm.  All men of the church welcomed.  Pastor Mongeau

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 1st, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  If you would like to complete a specific task at a different time, please contact me at 860-733-5680.  Thank you, Cynthia Boyle

LENTEN MID-WEEK DINNERS are at 6:00pm followed by service at 7:00pm.   Bring something to share if you can; if you can’t it is so OK, please come anyways!  Please come and enjoy Christian fellowship and a light meal together during this very special season of Lent. 

FESTIVAL CHOIR has begun practicing for holy Week and the Easter.  Practice will be held from 9:20 – 9:40am.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

IN NEED OF PRAYER?  St. Paul’s has an active prayer ministry where several of our members have committed to pray for the individual needs of our brothers and sisters in-Christ. If you would like prayer, please send your prayer request to Judy Byrne at where your prayer requests will be kept confidential.

FOUND: pair of silver, snowflake, pierced earrings in the sanctuary.  They are in a labeled envelope on the secretary’s desk.  Thank you.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

From Pastor Mandile…

LCMS STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY March 12th – Lent 3 (Oculi)

Luke 11:21–22 – “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe; but when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil.” Jesus has disarmed Satan in a most unusual way: He has disarmed him by allowing Satan to cast all his weapons into Jesus. Satan has nothing left to attack us with — he spent it all on Jesus. And now Jesus is our stronger man. He guards and keeps us and ours. We have none to fear.

Notices for March 5, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant (men and women), toothpaste and coffee.  Thank you.

WANT AN EASY TO PREPARE LUNCH OR SUPPER?  The Ladies Aid is selling a nice variety of homemade soups for $5.00 each.  Starting March 5th, we are taking preorders for 16 oz. containers of soup to be picked up after services on Sunday, March 19th.  Please place your order early because quantities of soup are limited and could sell out.

A BIRD TALK on The Secret Life of Crows will be given by Fred Lowman on SATURDAY, MARCH 11th at 2:00pm in the Lower Fellowship Room! Desserts provided.  This would be a great outreach opportunity to invite friends and neighbors! 

PALM SATURDAY!  All are welcome to join Altar Guild members for cleaning day on Saturday, April 1st, at 9:00am.  We will be cleaning the sanctuary and the Children’s Room.  Coffee, donuts, and cleaning supplies will be provided.  Please bring a bucket and gloves.  If you would like to complete a specific task at a different time, please contact Cynthia Boyle.

THIRD THURSDAY THING will meet at Hands of Grace on March 16th, at 6:00pm.  All men of the church welcomed.  Pastor Mongeau

LENTEN MID-WEEK DINNERS are at 6:00pm followed by service at 7:00pm.   Bring something to share if you can; if you can’t it is so OK, please come anyways!  Please come and enjoy Christian fellowship and a light meal together during this very special season of Lent. 

FESTIVAL CHOIR has begun practicing for holy Week and the Easter.  Practice will be held from 9:20 – 9:40am.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

IN NEED OF PRAYER?  St. Paul’s has an active prayer ministry where several of our members have committed to pray for the individual needs of our brothers and sisters in-Christ. If you would like prayer, please send your prayer request to Judy Byrne at where your prayer requests will be kept confidential.

PLEASE CHECK your church mailbox.

From Pastor Mandile…

LCMS STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY March 5 – Lent 2 (Reminiscere)

Matthew 15:27 – “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” These are the words of faith, for faith means receiving what God gives. And God has given us so much more than just the crumbs that fall from the table — He has given us life, salvation, body and soul, eyes and ears, possessions and income. That’s where our stewardship starts: with faith in the God who is the greatest Giver.

Notices for February 26, 2023

HANDS OF GRACE is in need of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant (men and women), toothpaste and coffee.  Thank you.

DO YOU LIKE SOUP?  The Ladies Aid will be selling delicious, homemade 16 oz. containers of soup for $8.00.  Starting on March 5th, we will be taking preorders for soup to be picked up after services on Sunday, March 19thQuantities of soup are limited so please place your order early before soup is sold out.  If you have any questions, Marge Veronesi or Emily Poudin are happy to help.

A BIRD TALK on The Secret Life of Crows will be given by Fred Lowman on SATURDAY, MARCH 11th at 2 p.m. in the Lower Fellowship Room! Desserts provided.  This would be a great outreach opportunity to invite friends and neighbors! 

Windows of Joy Single Women’s Group will meet Saturday, March 4th at 2pm. Following a devotion, we will play Board games!  Bring your favorite board game along with you if you’d like!  Please call or text Linda Pekrul at (860) 505-9005 if you are planning to attend. 

ALTAR GUILD is in need of volunteers to set up for Holy Communion.  Training is provided!  Please contact Cynthia Boyle for more information. 

LENTEN MID-WEEK DINNERS begin WEDNESDAY MARCH 1ST at 6 PM.  The dinners will begin the week after Ash Wednesday which is on February 22nd.   Bring something to share if you can; if you can’t it is so OK, please come anyways!  Please come and enjoy Christian fellowship and a light meal together during this very special season of Lent. 

DAUGHTERS OF FAITH will meet today from 2:00 – 3:30pm at the home of Ken and Judy Byrne. We will be studying the Samaritan Woman – Finding the Water of Life. Please let Judy know if you will be coming or not. Thank you.

FESTIVAL CHOIR has begun practicing for holy Week and the Easter.  Practice will be held from 9:20 – 9:40am.  Please join us!  See Ruth Yeadon for more information.

IN NEED OF PRAYER?  St. Paul’s has an active prayer ministry where several of our members have committed to pray for the individual needs of our brothers and sisters in-Christ. If you would like prayer, please send your prayer request to Judy Byrne at where your prayer requests will be kept confidential.

THANK YOU everyone for the cards, text messages, emails and phone calls as I recovery from hip surgery.  Your caring thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.  Allison

From Pastor Mandile…

LCMS STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY Matthew 4:7 – “Jesus said to him, ‘Again it is written…’” Jesus defeats Satan in our place, not by using His power as God, but by His perfect obedience in His perfect humanity. Jesus defeats Satan not by miracles, but by quoting the Scriptures and living according to them. This should cause us great joy for two reasons. First, we see Jesus win the victory for us. Second, here Jesus shows us how to stand in that victory: on the Word of God alone.